Like I did last year, this year I wanted to celebrate Halloween with some super cute paper dolls. I created these two paper dolls last year, so you can grab them in the new size and the new format. So, settle in for a nice evening with this super cute Halloween paper dolls printable. Also, I am never sure if the word “printable” should be a noun or an adjective. The questions pondered by English majors.
Pearl is a ghost whose gown is based on the chemise a la reine of the 18th century. Diamond is Frankenstein’s monster with a lab-coat mini-dress.

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I am still super proud of how Pearl’s hair came out! I really wanted that whole “blowing in a wind that isn’t there thing.”
Diamond’s hair still kinda reminds me of a skunk, but hopefully in a good way. 🙂

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Honestly, I have no idea how halloween is going to go this year. Normally, we get a lot of kids. My plan is (if lockdown isn’t happening) is to pass out candy wearing a mask and with kitchen tongs so I don’t touch the candy packaging. But who knows? Things are so strange.
Even if we get no kids, we’ve decorated our porch with lights and a pumpkin and a skeleton on the door. My big rule for Halloween decor is nothing too scary. I was an easily scared kid and I don’t want to ever scare anyone.
Meanwhile, there will another Halloween paper dolls printable later this month with totally new designs- a fairy and a bumble bee. Additionally, if you want even more paper dolls, check out Patreon. My 5 dollar folks have been getting masquerade gowns based on ocean creatures for the last few days.