Diamond as Frankenstein’s Monster: A Halloween Paper Doll

A fantastic printable Halloween paper doll featuring Frankestein's Monster and a stylin' lab coat.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
When I was making my list of Halloween monsters to draw as paper dolls, I really wanted to do some I’d never done before and I’ve never done a Frankenstein’s Monster paper doll before. And what says Halloween paper doll more than that?

I chose Diamond as the model for today’s paper doll. I am pretty happy with how she came out, though part of me thinks her hair looks a little too much like a skunk, but maybe that’s just me.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
The original novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, though it is set in the 18th century. I sort of abandoned that source material pretty quickly and went more to the Herman Munster direction pretty quickly. I considered for about 15 minutes the idea of drawing historical clothing for today’s paper doll, but decided I really wasn’t that excited to draw 1818 or 1700s dresses.

Her “dress” was meant to look a little like a lab coat. One thing you might notice with all of my Halloween paper doll creations is a lack of source images. The truth is that part of the fun of this time of the year, is that I don’t do research. I just sort of draw and see what happens.

Specific Source Images: Nothing specific this time I can point to.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Halloween Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: More than you ever wanted to know about the Munsters!

Last Thoughts
When I was a kid, the Munsters played in Nick at Nite and it was one of my favorite shows. I don’t really recall much of the plots, but even then I had a fondness for supernatural plots. Something which later lead to my love of Buffy and continued affection for those sorts of TV shows and books.

Big thank you to all my Patreon supporters. With out you, the blog wouldn’t be around, so you’re all the best!

Also, I love this comic about Frankenstein.

A Mermaid Costume

A printable mermaid costume for the Jewels and Gemstones paper doll series. Can be printed in color or black and white.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
I wanted to create a mermaid outfit that was a costume, not an actual mermaid. Usually when I draw mermaids, they are mermaids, not people dressing up like mermaids.

So, yeah, that’s a thing I think about sometimes.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
I wanted to think in terms of what would a dress for a mermaid costume look like. I thought about as mermaid shaped dress, of course, and then I remembered Liana’s beautiful mermaid paper dolls and that was one of my big inspirations to draw a mermaid at all.

Specific Source Images: This Mermaid Costume from Liana’s Paper Doll Blog

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Halloween Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: Liana’s Paper Doll Blog is why this site exists. It hasn’t been updated in years, but the paper dolls are beautiful and the writing very funny. Check it out when you have a chance.

Last Thoughts
Tomorrow, my Patreon supporters who have signed up at a 2 dollar a month and more category, will get a super cute little Devil paper doll. She’s darling, if I do say so myself.

Also, I finally live in a place where there are kids! I’m super exciting to get to maybe actually have trick or treaters this year.

A Ghostly Paper Doll!

A ghost paper doll with long blue hair, pale blue skin and bloody feet. Free to print and cut out an play with.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
When I was brainstorming what I wanted to draw for Halloween, I worked out a list of themes for the Jewels and Gemstones dolls. I wanted to do a series of sort of cute monsters that were still a bit wicked. I settled on a ghost paper doll, a devil paper doll (for my patrons) and a Frankenstein’s monster paper doll for my set of three.

I’m super happy to be sharing the first- my blood footed ghost here.

I thought about designing all new faces for these dolls, since Pearl can’t really share shoes with the rest of the Pearl paper dolls, but I decided against it. Mostly, because I have such a nice range of Gemstone dolls, I didn’t really want to draw more faces just for the sake of it. I confess I was being a little lazy. No shame.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Her dress is a nod to the Chemise A La Reine of the 18th century. Here’s another one I’ve drawn and here’s one in the real world.

Her feet are a nod to murder.

Specific Source Images: Nothing this time.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & my other Ghost paper doll
Around the Internet: White Ladies and Some fun Victorian Ghost Stories

Last Thoughts
I love a good (and by good I mean creepy) ghost story. I just love them. I don’t know why they appeal so strongly, but they do. I hate horror movies, but I love ghost stories and therefore will watch a few IF they are previewed by my horror loving best friend and IF I can watch them at noon with the lights on and IF I can read a summary ahead of time, so I’m not too scared. The Others is a great ghost horror film I super enjoyed.

Tomorrow for most of my Patreon supporters there will be an additional paper doll outfit for the Jewels and Gemstones.

By the way, I really went back and forth about the toenails on this paper doll. I wasn’t sure if I should erase them. I couldn’t decide. Am I weird in that I really think toenails belong on ghosts?

Happy Halloween!

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Just in case last Friday’s sheet ghost wasn’t your idea of a best Halloween paper doll ever. I wanted to create something else. So, here we have a bit more Gothic fashion take on the holiday. The only thing that really makes these “Halloween” is the color scheme, so you could recolor the black and white version if you wanted a more traditional Gothic fashion version.

I have been trying to do a paper doll for most holidays with the Dames and Dandies series, because I have such fond memories of my Grandmother sending me paper doll holiday cards when I was a child.

I have a Thanksgiving version planned and I want to do something for Veteran’s Day. I’ve never done a paper doll for that holiday before, but I think a World War 2 ladies uniform would be super fun to draw. (Or a World War I ambulance uniform, those intrigue me too.)

I digress.

So, anyway, the A pose paper dolls here are are getting corsets and long skirts for their Halloween attire.

What are people dressing up as? I confess I’ve never been a big Halloween person. I do like handing out candy, but ever since I moved into an apartment I don’t seem to ever get tricker-treaters.

It makes me kinda sad.

Anyway, it’s probably best I don’t have a big bag of candy in my house anyway. I would end up eating more of it than the kids, I suspect.

If you need a way to pass the time waiting for young ghouls or goblins, why not color or cut out Halloween paper dolls? It keeps up manual dexterity and is a lot of fun. You can see all the blog’s Halloween paper dolls in that tag.

Need a doll to wear today’s paper doll clothing? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing

The October 2018 Paper Doll Collab: Halloween Costume

A ghostly paper doll costume to color for the paper doll collab project 2018.

Black and White Paper Doll PDF Paper Doll Collaboration 2018

October has turned into a rougher month than I expected it to be. I know Eliot argued that April was the cruelest month, but personally I have found this October to be brutal. There have been some upsides (I have been enjoying my Inktober paper doll creation), but I am pretty ready to slide into November, thank you.

So, when it came time for the collaborative paper doll theme of Halloween costume, I had no ideas. I tried. I doodled. I looked around Pinterest. And yet… nothing came. So, in the end, I decided on the simplest, most cop-out Halloween costume I could think of- A sheet ghost!

(All right, I do know this isn’t going down as one of my most inspired paper doll outfits, but not every one can be a fancy gown with lots of ruffles.)

If you want to see more “Halloween costumes” (and probably some that are more… interesting than mine) head over to Paper Doll School and Miss Missy Paper Dolls. I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with this theme.

Need a paper doll to wear these clothes? Grab her and more clothing here.

Happy Halloween with the Paper Doll Collaboration 2017

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:Halloween! Also, Bats and Vampires
A Halloween inspired vampire masquerade paper doll gown to print and color from paperthinpersonas.com.
For all of 2017, Julie of Paper Doll School, Boots of Popculture Looking Land and Miss Missy of Miss. Missy’s Paper Dolls and I have collaborated on a shared paper doll project. Each month we each post a paper doll outfit at the end of the month for a shared theme.

The October theme for the 2017 Paper Doll Collaboration was Vampire Masquerade. I wasn’t sure what exactly a vampire would wear to a masquerade and then I thought, “Of course, they’d go as a vampire. That’s the ultimate camouflage.”

So, I set to work to draw a very cliched gown. There’s even bats on it!

And the dress is stained with blood which she says is fake. She might be lying.

For those of you who haven’t seen all outfits from the Collaborative Paper Doll 2017 Project check them out here.

And when you’ve got a change hit up Julie of Paper Doll School, Boots of Popculture Looking Land and Miss Missy of Miss. Missy’s Paper Dolls. They should be sharing their own versions of this month’s theme.

I can’t wait to see what everyone came up with.

Need the doll to wear this stylish outfit? Grab the Doll here. 

Marisole Monday & Friends Masquerade: Mia as a Loon

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Loons and… well, Loons. That’s actually all I got. 


Of all the dresses I designed for this week, the only one I was really worried people wouldn’t get was this one. Loons are beautiful birds for which I have always had a fondness, but they are hardly as well known as the Raven or the Flamingo. Interestingly enough, the Loon is the state bird of Minnesota, where my mother grew up. As a child, I had a puzzle my grandfather made featuring a loon, so I have fond associations with the birds.

Wig instructions are available if you’re not sure how to attach the back piece here.

If you love the blog, than think about becoming a Patron and supporting it’s continued existence on the interwebs.

Well, now that the week of bird masquerade gowns is wrapped, I am curious which one people liked the most. So, let me know in a comment. Was your favorite the Owl, the Flamingo, the Raven, the Hummingbird or today’s Loon?

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Clothing Here

Marisole Monday & Friends Masquerade: Monica as a Hummingbird

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, Chokers, and Yellow Hibiscus Flowers

A beautiful hummingbird inspired masquerade dress and black paper doll to wear it from paperthinpersonas.com. Also available as a coloring page.

This was the only dress I based on a specific bird subspecies. I knew I wanted to so the Red Throated Hummingbird from the start. Hummingbirds come in so many color combinations, I really felt like I had to pick just one to focus on with this paper doll masquerade gown modeled by the wonderful Monica.

Of course, the choker is red to match the red throat of the hummingbird. The flowers decorating the wig and the gown are yellow hibiscus which are a hummingbird friendly flower. If my Raven masquerade gown was a gothic fantasy, than this gown is much more romantic and soft.

I have some wig instructions if you’re not sure how to make the pocket by pasting on the backing piece. Read them here.

If you like the blog, please think about supporting it on Patreon and/or following it on Twitter-@paperpersonas.

Tomorrow will be the last bird masquerade gown- a gown based on the Loon.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Clothing Here

Marisole Monday & Friends Masquerade: Margot as a Raven

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Ravens, this Gold Corset, and 18th Century Hair Styles

An elegant Raven inspired masquerade costume for a paper doll with matching shoes and a mask and wig.

I love Ravens. I grew up in Southeast Alaska where there are a lot of Ravens. We also had a fair number of Crows, but I hate Crows for being loud and annoying, so I refuse to draw a paper doll gown based on them.

So, this is a Raven Masquerade dress that Margot, of the Marisole Monday & Friends paper doll series, is modeling.

Ravens are some of the smartest birds in the world and they can do fairly complex problem solving. No unsurprisingly, they show up a lot on myth and legend. In Tlingit stories, Raven is trickster who frees the sun, moon and stars. In Norse mythology, the god Odin is depicted as having two ravens serving as his eyes and ears. They are named Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory). In Ancient Greek myths, ravens are associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy.

And of course, there are always the ravens of the Tower of London who, should they ever be removed, would foretell the fall of the Kingdom of England.

So, if you want folklore heavy animals, it doesn’t get much better than the Raven.

This is the most fitted of the gowns. There’s something mysterious about Ravens and I wanted the masquerade gown to capture some of that mystery.

Here are some instructions for the wig, if you’re not sure how it works.

If you like the blog, please think about supporting it on Patreon.

So, I am curious, what is the favorite Masquerade gown so far? Let me know in a comment!

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Clothing Here

Marisole Monday & Friends Masquerade: Marisole as a Flamingo

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Flamingos, 1980’s Prom Dresses, and Spiky Hair Cuts

A paper doll masquerade ballgown based on a flamingo available in black and white or in color from paperthinpersonas.com

There is something really silly looking about flamingos. Still, I love their color and I wanted to do something a little playful for one of the masquerade gowns, and who doesn’t want to dress their paper doll up like a flamingo?

I was trying to research flamingo folklore and I didn’t find much. I did however find a great history of the pink plastic lawn flamingo, should anyone be curious. I also learned, though I haven’t been able to confirm this through a really reputable source, that in Ancient Egypt Flamingos were considered sacred to the sun god, Ra.

The over-skirt of the gown is meant to mirror the fuller body of the flamingo. Originally, I had a very narrow skirt attached to the bottom, but later I altered it to fit in better with the rest of the gowns. Due to the very low neckline and decorate edging, I think the dress will work best with floating tabs, so I positioned two on the page. You may need to add some longer floating tabs for the skirt.

Our printable model for the flamingo costume is Marisole. I thought her light brown skin-tone would be set off really beautifully by the pink gown.

If you’re not sure how the wig works, here are instructions. Also, I would recommend adding some additional tabs to the skirt as needed. It is a very wide skirt.

Read the blog regularly? Than help it continue by supporting it on Patreon.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Clothing Here

Marisole Monday & Friends Masquerade: Meaghan as an Owl

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Owls, Victorian Ballgowns, and Platform Sandals

An owl masquerade dress for Meaghan of the Marisole Monday & Friend's paper doll series. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween always feels like it is a holiday ripe for paper doll activity. It’s all about costumes, after all. So, while I abandoned themes last week, I will be returning to them this week. Each day this week there will be a different Marisole Monday & Friend’s doll and her bird themed masquerade ballgown.

Meaghan is starting us off with an owl themed paper doll masquerade dress which was the first of the dresses that I designed. The sketchbook page of this gown on Instragram went up a few months ago, but it can take a long time for things to be finished. My goal was to capture the idea of an owl without being specific to species, so the buns on her head are supposed to be like the owl’s ears and the layers in the skirt give a sense of wings.

Due to the width of the skirt, I would strongly recommend adding some floating tabs to the back of it. Her wig is designed to work with my usual method of pasting the back to the front and leaving a pocket for the dolls head. Here are the full instructions. I really should do full instructions on floating tabs, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Now, tomorrow there will be a flamingo and after that, I haven’t decided which ballgown will go up next.

If you love the blog, consider supporting it’s continued existence on Patreon.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Clothing Here

A Fairy Paper Doll Costume for Halloween

poppets-logo-fairyFor the next two Friday’s I’ll be giving the Poppet’s some Halloween costumes. Today, we have a fairy and next week, there will be a pirate for these printable paper dolls.

So, when I draw things like fairy paper dolls they fall into one of two categories- “Real Fairies” or “Fairy Costumes.” Sometimes I am creating a printable paper doll of a fantasy creature like a mermaid or a fairy and that is a different idea than creating a Halloween costume of that creature.

So when I created this fairy costume, I was thinking strictly of it as a costume sort of experience, rather than an actual creature. I hope that makes sense.

Despite this the wings are intended to be glued to the back of the paper doll or you could use double sided tape. I realize this means they are non-removable, but over the years I have come to conclude that this is the best way to attach wings. I have tried other methods, but they don’t seem to really work very well. Plus there is nothing stopping you from printing several of the Poppets and having “winged” and “normal” versions. After all, that’s part of the power of printable paper dolls. They can always be re-printed.

poppet-halloween-paper-doll-fairy poppet-halloween-paper-doll-fairy-bw

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Modeling the fairy costume is Petal, one of the Poppet paper dolls. Of course, any of the Poppet dolls can wear the costume.

Halloween is my most consistent paper doll holiday. I’ve done Halloween paper dolls every year starting in 2010. In no real order, they have been a vampire, a costume set, a ghost, another vampire, and a collab between me, Boots, Liana and Toria.

Tomorrow at midnight EST our Paper Doll Round Robin closes. The guidelines are all explained here. Please join us! We’ve had some great contributions so far and we hope for more.