Opal in the 1950s

A 1950s fashion paper doll in period underwear with three pairs of shoes. She can wear any of the Jewels and Gemstones paper doll clothing including the 1950s outfits.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
I love 1950’s fashion. So, clearly I wanted to make a 1950s fashion paper doll. I think it is one of the most beautiful eras of women’s clothing and probably that’s because I have a very 1950s figure myself. I tend to look good in 1950s dresses. Besides that, I think it’s sort of the last era where there’s really an idea of dressing for an occasion. There’s very clear lines in what is “casual” and what is “formal” and where things can be worn.

While I very much don’t want to live in the 1950s (I like that I can’t be fired from my job for getting pregnant), I really do love the idea of having outfits for different activities. Maybe it’s because I never feel like I know what to wear to anything and would love it if it was more clear cut.

I chose Opal for the model, in part because I never saw non-white historical paper dolls as a child and I try to be more diverse, especially in my historical paper doll creations.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Okay, let’s start with shoes, because I love shoes. The sources for these shoes were all from the Met except one pair. So, these shoes, these ones and these ones all come from there. The middle pair is the outlier and it comes from LACMA and these are the source image.

Now, let’s talk underwear. Our 1950s fashion paper doll, Opal, is wearing a girdle and strapless bra combination. In order to make sure she could share clothing with Sapphire from the 1950s, I matched the shapes of their underwear. Opal’s girdle is based on this 1950’s American one and her brassier is based on this 1950s French model, both from The Met.

Opal’s hair is a nod to Ava Gardner’s short hair style (she had a few) which you can see here and here. I’ll confess I don’t think it came out quite as I’d hoped it would.

Specific Source Images:There’s a lot here, so here we go- this girdle, this brassier, these shoes, these shoes, these shoes, these shoes and this hair.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More 1950s Fashion for Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: Claricia Psalter from the Late 12th Century

Last Thoughts
I wanted to collect up all the 1950s paper doll dresses I’ve created for the blog and put them together, so you can easily grab some clothing for poor Opal here whose just in her undergarments. If you’re a 2 dollar and up Patron, there’s two more- a suit and a day dress both from the 1950s.

1950s Fashion Paper Dolls for the Jewels & Gemstones

Do you like the 1950s? Let me know in a comment. It is one of my favorite eras. Do you have a favorite decade for 20th century fashion?

Pearl Celebrating Punk Fashion

A curvy brown skinned punk paper doll with purple hair in pig tails and a black dress with platform heels. Free to print in color or black and white.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
My one of my best friends in high school wore punk and gothic clothing. I really admired her style and I still do. She was a very wonderful person.

Anyway, I knew I wanted to draw some punk fashions for the Jewels and Gemstones and I decided that Pearl would be a fun model for this punk mini-dress. I wanted to focus on accessories for this set- so the boots and belts.

For my 2 dollar and up patrons, you can mix and match this paper doll with my Punk Style post from September.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
I wanted to do punk, but maybe punk that could pass as a cocktail dress. Punk on a date night, I suppose. Also I really wanted to include fishnet tights and that’s best with a doll, because no one wants to cut around the thin lines of fishnet tights. Actually I’m not 100% anyone could cut around the thin lines on those fishnet tights.

Specific Source Images: These pants, though I know this paper doll doesn’t have on pants

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More 13 Punk Paper Dolls Over the Years
Around the Internet: My punk fashion Pinterest board is where I collection punk fashion inspiration images

Last Thoughts
I’ve drawn a lot of paper dolls over the years. Some of them are complicated and some of them are simple. I’m sure there are things I’ve never drawn, though the longer I am at this the fewwer of those there seem to be. Still, I like drawing punk clothing, just like I enjoy drawing Lolita and Gothic clothing.

I don’t return to it quite as often as I do some of my other genres, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it.

My Patreon supporters are getting an extra paper doll on Friday, as usual. Consider joining it’s a great way to support the blog and you get more paper doll goodness each week.

Diamond as Frankenstein’s Monster: A Halloween Paper Doll

A fantastic printable Halloween paper doll featuring Frankestein's Monster and a stylin' lab coat.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
When I was making my list of Halloween monsters to draw as paper dolls, I really wanted to do some I’d never done before and I’ve never done a Frankenstein’s Monster paper doll before. And what says Halloween paper doll more than that?

I chose Diamond as the model for today’s paper doll. I am pretty happy with how she came out, though part of me thinks her hair looks a little too much like a skunk, but maybe that’s just me.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
The original novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, though it is set in the 18th century. I sort of abandoned that source material pretty quickly and went more to the Herman Munster direction pretty quickly. I considered for about 15 minutes the idea of drawing historical clothing for today’s paper doll, but decided I really wasn’t that excited to draw 1818 or 1700s dresses.

Her “dress” was meant to look a little like a lab coat. One thing you might notice with all of my Halloween paper doll creations is a lack of source images. The truth is that part of the fun of this time of the year, is that I don’t do research. I just sort of draw and see what happens.

Specific Source Images: Nothing specific this time I can point to.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Halloween Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: More than you ever wanted to know about the Munsters!

Last Thoughts
When I was a kid, the Munsters played in Nick at Nite and it was one of my favorite shows. I don’t really recall much of the plots, but even then I had a fondness for supernatural plots. Something which later lead to my love of Buffy and continued affection for those sorts of TV shows and books.

Big thank you to all my Patreon supporters. With out you, the blog wouldn’t be around, so you’re all the best!

Also, I love this comic about Frankenstein.

A Mermaid Costume

A printable mermaid costume for the Jewels and Gemstones paper doll series. Can be printed in color or black and white.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
I wanted to create a mermaid outfit that was a costume, not an actual mermaid. Usually when I draw mermaids, they are mermaids, not people dressing up like mermaids.

So, yeah, that’s a thing I think about sometimes.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
I wanted to think in terms of what would a dress for a mermaid costume look like. I thought about as mermaid shaped dress, of course, and then I remembered Liana’s beautiful mermaid paper dolls and that was one of my big inspirations to draw a mermaid at all.

Specific Source Images: This Mermaid Costume from Liana’s Paper Doll Blog

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Halloween Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: Liana’s Paper Doll Blog is why this site exists. It hasn’t been updated in years, but the paper dolls are beautiful and the writing very funny. Check it out when you have a chance.

Last Thoughts
Tomorrow, my Patreon supporters who have signed up at a 2 dollar a month and more category, will get a super cute little Devil paper doll. She’s darling, if I do say so myself.

Also, I finally live in a place where there are kids! I’m super exciting to get to maybe actually have trick or treaters this year.

A Ghostly Paper Doll!

A ghost paper doll with long blue hair, pale blue skin and bloody feet. Free to print and cut out an play with.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
When I was brainstorming what I wanted to draw for Halloween, I worked out a list of themes for the Jewels and Gemstones dolls. I wanted to do a series of sort of cute monsters that were still a bit wicked. I settled on a ghost paper doll, a devil paper doll (for my patrons) and a Frankenstein’s monster paper doll for my set of three.

I’m super happy to be sharing the first- my blood footed ghost here.

I thought about designing all new faces for these dolls, since Pearl can’t really share shoes with the rest of the Pearl paper dolls, but I decided against it. Mostly, because I have such a nice range of Gemstone dolls, I didn’t really want to draw more faces just for the sake of it. I confess I was being a little lazy. No shame.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Her dress is a nod to the Chemise A La Reine of the 18th century. Here’s another one I’ve drawn and here’s one in the real world.

Her feet are a nod to murder.

Specific Source Images: Nothing this time.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & my other Ghost paper doll
Around the Internet: White Ladies and Some fun Victorian Ghost Stories

Last Thoughts
I love a good (and by good I mean creepy) ghost story. I just love them. I don’t know why they appeal so strongly, but they do. I hate horror movies, but I love ghost stories and therefore will watch a few IF they are previewed by my horror loving best friend and IF I can watch them at noon with the lights on and IF I can read a summary ahead of time, so I’m not too scared. The Others is a great ghost horror film I super enjoyed.

Tomorrow for most of my Patreon supporters there will be an additional paper doll outfit for the Jewels and Gemstones.

By the way, I really went back and forth about the toenails on this paper doll. I wasn’t sure if I should erase them. I couldn’t decide. Am I weird in that I really think toenails belong on ghosts?

Hip Hop Dance Clothing for the Paper Dolls

Printable paper doll clothing including a pair of leggings, cropped top and sportsbra halter top. Also, high topped sneakers.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
In a continuing theme of Rachel draws paper doll outfits based on topics of which she knows very little, I am pleased to share my latest dance creation. I made a big list of dance styles and one I knew I wanted to draw was hip-hop dance.

I also rapidly discovered I don’t know much about dance. However, I did my research (as much as Googling- Hip-Hop Dance counts as research) and went from there.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Anyway, here’s my attempt at a hip-hop dance outfit based on styles from Discount Dance, a dance supply store. Also, I know stage makeup is a thing, but children photographed in stage makeup look… surreal. Under bright lights, the makeup makes sense. In the regular world, it’s kinda creepy.

Specific Source Images: These costumes and these costumes from two dance supply stores.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More from the Ballet and Dancing collection
Around the Internet: Interesting articles on Amanda LaCount a plus-sized hip-hop dancer & Pretty Big Movement a plus-sized hip-hop dancing troupe

Last Thoughts
By the way, my Patreon supporters get extra paper dolls every Friday. So, consider subscribing if you’d like to help support the blog.

Friday there will be a round up of paper dolls I’ve created in Regency dress. I am running a little low on round up ideas, so anyone have something they’d love to see? Let me know in the comments.

Topaz in the 1100s Undergarments and Shoes

A 12th century fashion paper doll with shoes, wigs and historical underwear.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
I am super excited about this collection of paper dolls. I love costume history. Sometimes, I feel like despite my love of the topic (or perhaps because of it), I get a little paralyzed feeling like I have to do so much research before I can create something and worrying about the quality of my sources. This worries me less in eras I am confident in, such as the 19th and 20th century, and worries me more in eras I am not confident about.

But then I won’t learn or get better if I don’t practice drawing these periods, so I think it is okay to not be perfect. Even more importantly, I think you have to start with in perfection or you never move forward.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Like last week’s Lapis, this week’s Topaz is wearing a shift based one illustrated in Roman de Giron le Courtois on Folio 87v. The manuscript dates from between 1370-1380. Illustrations of women in just shifts are exceedingly rare, so even though this is 200 years after the 1100s, I am still using it. I made my version shorter and tighter than the originals probably were to facilitate the paper doll layering clothing over the shift. Paper dolls have to layer.

Additionally, Topaz’s shoes all come from Stepping Through Time by Olaf Goubitz, a book on archeological footwear finds. It’s fascinating, but very densely written work. Women’s Hats, Headdresses and Hairstyles: With 453 Illustrations, Medieval to Modern by Georgine de Courtais was the book I used for her hair and headdress, along with this statue, Enthroned Virgin and Child, from The Met.

Specific Source Images: Roman de Giron le Courtois Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. NAF 5243 (f.87v) &  Enthroned Virgin and Child ca. 1130–1140, The Met, Accession Number:47.101.15.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More from the Ballet and Dancing collection
Around the Internet: Claricia Psalter from the Late 12th Century

Last Thoughts
I’d like to give a shout out to my Patreon supporters, because without you all, the blog wouldn’t happen.

Additionally, later this week there will be a gown from the 12th century (aka the 1100s) and I am excited to share that though I am also nervous about how little I know about this era. However, this is how I learn, so there you go!

Lapis in the 1200s

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
There are time periods where I feel like I know a fair amount and then there are time periods of fashion history where I feel (and I am) quite ignorant. The 1200s are one of those time periods. It’s not an era I have a great deal of natural interest in (sorry 1200s) and I don’t really feel like devoting the long hours of research to it. Also, I think the headdresses look funny.

So, all of that is to say that I noticed the basically the only different from the 1100s through the 1300s was headdresses and the undergarments all stayed pretty much the same. There are some documented differences in the 1400s, but I’ll get into that when I get around to drawing it. The result of this discovery was excitement when I realized I could draw the same shift and basically have a period underwear wearing paper doll for a 300 year time period.

This was very exciting. (Listen, I know this wouldn’t be exciting to normal people, but I make my own fun.)

So, this is the first of a series of paper dolls from the 1100s, 1200s and 1300s.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Lapis is wearing a shift based one illustrated in Roman de Giron le Courtois on Folio 87v. The manuscript dates from between 1370-1380. Yes, I realize that’s like 100 years later than this paper doll, but here’s the thing- illustrations of women in just shifts are exceedingly rare, so I am going to take what I can get. A few differences in my rendition are that the length is a little shorter and the style is quite fitted. Both of these changes were done to facilitate the paper doll layering clothing over the shift.

Her headdresses are in the style of the barbette and fillet. The barbette is the piece that goes under the chin and the fillet is the pillbox hat looking piece that wraps around the head. One point I couldn’t quite sort out was whether the fillet was open or closed at the top. This manuscript illustration looks closed while this manuscript illustration it could go either way. These ones look closed while this one is definitely open.

In the end, I went with Women’s Hats, Headdresses and Hairstyles: With 453 Illustrations, Medieval to Modern by Georgine de Courtais where fig 13 on shows it closed and that was my decision. I maybe totally wrong. The book was originally published in 1986, which while not super current, is current enough for me to feel fairly confident in it. Unlike, for example, books on historical costume first published in the 19th century when I have serious doubts about the quality of the scholarship.

The designs for her shoes come from Stepping Through Time by Olaf Goubitz, an excellent, in exceedingly dry, book on historical footwear.

Specific Source Images: Roman de Giron le Courtois Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. NAF 5243 (f.87v), Lausanne Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, U 964 (f.93v),  The Old Testament The Pierpoint Morgan Library, MS M.638 (f.33v) & Decretals by Gregory IX, with the apparatus of Bernard of Parma, University of Oxford, Bodleian Library,  MS. Lat. th. b. 4 (f.168r)

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls
Around the Internet: Illumanu (a tumblr devoted to manuscript illustrations of clothing & dress) & a beautiful reproduction outfit here

Last Thoughts
I’m tossing this out to the audience today, because there’s a high chance someone out there knows way more about 1200s clothing than I do. That would not be hard. Was the fillet open on the top or closed? Because I can’t seem to get a clear answer on that one. Thoughts? (And if you tell me your sources on why you think one or the other, I would be eternally grateful.)

Over on Patreon, there’s an extra paper doll outfit every Friday, plus previews of what I’m working on and polls and things. Check it out!

Ninjas, Can be Lavender, too? Right?

Paper doll ninjas design with armor and weapons.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
Let me start by saying that I don’t really believe in “artist’s block,” because I think the way you get over such things is by actually drawing. I will confess that sometimes when I am stumped on what to draw, I end up looking at my Master Paper Doll Index and picking out a theme I haven’t done yet for the Jewels and Gemstones.

The four I know I need to work on include gothic, punk, astronauts, and ninjas.

Well, gothic, punk and astronauts will have to wait. Today, I decided to explore ninjas.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
One of the perks of having drawn a lot of paper dolls is that sometimes I go back to my own older work for inspiration, but I also wanted to look at other things as well. One thing I knew I didn’t want to do was an all black ninja outfit. Seriously, coloring things in all back is kinda boring. This is likely why I haven’t done that gothic set yet, now that I mention it.

Specific Source Images: This Illustration and This Image from Pinterest & This Ninja design from Last Year

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Ninja Stuff
Around the Internet: Some info on actual Ninjas

Last Thoughts
Mostly, I base my ninjas outfits on wrap designs, but I wanted to draw a qipao inspired piece instead. Maybe I should have said that up under my inspiration…

Joining on Patreon means getting extra paper doll content and now is a great time to join, because I just posted the August rewards.

Denim & A Bloom- Paper Doll Jeans!

A set of paper doll clothing with a pair of jeans, a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt with a floral design on it.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
So, I think of these paper doll posts in two ways. On one hand, each posts needs to be complete in and of itself. Like, I try not to just post a random pair of boots and nothing else, you know? On the flip side, I also think of them as all being part of the Jewels and Gemstones series and therefore part of a large art piece. So, they are not individual creations and bits of a bigger creation.

As a result, I was realizing I didn’t really have a lot of like basics for the Jewels and Gemstones. I’ve only done one pair of jeans so far. That seemed like a hole I should fill.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
I feel like someone asked for shorts and a t-shirt, but I also wanted to just draw some basics. Jeans and a shirt and shorts. They can be mixed and matched with all the other Jewels and Gemstones contemporary clothing.

Specific Source Images: This one was a big influence on my Firebird design.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: The One Other Pair of Jeans & More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls
Around the Internet: Hmmm… I had no idea what to link here, so let’s just move on!

Last Thoughts
I’ve noticed there’s a lot of really unexpected color schemes in floral patterns these days, so I wanted to match that when I picked out colors for today’s set. I really didn’t want to make it a pink flower, though that was my first instinct.

If you’d like an extra paper doll outfit every week, join us on Patreon. It’s super fun.

Agent Moonlight: Superhero!

A superhero costume for the printable paper doll collection Jewels and Gemstones from paperthinpersonas.com. Printable in color or as a coloring page.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
Occasionally, I just sort of decide that I want to draw something random and then I do so. I know, maybe not the most exciting rational, but I have come to peace with it. I was doodling some super hero outfits and this was one of them.

I am grateful for this Superhero Name Generator, because I hate naming and titling posts.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Um… It’s a superhero outfit? I dunno. I grew up watching the X-Men Cartoon, so I still tend to like my superheros in wacky costumes made from spandex.

Specific Source Images: Nothing really this time.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Superheros
Around the Internet: The X-Men Cartoon on Wikipedia

Last Thoughts
First off, I’d like to give a shout out to my Patreon supporters, because they really do make the blog happen and I am super-duper grateful.

So, I have this robot vacuum now and I have a cat. The combination is fascinating. The cat varies between being totally calm and okay with the vacuum to deciding it is a strange invader that must be followed around the house with suspicion. She hasn’t actually attacked it yet which is for the best, I think.

The irony to me drawing superhero costumes is that I really am not into superhero comics. On the other hand, I draw a lot of things I’m not super into myself. I do enjoy the wacky color schemes and color blocking. That’s fun!

Topaz: Casual Shoes

A printable paper doll with tan skin, short curly hair and three pairs of sandals. She can wear any of the Jewels and Gemstones paper doll clothing.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
Every-time I introduce a new Jewels and Gemstones paper doll. I try to makes sure I do a “shoe set” for her, so she has lot of shoes to wear with the different outfits I create for the paper dolls. Shoes aren’t as mix and match able, because skin-tone is often visible.

This doesn’t matter with black and white paper dolls, of course, because you can color their skin any way you like. But while I do offer coloring page versions of the Jewels and Gemstones, the paper dolls are, in my head at least, very much a color collection.

I was never a big colorer as a kid and so I think I tend to prefer paper dolls in color, though there are some artists whose black and white work is really beautiful and doesn’t need to be colored.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Her hair was inspired by a hairstyle magazine I picked up. I love hair style magazines for ideas. Anyway, it reminded me of a sort of modern take on a 1930s wave.

Specific Source Images: One of my many hairstyle magazines.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & the other Topaz paper doll
Around the Internet: I do keep a Hair! Pinterest Board 

Last Thoughts
Quick shout out to myPatrons– thank you all for your amazing support.

I’ve been watching absurd amounts of the Great British Baking show and I find that I now really want to learn to make a jelly-roll cake, which probably isn’t something I really want to do, but watching other people make them is intriguing. Actually, the one thing I would love to learn to make are French macaroons.

I do sometimes think the thing that keeps me from eating French macaroons all the time is that I don’t know how to make them. Maybe I should keep it that way.