Fantasy Printable Paper Doll: Lady of the Manor Part 2


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I don’t usually think about what sort of stories surround my paper dolls. I rarely draw a paper doll and then think… Hmm… she’s a nice girl with a love of beets who has a long lost sister whose actually a hired gun for the mafia. These just aren’t really the way I work. I know people who do think this way about their work, but I am not one of them.

Except some paper dolls seem like they should have back stories, and the lady is one of them. She is not a princess. She is the lady of the manor. What are her days full of? Is she happy? Is she sad? Is she scheming to poison her husband and run off with a knight? I kinda want a soap opera complex back-story where people have multiple personalities and long lost time traveling children.

Hmmm… I think if there was a paper doll with time traveling children and amnesia and evil twin sisters, I would read it religiously.

Of course, I read most paper doll blogs religiously even if I am bad about commenting, so I guess I’m easy to please.

The Lady of the Manor: Part One


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG to Print} {Click Here for The Rest of this Set}

So, usually I carefully plan out my short run paper dolls. I know how many posts they are going to be. I calculate how much work I’m going to have to do. I do all of these things.

But I scanned this doll at nearly 10pm and it was a rush to get her up tonight, so really I have no idea how many posts she’s going to take up, but I like her and hope you’ll like her too.

Now, it is past my bedtime and tomorrow the library calls with the siren song of homework to do and readings to finish. Man… Graduate school is hard work sometimes.

Fashion Girl: Part 2


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG to Print} {Click Here for The Doll to Dress}

So, I rambled on during the first post for this paper doll about the Pantone color trend books Spring 2010 and Spring 2009, so I will spare you that ramble. As I have said a lot of times, I have some trouble with colors. I think partly because I use the computer to color my dolls online, the colors tend to be hyper saturated and I don’t always like that, so getting to use the Pantone colors was a lot of fun.

Tomorrow, there shall either be steam or snow for Marisole… depending on which one I finish first, I think.

Fashion Girl: Printable Paper Doll Page

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG to Print} {Click Here for More Clothes}
First things first- Happy Purim!

Secondly, here is today’s paper doll. She’s my first “short run” paper doll in full color which is kinda exciting. I was inspired to do her in color thanks to the Pantone color trends prediction. Pantone is a company that, basically, makes inks, paints, plastics… anything which involves color. They are known for being able to reproduce the same color across multiple mediums through a numbered mixing system. This is all rather unimportant, but what is important is that every year they create a color trend prediction based on what they (and designers they talk with) think will be the big colors of the season.

All of the paper dolls clothing’s colors come from the trend reports for Spring 2010 and Spring 2009. In some cases, I did lighten or darken colors slightly to allow for more contrast then was available through the colors as offered. And I do recommend downloading the PDF of this paper doll more then some others, since saving her for the web altered some of her colors.

Seriously, the Pantone website is like heaven for people who love color. And I do love color. I don’t understand it very well, but I think it’s awfully pretty.

Little Pixie Paper Doll- The Final Chapter


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG to Print} {Click Here for The Rest of this Set}

There is a small child who lives next door to me. He has been crying all day. I feel sort of bad for him, but I do wish he would shut up. In other, unrelated notes, here is the last set of the clothing for Pixie. Enjoy.

Added Note 1/15/2010: Because of school work, the blog will be on a short break until next Monday. I will not be replying to comments or checking my site related email until that time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but work and the graduate degree come first. Smiles- Rachel

Little Pixie Printable Paper Doll- The Sequel


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG to Print} {Click Here for The Rest of this Set}

The pixie paper doll is one of my favorites. Her clothing is all inspired by psuedo-Victorian clothing crossed with sort of funky children’s clothing. Yeah, don’t judge me.

So, this weekend has gone really fast. I can’t believe I have work tomorrow. How is it that time goes so quickly? Ahh well, I have some homework to get done before bed. Enjoy the paper doll.

Regency Teddy Bear 2: Printable Coloring Page

A wardrobe of early 1800s dresses for the Regency teddy bear paper doll including a swimming costume and a riding habit, along with several ball gowns. Free to print and color from

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the Regency Teddy Bear to Wear These Outfits}

This teddy bear paper doll is one of the oldest I still think is well drawn. I drew her back when I was an undergrad. I’d been drawing a lot of dark things, so when I started this my roommate said to me: That’s cute. What are you going to do to it? You don’t draw cute things.

Well, I left it as is in order to prove that I darn well could draw cute things. (Truth be told, I had planned on keeping it a simple line drawing.) Though, I must confess, cute has never been one of my personal goals for my paper dolls and I tend to dislike most art which people label as either “cute” or “adorable.” Never the less, I do think it’s important to stretch the sort of paper dolls and doodles I draw and I am always looking for something new- though in some ways teddy bear paper dolls are actually an older trend of mine since I remember draw them as a child. I thought I couldn’t draw people, but drawing bears was much easier.

So, if you want to get a teddy bear paper doll to wear some of these stylish dresses, I posted her on January 10th.

Regency Teddy Bear: Printable Paper Doll Coloring Page


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Page Two of the Regency Teddy Bear Paper Doll}

Yay. It’s a first post and it is a Regency fashion teddy bear paper doll- because everyone needs a teddy bear with Empire era dresses, right? I mean that’s totally normal. (Don’t judge me!)

So, I am very excited to reveal here the mostly finished new version of Paper Thin Personas. Yes, I lost everything, but now is a time for rebuilding and creating new things. (This is me trying to be positive.) There’s still some work to be done and it’s not perfect yet, but it is on it’s way. I’m excited.

(No one else might be, but I totally am.)

So, enjoy the Regency Teddy Bear paper doll.

A more coherent post may come on Monday, but no promises.

Edit: I’ve posted the second page of this paper doll. You can get the teddy bear’s other clothes here.