Mini-Maiden’s Lord of the Rings Inspired Fantasy Gown

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Patron Requests for Lord of the Rings Inspired Fantasy Gowns

A Lord of the Rings dress for the mini-maiden paper doll coloring sets in black and white. Free to print from

Three of my patrons all requested Lord of the Rings style fantasy paper doll content for 2017, so Denise, Chris and Grace, this is for y’all. Now, I will confess that I find Lord of the Rings to be among the most boring books ever written. I know there are circles where this opinion would get me shot, but I can’t help it. There is so much description. I just don’t care about trees that much. Give me The Hobbit an I am a happy camper. I would far rather read it.

Still, the movies are visually stunning. So, that is where my inspiration came from for today’s Lord of the Rings dress. Specifically, I was thinking of Eowyn’s “White Wool” Gown. Personally, I wouldn’t color this white myself. I would go for a rich red or blue.

That’s just me though. Don’t let me stifle anyone’s creative juices.

Anyway, when someone says Lord of the Rings dress, I think of classic high fantasy and for me that means sleeves you could hide a small army in. A very small army, but an army none the less. Maybe a mouse army.

I digress.

As I announced yesterday, I now have an Etsy Store! Just for my blog readers, there is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

Also, the blog has a fairly new facebook page which is pretty neat. I’m using it to show off stuff from the expansive and amazing archives of PTP. Trust me, there’s a lot of material in there.

And, as always, if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron.

Need a Mini-Maiden paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Mini-Maiden Paper Doll Here.

Marisole Monday & Friends Printable Paper Dolls Get Cocktail Dresses

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Fashion Magazines and Cocktail Dresses
A pair of pastel paper doll cocktail dresses with some Victorian inspired lace up booties. Free to print from

A pair of paper doll cocktail dresses with some Victorian inspired lace up booties. Free to print from

I gotta confess this has been a wide ranging week for printable paper doll themes. We’ve gone from Monday aliens to Tuesday Little Bo Peep and now we’ve got some cocktail dresses. Well, it can never be said that I don’t have a lot of variety and diversity in my little paper doll populated corner of the interwebs.

I love fashion magazines. My favorites to draw from are People Style Watch and Instyle. Both of these magazines are pretty easy read and you can see the images of the clothing well. After all, I might not ever buy a 600 dollar blouse, but I like to see it clearly for drawing purposes. I have noticed I draw a lot less modern stuff now that I have the new format. Not really sure why that is, but there you go.

Anyway, this fall there was a whole pastel cocktail dresses for wintertime thing going in the fashion magazines I read. So, I wanted to create a pair of pastel winter paper doll cocktail dresses for holiday parties. Now, I realize it is February and most holiday parties are past, so maybe a Valentine’s Day date night option?

Yeah, I kinda missed the boat on when to post this pair of dresses, but that happens to me on occasion. No shame.

I am curious though. Do people miss modern paper doll clothing? Would you like to see more of that? Let me know in a comment.

I’m also super pleased to announce that there is now a Paper Thin Personas Etsy Store! You might have noticed the addition of the Shop tab at the top of the page a few days ago. I had fantasized about doing some big perfect announcement, but you know what? Done is better than perfect, so I am releasing the store into the wild today.

Just for my blog readers, there is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

Plus, remember that becoming a patron has some great benefits and helps cover the blogs costs each month.

Need a Marisole Monday & Friends Lady Paper Doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick One Out Here

A Little Bo Beep Paper Doll Costume for the Poppets Paper Dolls

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Vintage Little Bo Peep Illustrations Like This and This

A fun Little Bo Peep activityin the form of a Little Bo Beep printable paper doll costume in color or black and white. Fits any of the Poppet paper dolls.

A Little Bo Peep Activity Printable For Kids- A Paper Doll Costume

While I have abandoned my sets, I haven’t really given up the whole themes for paper dolls idea. The truth is that I like themes. They help me keep my head on straight and they give me something to draw when I don’t know what to draw.

At the end of 2016, I asked my Patrons what they would like to see in 2017. I got requests for fairy tales from several of them. Well, fortunately, I already had plans for introducing a Poppets Paper Doll year long Fairy Tale and Nursery Rhyme theme.

This might last longer than a year, but I am aiming for a year. Who knows? I can be fickle.

I am starting the series it this Little Bo Beep paper doll printable. It’ll fit any of the Poppets paper dolls, of course. Most, if not all of us, known the nursery rhyme Little Bo Peep. The version I remember goes like this:

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
and can’t tell where to find them;
leave them alone, And they’ll come home
wagging their tails behind them.

I knew I wanted to do something that felt a little vintage and old fashioned without actually being historical. The nursery rhyme was first published in the early 1800s, but the exact age is unknown. I wanted to be traditional in my depiction of Little Bo Peep. Also, I got to draw lots of tiny sheep.

You can check out my Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes board on Pinterest to see some of my inspirational images. Plus, there are hints at a few other fairy tales and nursery rhymes I am planning to feature over the course of the year.

Which brings me to my next point, is there a fairy tale you’d like to see the Poppets get an outfit from? Let me know in a comment.

Meanwhile, if you want to support the blog, then think about becoming a Patron or liking it on facebook.

Mostly, I am using Facebook to share stuff from the Archives, but there is something specific that you’d like to see on the page, let me know in a comment. I am very new to Facebook.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

B&B A Super Cute Sci-Fi Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Space, the Final Frontier…

A super cute sci-fi alien paper doll printable with orange skin, wild red hair and three pieces of clothing. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print for personal use

A super cute sci-fi alien paper doll printable with three pieces of clothing. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print for personal use.

I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. My mother used to let me stay up an extra 30 minutes to watch the show with her. I have fond memories of Captain Picard and Co. running about the galaxy. I haven’t bought it yet, but I desperately want this book that came out recently about the costuming of Star Trek.

I remember reading once, I don’t know where, that they were never supposed to show zippers on anything in the future.

Anyway, whenever I draw aliens I think of Star Trek.

This is, for those of you counting, the first Buxom and Bodacious doll of 2017 and the 44th post in their series. Not bad really. If you think she need some more sci-fi/futuristic clothing to wear (and what alien paper doll doesn’t want an expansive wardrobe) then I would recommend last week’s retro sci-fi outfit, maybe some of Dragon Queen’s Dresses or maybe the fun of the first B&B doll’s cyperpunk wardrobe.

So, I gave her two pairs of shoes, because with this orange skin tone, she ain’t sharing with anyone. Though I think the black and white shoes are pretty flexible. An old Pixie paper doll named Jai inspired her crazy updo.

I love giving aliens insane hairstyles. Actually, I love giving all my paper dolls insane hairstyles. Probably because I wear my hair in a low ponytail all the time.

I bet I’ve asked this before, but here I go again. Are there any other Star Trek fans out there? What’s your favorite series? Let me know in a comment.

I grew up on Star Trek: The Next Generation, but my heart belongs to Star Trek: Deep Space Nice.

And if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron or liking the new facebook page.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A Wintertime Steampunk Costume for the Mini-Maidens Paper Dolls

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: The Greta’s Trousseau Project
A wintertime steampunk costume paper doll coloring sheet for the Mini-Maidens paper doll series.
So, back in 2013, I started a project called Greta’s Steampunk Trousseau. The idea was to draw the extensive ladies wardrobe of the 19th century in a steampunk style. I added steampunk costumes to Greta’s Trousseau until about 2015 when I lost interest in the project and moved onto other paper doll things.

But, earlier this month, I was panicking. That the end of January was near and I didn’t have any Mini-Maiden paper doll posts ready for February. Searching for something to post, I discovered this wintertime steampunk costume which I had created for Greta’s Trousseau.

I thought to myself, “I swear I posted that.”

And then a through search of my archives informed me that I hadn’t.

So, because I am not one to waste a perfectly good paper doll outfit find and because everyone needs thigh high gaiters, I cleaned it up and here it is today.

As some of you know, I love Victorian fashion magazines. So, here’s me channeling my inner Victorian fashion magazine to describe today’s steampunk costume:

An elegant, but practical, promenade toilette for the colder months of the year. The jeacket has draped sleeves trimmed in fur, a high collar and a longer silouette with provides additional protection from the chilled air. The draped skirt is trimmed in fur. The long gaiters provide needed protection against winter mud and muck, while also being a practical alternative to high boots. The hat is a simple style and trimmed in wide ruched ribbon.

In case you doubt how old this design is, here’s the doodle it was based on from 2014.

So, should I take on another long term project like this? I have a few ideas for one which I am letting my Patrons vote on right now. So far the things that have been bouncing around in my head range from another steampunk thing (I do love me my neo-Victorian stuff) to a alien space princess. Everything is better with Alien space princesses.

Thoughts from y’all? Is another long term thing like this a good idea? Let me know in a comment.

Meanwhile, if you want to vote, then become a patron. Plus, the blog has a facebook page now which is pretty neat.

Need a Mini-Maiden paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Mini-Maiden Paper Doll Here.

Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Dolls Get Some 1970s Clothing

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Simplicity 9370 from 1971
A super cute bright yellow jumpsuit from 1971 based on the art on a vintage sewing pattern cover. Available in color or black and white.

A super cute jumpsuit from 1971 based on the art on a vintage sewing pattern cover. Available in color or black and white.

So, I work in batches. This doesn’t just mean I tend to draw a batch of the same paper doll series together, it also means I sometimes draw the same themes together. For example, I drew today’s jumpsuit around the same time I drew the my 1970s Mini-Maiden. Sometimes, I get into a theme, like 1970s clothing, and want to spend some time there.

Then I promptly get over and am distracted by some other thing. That’s the nature of my brain.

Today’s jumpsuit was based on a 1971 Simplicity sewing pattern cover. Apparently the pattern was designed to be sewn quickly and only took two different pattern pieces. I loved the cheery bright yellow color in the cover art, so I kept it.

The wide brown belt was from the pattern cover, but it also was nice because it split up the jumpsuit. I think jumpsuits really need belts, don’t you?

This is probably the last piece of 1970s clothing for the paper dolls for a while. As I said above, I tend to be a bit flighty in my paper doll interests. I have been feeling very “over the top princess gowns” lately, so stay tuned for some of that, also I have been dabbling in the 1870s.

Out of the curiosity, which do you like better for the fashion- the 1970s, the 1870s or the 1770s?

I have so confess to being a pretty big 1870s fan. Let me know your favorite in a comment.

And think about becoming a patron if you like the blog to help support it, or check out the blog’s new facebook page. I’ll be using it to showcase some of the archives content, plus other stuff I think is cool.

Need a Marisole Monday & Friends Lady Paper Doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick One Out Here

The Curvy B&B Paper Dolls Get Some Retro Sci-fi Madness

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Retro Sci-fi Cover Art, Specifically Wandl the Invader

a curvy retro paper doll

The Curvy B&B Paper Dolls Get Some Retro Sci-fi Madness.

I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for pulp novels of all kinds, particularly their cover art. So, today’s sci-fi outfit for the B&B printable paper doll series was inspired by this cover art for Wandl the Invader. I mean, how could anyone see that cover art and not think, “Wow, I should draw that for a paper doll?”

Of course, I think that a lot when I see odd things in this world which goes a long way to explaining why I have PTP.

Anyhow, Wandl the Invader first came out in 1932, but the edition I found on Pinterest looks like it is from the 1950s, based on the style. The author, Ray Cummings, wrote over 750 novels and short stories which is pretty astonishing. Like a lot of pulp authors of his day, he was astonishingly prolific.

Along with pulp sci-fi cover art, I’ve also always had a soft place in my heart for retro-futurism. In fact, I recently started a Pinterest board devoted to the retro-futuristic fashions. I think this today’s outfit is a little retro-futuristic (is that a word?) along with being very pulpy.

A friend of my retro sci-fi look in theme, if not in paper doll series, was my astronaut from last October.

I wish I could think of more to say here, but I am writing this post after a thirteen hour day at work and I just want to wash this makeup off (I don’t usually wear makeup) and crawl into my bed.

So, I’m wrapping things up here.

Want to help with the blog’s upkeep? Then donate and become a Patron. Not up for that? No problem, you can always follow the blog on Twitter, leave a comment, and/or like it on its new facebook page.

Need to get a Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear these fabulous clothes? Pick one out here.

Ursula’s Modern Clothes: A Printable Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  What I see College Girl’s wearing
A black paper doll with her dreads in an updo and cute contemporary clothing. Free to print in color or black and white from

First off, my favorite thing about this Ursula paper doll is her hair. I love dreads and I particularly think they look cool when they are styled up into an updo.

Because the lady Sprites have much smaller stands then the guy sprites, I could fit two pairs of shoes onto this page with with Ursula. So, I did a pair of white shoes and a pair of black shoes. I figured that covered all the basic shoes a person might need.

All the Ursula dolls have the same skintone, so she had borrow some sandals from her mermaid version if she wants too. If there are more Ursula paper dolls (and there probably will be eventually), then you can pick out shoes from those dolls as well. Any of the shoes that don’t show skin tone, of course, will fit any of the Sprites ladies.

And if you enjoy the blog, but want to see my process and get early previews, then join us on Patreon. It’s a lot of fun.

Looking for something for today’s Sprite paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here.

Zachary: A Modern African-American Guy Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  What I see College Guys Wearing, But With More Color
A casually dressed African-American guy paper doll with shorts, sandals and short hair. Part of the Sprites series, he can share clothing with of the other Sprites guys. Free to print in color or black and white.

Back when the Sprites started, I had planned to start with a lady paper doll as the first Sprite. However, I’d decided to name them in reverse alphabetical order. I find if I have a naming scheme it makes coming up with paper doll names easier.

So, I was stuck with starting with Z. There just aren’t that many names that start with Z, so I started with Zachary here instead of starting with Yumiko.

I’m sure you all really cared about this random piece of paper doll blog history.

Anyway, I do think there are advantages to contemporary dolls. I think they sort of act as basic options. There’s no colorful hair here, so this version of Zachary could be a mermaid or he could be going to the park or borrowing this nifty elf armor, The point is that he’s a bit more neutral than the two pervious Zachary versions I have created.

Tomorrow, there will be a contemporary fashion Ursula to join Zachary.

Meanwhile, if you want to support the blog on Patreon I would be mighty appreciative. If you are interested in the process of how I work, there’s a behind the scenes blog there.

Alternatively, you can follow the blog on facebook for blog updates, some random sketchbook photos (which my Patrons see first, I confess), fun historical fashion things I find, and picks from the Archives.

Looking for something for today’s Sprite paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here.

Collaborative Paper Doll Project 2017: The Year I was Born

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:A Dress from 1985

A paper doll coloring page with a dress from 1985, complete with a wig. Inspired by Barbie dresses designed by Oscar De La Renta. Free to print.

The first theme for our collaborative project was a dress from the year we were each born. So, for me that meant drawing something from 1985.

So, I went loooking for clothing from 1885 and came cross this Barbie dresses from Oscar De La Renta. I love Oscar De La Renta’s designs and I had no idea he’d done a series of Barbie clothing. Inspired, I combined this dress and this dress. You can see more of his Barbie designs here and here.

My mother was pretty anti-Barbie when I was a kid. She felt that it wasn’t a healthy body type for girls to aspire too, so she mostly bought me Ginny dolls. I did have a few Barbies, of course, but they weren’t my favorites.

Anyway, I’m sure Julie and Boots are posting great outfits over on Popculture & Paper Dolls and Paper Doll School, so go check those out to flash out your Collaborative Paper Doll Project wardrobe.

Meanwhile, you can donate to support the blog on Patreon or follow the blog on facebook. Yes, there is now a facebook page for the blog.

Need a doll to wear this stylish outfit? Grab the Doll here.