The Poppets Printable Paper Dolls Get Some Modern Kids Clothes

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: This Sweatshirt

A printable contemporary kids outfit for a my Poppet's printable paper doll series. Available in color or black and white.

A black and white paper doll clothing coloring page with a contemporary kids outfit from

I don’t have kids, but I was recently blessed with my first Nephew. Now, before he was born, we didn’t know the gender. Finding gender neutral baby clothing was surprisingly difficult and I find I am still attracted to the idea of gender neutral children’s clothing. I’m always looking for more ideas for the Poppets paper dolls, since I tend to find historical kids clothing more interesting then contemporary kids clothing. However, I loved this sweatshirt and thought it needed to become a Poppet paper doll outfit.

I originally was going to do a more gender neutral color scheme of grey and khaki. However, when it came time to color it in, I might have said, “Hmmm… I could use all gender neutral colors… Or I could make bright pink leggings.”

Clearly, the bright pink leggings won.

As I often do with contemporary clothing, I felt like I needed a few more pieces to increase the mix and match options, so I also created the rolled shorts. I do think that the bird sweatshirt would look super cute with these jeans. I drew those back when I first introduced the Poppets paper dolls and somehow I haven’t drawn another pair of jeans for them since.

Huh. Maybe I should get on that. Do the Poppets paper dolls need jeans? Let me know in a comment.

Just in case you haven’t heard, there’s now a Paper Thin Personas shop on Etsy and, as a grand opening, have a coupon called: READER2017 for the blog readers. It’s good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March.

Meanwhile, if you’re not in a shopping mood, then think about becoming a Patron or liking it on facebook where I am sharing stuff from the Archives, as well as announcing new posts when they are posted.

Friday I’ll be posting my February dress for the 2017 paper doll collab project. So, stay tuned for that.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

Mini-Maiden Mermaid Paper Dolls Going Deep Into the Sea

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Patron Requests for Mermaids and Liana’s Paper Dolls
A mermaid paper doll coloring page for the Mini-Maiden printable paper doll series. From
I was asked by two Patrons, Cathy W. and the Steger family to make more fairy tale and mermaid paper dolls. So, I decided to finally get around to a posting a paper doll I drew last year. When I create mermaid paper dolls, I always think of Liana’s mermaids.

Who was Liana? You wonder, well, she ran a site called Liana’s Paper Dolls and created the best mermaid paper dolls. The mermaids of Liana of Liana’s Paper Dolls. Her mermaids weren’t just beautiful and innovative, this black tailed adventurer mermaid was a favorite of mine, but also had amazing detail stories about the world that mermaids came from.

If you’re new to the paper doll website world and you’ve never spent anytime on her site, you really should. She’s not updating these days, but there’s plenty of backlog and her art is really outstanding. I would suspect that there would be no other paper doll blogs (and certainly this site wouldn’t exist) if not for Liana’s Paper Doll blog.

Any of my paper doll blogging friends feel the same way?

Frankly I’m not good with coming up with personal stories about my paper dolls. I rarely think of them that way. I sometimes think about time period or technology level, but I tend to think on a society level rather than on a personality level. For example, I love writing pseudo Victorian descriptions for my steampunk outfits (like this one), but I can’t imagine trying to decide the personality of the doll.

Bios like these Boots writes are just impossible for me to imagine.

I think this is okay though. The world would be super boring if we were all alike.

Meanwhile, I’m still running a sale on the blog’s Etsy Store. There a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Use the code: READER2017

Or if you’d rather become a Patron and see behind the scenes, then donate through Patreon.

Need a Mini-Maiden paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Mini-Maiden Paper Doll Here.

Mikhail as a Warrior King Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Akemi and The Lack of Mikhail Paper Dolls
A male fantasy warrior king paper doll in color or black and white. Your pick.

A fur trimmed fantasy gown and an Asian paper doll color page with fur trimmed booties. Print from

In my more pretentious moments, I think of of the blog as an ongoing art project. It’s sort of a journal of my paper doll activities, plus you can print them out and play with them which is super fun.

In the beginning, I never thought I would draw men. Drawing men is not my gift. Even now, when I look at Marcus 2.0 and Mikhail, the men of the Marisole Monday & Friend’s paper doll series, I see a lot of problems with them. Their hips are too wide. Their arms a little too long.

And yet, I can live with them. Not the perfect male paper doll, but male paper dolls have never been my great strenght. (You want good male paper dolls, go check out Pop Culture & Paper Dolls.)

Like Monday’s Maeghan paper doll, today’s Mikhail paper doll was inspired by an older paper doll I designed called Akemi. Akemi was a fantasy warrior and I think of this version of Mikhail is a warrior king.

Also, in case you missed the news, I now have an Etsy Store! There is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

If you’re not in the mood for shopping, then think about supporting the blog by becoming a patron.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Guys Clothing Here

A Warrior Queen Printable Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Akemi and My Continuing Struggle With Red Hair and Tan Skin
A fantasy warrior queen printable paper doll with tan skin and red hair. Her gown is paired with a breastplate and black boots. Available in black and white or color.

A fur trimmed fantasy gown and an Asian paper doll color page with fur trimmed booties. Print from

A few months ago, I first mentioned that I would be drawing new paper dolls based on some of my old paper dolls. There are literally hundreds paper dolls on this blog since it is nearly nine years old (scary no?) and given that, I have enjoyed creating new paper dolls from old paper dolls.

It’s like recycling, but with paper dolls and not glass bottles. So, Dionisa became this B&B set and On Future Streets became this Ms. Mannequin outfit. Today, Akemi, one of my favorite fantasy warrior paper dolls, inspired today’s Maeghan paper doll, a warrior queen.

I decided to make her a paper doll queen and not a paper dolls princess, because queens have more power.

I gave her red hair and tan skin, because I am on a constant mission to figure out how to make that combination work. I think it looks okay this time, but I’m still not totally pleased with the outcome.

And tomorrow, there will be a Mikhail paper doll inspired by the same Akemi paper doll. I know some of my readers will be excited to get a new boy printable paper doll.

Also, in case you missed the news, I now have an Etsy Store! There is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

If you’re not in the mood for shopping, then think about supporting the blog by becoming a patron.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Ladies Clothing Here

The Curvy Girls Get Some Tunics and Jeans

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:Stuff I saw When I Went Clothing Shopping

Curvy paper dolls fashions including tunics and jeans. Available in black and white or in color.

A dress from 1820 for the B&B curvy paper doll series based on a gown from the Philadelphia Museum of Art to color and print.

I find that with my new daily posts, I seem to shy away from contemporary clothing in a way that I didn’t before. I just finished a bunch of future Marisole Monday & Friends paper doll posts and not one of them is a contemporary fashion set. (There is, however, a super cool 1920s golf outfit that’ll go up in a few weeks and it’s darn cute.)

The point is that I do believe in paper doll diversity. That doesn’t mean that I only want to have a lot of skin tones. It also means that I want variety of themes.

I like variety. Variety keeps me amused.

So, anyway, I am going to try to draw more contemporary stuff. After all, sometimes paper dolls want to flounce around in huge dresses and sometimes they want to wear skinny jeans.

Today, I decided that the Buxom & Bodacious got some cute modern clothing. A few months back, I went shopping for some casual clothing and I tried on some things a lot like these. First of all, none of them look good on me, but that’s what paper dolls are for!

Just as a friendly reminder, I now have an Etsy Store! There is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

If you’re not in the mood for shopping, then think about supporting the blog by becoming a patron.

Need to get a Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear these fabulous clothes? Pick one out here.

Marisole Monday & Friends Sunset Inspired Fantasy Ballgown

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Huge Skirted Ballgowns and The Colors of the Sunset

A fantasy princess paper doll ballgown in the colors of the sunset.

A fantasy princess paper doll ballgown in the colors of the sunset.

I love big skirted ballgowns. I love crazy over the top big skirted princess paper doll ball gowns.

Obviously, I am expressing this love today.

Another love of mine, from when I was a kid, are off the shoulder dresses. Generally, I blame this on being a child of the 1980s.

This ballgown was actually part of a set of two big skirted fantasy gowns I designed back in 2015. Yes, that’s right, 2015. A long long time ago, I confess.

Anyway, I found them again and I hated one of them. This one I thought, “You know, that’s not bad.”

Now, the color scheme it had back then involved lime green and orange, so that had to go. Once I had it re-colored, I actually thought it was pretty beautiful, so it wasn’t a hard decision to repost it.

So, how do people feel about big skirted ball gowns?

And think about becoming a patron if you like the blog. Every little bit helps, plus there’s previews and sketchbook content. And, I’ve got a new facebook page, so like it and such if you want. It’s home to archives posts from the depths of the blog.

Need a Marisole Monday & Friends Lady Paper Doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick One Out Here

Ms. Mannequin’s Summery Paper Doll Dress from 1935

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: This 1935 McCalls Pattern & This 1935 Fabric
A summery paper doll dress from 1935 based on pattern covers and vintage fabric swatches. Available in color or black and white for coloring.

This is only the second historical paper doll outfit I have ever made for the Ms. Mannequin series. My last one was my second foray into Viking dress. This is a bit more current and I do think the paper doll’s pose works better with more contemporary fashions (if you can call the 1930s contemporary) than it did with Viking looks.

I suppose contemporary is really just a matter of point of view.

What I liked about the pattern cover that inspired today’s paper doll dress was the split sleeves and the wide white collar.

Confession time: The dress fabric pattern is way out of scale for what was common in the 1930s, but I found this amazing pattern swatch from the V&A and I just had to use it. The tulips felt so modern and contemporary. Obviously, I heavily adapted the pattern, so it was more of a jumping off point than anything else.

Part of what I wanted to do was a spring dress in black which isn’t a color usually associated with Springtime fashions.

What are your favorite spring colors? I love corals and yellows. Let me know in a comment.

Meanwhile, if you like the blog, then consider donating through Patreon, plus there’s a behind the scenes blog and early paper doll previews and other fun content.

Also, you can follow it on Facebook where I am sharing past paper dolls I love from the archives of PTP.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick out a Ms. Mannequin Paper Doll Here

A Fancy Valentine’s Day Affair with the Sprites Paper Dolls

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Valentine’s Day & James Bond

I seriously thought I had done a set of suits for the Sprites before this, but I think I was thinking of the Sprite’s predecessor the Pixie and Puck series. So, here is the first suit for the Sprites gents and, I think, the first ballgown for the Sprites ladies. A bunch of first today.

Also, it’s Valentine’s Day! So, Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a paper doll!

On the left, there’s a tuxedo with a white jacket, very James Bond, for the Sprites Guys. On the right, there’s an evening gown for the Sprite’s Ladies.

The pink heart was supposed to be one of those padded boxes of chocolate, but I’m not sure that’s very obvious.

Looking for other Valentine’s Day paper dolls? There’s a few more options here.

Also, there’s an different color scheme for these Sprites outfits over on my Patreon page. It’s open to the public as a Valentine’s Day treat. Of course, if while you are there, you want to become a patron, well, I wouldn’t mind at all. 🙂

Looking for some Sprite paper dolls to wear these outfits? Pick out Sprite paper dolls here.

A Pink Haired, Green Skinned, Butterfly Winged Fairy Poppet Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Unisex Children’s Clothing, Fig & Me Dolls, Untied Shoes, and Twig & Tale Sewing Patterns

A pink haired, pale green skinned, printable fairy paper doll. Part of the Poppet series and free to print in color or black and white.

A printable fairy paper doll. Part of the Poppet series and free to print in color or black and white.

One of my Patron requests for 2017 was more fantasy creatures like mermaids and fairies. So, today’s fairy Poppet paper doll in my response to that request from Cathy W and I thought someone else, but I couldn’t verify that. So, other person who I couldn’t verify, if you exist outside my head, this is also for you.

Who doesn’t want an excuse to draw a printable fairy paper doll?

Seriously for a moment though, I was sort of surprised by the request for more fairies. One of the oddities of my brain is that I assume everyone has the same knowledge of my archive as me. So, sometimes when someone says, “Hey, could you draw…”

I think- “But I did draw that.”

Except sometimes it turns out that paper doll was like four years ago and I’m the only person who remembers that I drew it. So my first reaction to being asked for fairies was to think, “But I’ve done fairies.”

And then I paused and looked at my Archives and I was like, “Oh. Not as much as I thought.”

Also, just because I have done something once, doesn’t mean I can’t do it again. There’s not like statute of limitations on paper doll production, you know?

Anyhow, this is all a convoluted way of saying that I plan to do more mermaids and fairies in 2017. (In fact, come back February 21st, that’s all I’m saying…)

The wings are meant to be glued to the back of the paper doll along the white section. Last time I posted a fairy with wings, there was some confusion about this.

Meanwhile, if you want to support the blog, then think about becoming a Patron or liking it on facebook.

Mostly, I am using Facebook to share stuff from the Archives, because I expect no one to really go through nearly 1,000 posts. Not quote 1,000. I should do something cool when I hit 1,000.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

Ms. Mannequin Printable Paper Dolls Get Fall Fashions 2016

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:  Fall Fashions 2016
Wide legged trousers, cold shoulder top and a brocade skirt are the latest Fall 2016 fashions. Here they are for the paper dolls in black and white or in full color. Print and play with them from

Wide legged trousers, cold shoulder top and a brocade skirt are the latest Fall 2016 fashions. Here they are for the paper dolls in black and white or in full color. Print and play with them from

Today’s post is a chance to go back to where the the Ms. Mannequin printable paper doll series began and once again embrace the original idea. Wide legged trousers, cold shoulder tops and a brocade skirt are all taken straight from my fashion magazine collection.

When I first started the Ms. Mannequin paper dolls, the idea as that they were models. Their pose and body build were both intended to evoke the idea of a contemporary fashion model. In fact, when I first posted them, I didn’t really intend for them to become a series. I figured I would post a few pages for them and move on.

But, as it turned out, the response to Ms. Mannequin paper dolls was very positive.

Plus, I found I enjoyed drawing contemporary fashion for them. Over time, that contemporary fashion has expanded into fantasy, history, cyberpunk and steampunk paper doll clothing.

I must confess I am curious through, what do you like more? Contemporary clothing or other stuff for the Ms. Mannequins? Let me know in a comment.

As I announced Wednesday, I now have an Etsy Store! So, there is a coupon code good for 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. Visit the shop and use the code: READER2017

And, as always, if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron or liking the blog’s facebook page, or both.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick out a Ms. Mannequin Paper Doll Here