Punk Paper Doll Clothing for the B Pose Paper Dolls

Even paper dolls want to rebel sometimes! Here's a set of printable paper doll clothing inspired by Punk fashion with cut off shorts, boots, a skirt, biker jacket over a tank and an arm warmer. Designed for the B Pose printable paper dolls.

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A secret fact about me a lot of people don’t know is how much I love classic 1970s punk. I’m talking classic stuff- The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Clash and Blondie (though their exact genre is a subject of debate). Anyway, this is the fact people rarely guess about me.

I suppose I just don’t seem like a punk rock fan.

Needless to say, I am. So, I knew I wanted to draw some punk paper doll clothing for the Dames and Dandies. One of the interesting things about Punk is that I really do believe it is a fashion movement that is tied to a place and time. 1970’s classic punk fashion is as unreproducible in the 21st century as 1890s fashion is.

Women in heavy eyeliner, torn clothing and bondage accessories just doesn’t carry the same punch as it did almost 50 years ago. 

So, I don’t think this set of punk paper doll clothing is really 1970s punk (or I would have put it in the historical category). Rather this is some contemporary clothing with a nod to those styles. The truth is that the clothing worn by Punks was startling at the time. Today, I don’t think it has the same impact, as mentioned above. 

The cropped biker jacket, torn tank and zipper skirt were all fun to draw. I really fell in love with both the skirt and the boots which you can see on my Punk Fashion Pinterst board.

My cousin Keri wore punk clothing and I remember I always admired her guts. I never had the guts to wear much that wasn’t mainstream. I thought of her a lot while I was drawing this set. 

So, am I the only punk music fan out there? Are there other folks who enjoy it as well? Let me know in the comments. 

P.S. I wrote this whole post while listening to Ramones songs. Just FYI. 

Need  a doll for today’s clothing? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing

Expressing My Love of Punk Music Through Paper Dolls, Like You Do

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:1970s Punk Music, plus this picture, this picture and this picture
A black and white paper doll outfit coloring page. The outfit is inspired by 1970s punk and consists of a leather biker jacket, torn shirt and mini-skirt. The paper doll's wig is styled into a mohawk. The shoes are a leather knee high boots.
Here’s a fact most people don’t know about me. I love 1970s classic punk music.

It is not at all uncommon to hear me singing along loudly to the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, the Clash or Blondie while driving in my car. So, when July’s theme- Musical Genre rolled around, I knew from the get go that I was drawing a classic punk outfit for the Collaborative Paper Doll Project that myself, Boots, Miss. Missy and Julie have taken on.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t settle on punk at first. At first, I thought I would do jazz with a 1920s get up, or maybe country music (another love) with a banjo and a cowboy hat. But as I sat in my living room listening to the Ramones, I realized that I really should embrace one of my first and strongest musical loves. So, Punk it was.

(In case you are wondering, here’s a link to my favorite Ramones’ song.)

Once I settled on punk, I also knew I wasn’t going to do contempoary punk fashion or the punk fashion of my own adolsence. I wanted to draw a 1970s punk outfit.

That meant drawing what might be my first biker jacket, heavy duty boots and a mowhawk. I added buttons to the jacket and lots of spikes. The tiny mini-skirt and torn up shirt seemed to fit the aesthetic.

There’s lots of pictures of Punk attire on my Punk Fashion pinterest board, but this picture, this picture and this picture, all from the 1970s, inspired today’s punk look.

This month’s Paper Doll Collaboration theme was “Musical Styles” and obviously, I chose punk. Head over to Paper Doll School, Popculture Looking Land and Miss. Missy’s Paper Dolls to see what other folks are creating.

Need a doll to wear this stylish outfit? Grab the Doll here. 

Some Post-Apocalyptic Paper Doll Fashions for the Sprites

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Mad Max: Fury Road and Post-Apocalyptic Fashions from my Pinterest Board

A set of post-apocalyptic fashions for paper doll inspired by all things end of the world. Designed to fit the Sprites paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

A set of summer paper doll clothing for boy and girl paper dolls in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com. Jeans, t-shirt, shorts and a tank top are all included.

Some of you may recall that I posted a pair of post apocalyptic Sprites a few weeks ago- Willow and Shirou. Around the same time I drew them, which was around the same time I rewatched Mad Max: Fury Road, I ended up drawing this set of clothing as well. I decided to wait a little while to post it, because really, how much post-apocalyptic fashion is too much?

There may not be a good answer to that question, I confess.

While I do enjoy the post apocalyptic stuff, I find the color schemes are often intensely limited. Things tend to be army green, camo colors and khaki. For this set, I really wanted to embrace the colors of the desert, so I chose a light teal, purple-brown and a oxblood red. The teal reminded me of succulents and the purple-brown of rocks.

Along wit Mad Max: Fury Road, which inspired a round of sketching for post-apocalyptic paper doll attire, I also used my own Post-Apocalyptic pinterest board for inspiration.

While I have doubts about the practicality of most of this clothing, I think we all can agree that practicality is never the hallmark of  my paper doll creations.

As always, let me know what  you think in a comment and have a great day!

Looking for some Sprite paper dolls to wear these outfits? Pick out Sprite paper dolls here.

Shirou At the End of the World

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{More Sprites Paper Dolls}

Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Post Apocalyptic Fashions and Such 

A post-apocalyptic printable paper doll guy with boots, pants and a shirt, plus tattoos and a canteen. One of hundreds of paper doll designs from paperthinperosnas.com.

A post-apocalyptic printable paper doll guy with boots, pants and a shirt, plus tattoos and a canteen. One of hundreds of paper doll coloring pages from paperthinperosnas.com.

One of the things I knew I wanted to do after adding Shirou and Teresa to the Sprites series was make sure that there were a few different versions of them for people to chose from, so this is the second Shirou paper doll.

It’s a much more rough and tumble option than his rather properly dressed counterpart from April, but that was part of the point. Variety is, after all, the spice of life. I did try out some wilder hair colors, but in the end I really liked the black hair with the black facial tattoo.

After all, it is critical to match your hair to your facial tattoo, don’t you know?

Meanwhile, his outfits are actually in some of the same shades as Willow’s outfits from yesterday. I wanted them to coordinate without being too matchy-matchy.

My favorite of today’s paper doll tattoos is the lace design around his ankle. To really see it, you’ll probably want to look at the larger version.

What do you think of today’s Sprite paper doll? Let me know in a comment. I always love to hear from you all.

Looking for something else for today’s Sprite paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here.

Meet Min-Seo: A New Asian Friend of Marisole Monday

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{More Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Dolls}

Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Punk Fashions, Blue Hair, and Crazy BootsA punk fashion paper doll with blue hair and black nail polish. From paperthinpersonas.com.

Punk paper doll

Happy 2017! I am starting off the year with by introducing a new friend to the Marisole Monday & Friend’s series. I am so pleased to introduce Min-Seo who was named by my patrons on Patreon, though Mariko and Malai were runners-up when I asked them to vote. (You can join Patreon here.)

Min-Seo is a Korean name. The meaning changes depending on the characters used to spell it. It’s also the name of Kim Min-Seo, a Korean drama actress. Korean names, like Chinese names, use the family name first and then the personal name.

Anyway, I sketched out this face a few months ago, but I wanted to wait to introduce her until it was the new year. So, this whole week is Min-Seo paper dolls and outfits. I figure that way she can catch up a bit with the other ladies of the Marisole Monday & Friends crowd.

The first Min-Seo paper doll is a punk fashion girl rocking some blue hair, black nail polish and a pair of amazing boots. Seriously, I want those boots.

I don’t know where I would wear them, but I want them.

So, what do you think of the first Min-Seo paper doll? Let me know in a comment.

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Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Ladies Clothing Here.

Mikhail at the After End of the World…. A guy paper doll

logo-post-apoc-bw Today my guy paper dolls are  getting all post-apocalyptic in their Mad-Maxian attire. Well, really just one has Mad Max inspired clothing, but Mikhail can share with his friends. (Okay, friend… There’s just Marcus 2.0 right now.)

So, I owe a big thank you to Kitrona who back in my suits set for the guys where I was busy complaining about how I never know what to draw for male paper dolls, she suggested post-apocalyptic.

Duly inspired, I sketched out this set a few weeks ago. It came together fast, mostly because I was out of Marisole Monday & Friend’s backlog with my last post and I desperately needed to get it done or I would have had nothing to post this morning.

And that would have been sad.

Mikhail, a guy paper doll, sporting some post-apocalyptic fashions. Free to print and color from paperthinpersonas.com.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for More Marisole Monday & Friends Printable Paper Dolls}

Today, the guy paper doll is Mikhail. this only the second Mikhail set. Perviously, he was a knight. Here’s a guide to all the Marisole Monday & Friend’s paper dolls. I know sometimes people have trouble sorting out that series and I totally get it. I mean, I live with them, y’all just have them come visit.

I really should give Mikhail some more normal clothing- for when he’s not struggling to survive the end of the world and/0r fighting dragons, but I find modern guys clothing so boring.

Yeah, I’ve complained about that before. I know.

Last, but not least, I always love to read comments, so please feel free to let me know what you think of today’s guy paper doll.

Flock Punk Noir… Noir Punk… Diesel Punk… Whatever

logo-flock-noir-wrenBack in the early days of the interweb when I built my first, and perhaps best forgotten, paper doll site, images were generally small. They look a long time to load and things like Pinterest didn’t exist- neither did really any Social Media.

In those days images were best kept small, but today we can get away with much larger images and I like large images. They are pretty. One of the things I have been doing is working on reformating a lot of the images on the blog to be larger and easier to see.

This is a very long way of saying that today’s Flock magnetic paper doll post is in a different format then my other Flock posts. Let me know what you think in a comment…

Meanwhile, I am dabbling again with Noir Punk, or as I think most know it, Diesel Punk. Personally, I like my name better. Basically, it’s vintage styled clothing of the 1930s and 1940s combined with a punk aesthetic.

{Click Here for Download the PDF for Printing} {Click here for the Rest of the Flock Magnetic Paper Dolls}
I do not offer a link to the PNG to print for my magnetic paper dolls, because you shouldn’t print them from the PNG. The PDF allows the image to be properly sized to the page and therefore to the dolls.

Anyway, here is Wren, named for a bird, showing off her shoes and hats. I really do like the hats and I think they are fun for the Flock magnetic paper dolls. Magnetic paper dolls are fun.

{Click Here for Download the PDF for Printing} {Click here for the Rest of the Flock Magnetic Paper Dolls}
Wren is here with some retro clothes and corsets, because that’s what everyone needs. I love the boots, personally. Next week, there will be another set of these with Wren showing off page two of these outfits.

I’ve dabbled in this style before and you can see that Starling set of Punk Noir if you like. I’m not sure how I feel about the colors on this set, but for the moment, I like them.

Thoughts? Ideas? Drop me a note in the comments.

A Futuristic Cyberpunk Paper Doll Named Ololara

logo-ololara-cyberBy my nature, I tend to be a private person, particularly online. It’s not that I’m irrationally scared of stalkers (rationally scared of stalkers maybe…), but I do feel that it’s important not to post anything on a blog that you wouldn’t want your boss/mother/random stranger to read. So, I tend towards the general rather than the specific. It’s a habit I urge anyone who wants to do this for a while to get into.

Remember, the internet has a LONG memory.

Never the less, I’ve already admitted to playing Shadowrun, an table top RPG with some cyberpunk overtones, so I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that when I’m doing a fair bit of that than cyberpunk paper dolls tend to emerge. I guess in the grand scheme of things, admitting to pretending to be in a dystopian future on Sunday nights isn’t really that embarrassing of a confession.

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Ololara was chosen as the paper doll’s name, because I liked how it sounded. I don’t really know much about the name, to be frank. The websites I found it on said it was “African”, but that’s about as specific as saying, “Asian” and ignoring the fact that Africa is a continent, not a language. It maybe entirely invented by the internet, but I thought it was a pretty name anyway.

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So, I wanted to go with a black and white based color scheme for this paper doll set with only a few other accent colors. Bright green is I think a cheerful choice and the blue seemed a nice counter balance. I had some red in the set at the beginning, but I ended up cutting it when I decided that it clashed with my greens and felt a bit harsh.

By the way, I was recently asked by a reader named Amy if there would ever be another Marcus paper doll. The answer is… um… Probably not. Marcus was originally meant to be a companion to Marisole, but actually the proportions are pretty far off for that to happen. I have been very very slowly working on revamping him, but it is taking a LONG TIME. In the meantime, feel free to draw your own male friends for Marisole. Male paper dolls would get more love if I liked drawing men more.

On Future Streets… Paper Doll to Print

logo-marisole-2014-cyberpunk-paper-doll-full-colorSo, last week I was feel very meh about this paper doll set.

Now, I’m rather in love with it.

I have a very on again, off again relationship with my paper dolls sometimes. I mean, if I was dating this blog, I would definitely declare the relationship highly unhealthy. As it is, the Blog is a demanding associate.

Anyway, I have decided on a name for this new “face” of Marisole. I’m calling her Magnolia, after the magnolia trees that aren’t blooming at all in the dead of winter in Alabama, but which are beautiful anyway. She’s stuck in the Other Friends category though until I decide if I like her enough to draw more sets for her.

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I went back and forth and back and forth about Magnolia’s skin tone. I wanted to something darker than my standard Marisole skintone. I’ve posted before about my Skintone Pallette which I use to select skin tones for the blog. Now I was going to go with my darkest color which is #3b2219 which, as you can see, is a very dark brown. The trouble with #3b2219 is that it makes seeing the black lines on the drawing nearly impossible, especially when you print out the paper doll.

So, I lightened the skin-tone to a new shade which is #502e22 which I like a lot better, though it lacks the richness of the darker brown. I want to use #3b2219 more, but I am having trouble with it allowing the line-work to show up. I need to think about how to fix that problem in the future.

One last thing, I finally got the PDF of Seagulls and Seaside In Color fixed. Never let it be said I don’t get things done… eventually. 🙂

Oh and before I forget, I want to wish a happy President’s Day to those celebrating here in the United States.

Delaney… A Little Bit Sweet and a Little Bit Punk

delaney-logoI have to confess that it is getting harder to name these paper dolls. I nearly called this doll Zoe, before I remembered I’ve already done a Zoe (and we won’t talk about the three different Flora paper dolls problem), so I have been trying to come up unique names that I’m certain I haven’t repeated. Hence the Delaney choice.

Delaney’s style is a little punk and a little sweet. I have been noticing more of this look around lately and I thought it was worth exploring. I didn’t draw her really any accessories and I’m kinda regretting that now. I think she needs some… oh well, sometimes that’s how it goes. I’m also thinking I really should have made her lips pink rather than that bright red… anyway, not every paper doll is perfect.


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Since I was feeling a little rockabilly with these pieces, I decided to go with a sort of sweet color scheme of pale blue, pink, light green and white. I wanted to contrast the content of the skull prints against the colors of the outfits. My favorite piece might be her punk combat boots. Everyone needs bright pink combat boots.


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Weather in Alabama has been crazy. It took me eight hours to get home from work on Tuesday afternoon. My work has been closed for two days. There’s snow on the ground and ice and things are insane. Stay warm, dry and safe everyone.

New plus-sized Paper Doll Series Debuts!

logo-candy-cyberpunk-bwHello all! Happy Fourth Night of Hanukkah!

Tonight, I want to debut my replacement for the Dictionary Girls series of full-figured paper dolls which was in turn a replacement for the Curves series. Entitled Bodacious and Buxom (because my love of alliteration is well established), the new plus-sized paper doll series will post in color and in black and white. Body diversity is something I think is important in the paper doll world, but I also get bored easily and tend to switch things up when I do. The Dictionary Girls series had a fun run, but the feet always bugged me.

Right now, the plan is that Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls will go up one day in black and white and then the following day in color. I might change my mind as the new year continues. Doing paper dolls in both versions always takes more time than doing one or the other, but then I worry about connecting the two sheets. It’s a thought process to be sure.

So, today we have the first of the series in black and white and tomorrow, she will appear in color. I’ve gone back to my love of cyberpunk inspired Sci-fi as a theme here. So, our first paper doll appears with a wardrobe of candy colored outfits and thigh high platform boots. I firmly believe everyone should own thigh high platform boots. (I kid. I don’t own thigh-high platform boots, also I think I would fall over a lot if I did.)

A new plus-sized paper doll series debuts today with a black and white cyberpunk set, but don't worry- there's plenty of more themes in the works.

{Download a PDF of this paper doll to Color} {View a 150 dpi PNG of this Paper Doll to Color} {More Bodacious and Buxom Printable Paper Dolls}
As with all the new paper doll series, I am nervous when I debut them. I worry people won’t like them or won’t get why I’m changing things. I know that the Dictionary Girls series had some avid supporters. The truth is that I am fickle creature.

Anyway, the Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls are, I hope, going to be around for a while. Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Punk Girl… A black and white paper doll…

My best friend in middle school and in high school and college was a girl with a distinctly punky style. I admired her guts at wearing vynal pants in our small Alaskan town. This was before the days of days of universal internet shopping (we had Amazon and it pretty much only sold books back then), so the school was pretty sedate in style. (Not from desire, as much as lack of access.) Her style, on the other hand, was loud and bright and adventurous. I’ve always admired her for having the gall to go for it when I didn’t.

Since I wasn’t going to actually wear the clothing I admired so much, I made up for it by drawing paper dolls. This was dates from my college years, back in 2005. I remember planning on doing that brick pattern, by hand, for the entire sheet of clothes and then concluding life was way to short. Unlike a lot of my stuff from college, I’m still pleased with this one, though I see a few flaws that I would correct now, except that I want to keep the integrity of my old art.

{Click Here for a PDF of the Paper Doll} {Click Here for a PNG of the Paper Doll}


{Click Here for a PDF of The Paper Doll’s Stylin’ Clothes} {Click Here for a PNG of The Paper Doll’s Stylin’ Clothes}

I have also, quietly, migrated the Dictionary Girls into retired status. The series hasn’t been updated in six months and I hate to leave it hanging as a “possibility” when I know, secretly, that it’s probably not. I do want to have a full figured paper doll series, I just need to think about how to handle it. Having said that, inspiration might strike and they might return. I just don’t want people to think they update often when, in truth, they don’t.