WIP: Newsletter, 1950s & Dolly in the 1900s

Sometimes, I struggled to take a breath/break.

So, I decided to take a minute this week and highlight some things that are in-progress/in-process for the blog/newsletter/patrons. I like finishing things. I like seeing something and feeling like- yep, that’s done.

However, I do think it’s important to pause occasionally and consider the value of the process. The process has to be fun or why do it at all?

So, in this post, I am going to share some screen shots from a few of the paper dolls I worked on this weekend. None of them are done, all of them are in process, and I am 100% happy with that.

Dolly & Her Dresses

One of my patron exclusive projects has been these 19th century inspired antique doll paper dolls. These two dresses are both from the 1900s- a party dress and a sailor suit (which were super popular). I haven’t decided if I am going to continue these into 2023. I’m struggling to even think of 2023, because 2022 has been such a long year.

Still, I don’t want to face a cliff at the end of December, so I need to think clearly about what 2023 will hold.

1950s J&G Collection

I started this back when I was fill of vim and vigor and somehow decided to draw more for it than I really should have. It’s huge! There’s 5 dolls and at least 20 outfits and a dozen pairs of shoes. I haven’t even thought about how I’m going to break it up for layout or how I am going to actually color all of it. It was not the best planned out project I have ever undertaken which maybe why I am struggling to get momentum up on it- it feels overwhelming.

Anyway, steady progress has been made- tabs are being added, fits are being checked, linework is being cleaned up. Hopefully, it’ll all be done before 2023, though no promises on that front.

Newsletter Paper Dolls

I really love these dolls! I don’t know what it is about them, but they feel so easy to draw for. Probably because the pose is so very delightfully simple. I really have been enjoying these ones a lot. This is my take on some autumnal regencycore styles. The dress is, well, obvious, but the collar of the blouse is also super regency.

My big hope is to take a digital imaging class next semester from the Uni where I work and learn to do more of my work digitally. I love working on pen with paper, but I really want to up my coloring game and the long process of inking, scanning, fixing the inking leaves me a little drained these days. I need to streamline.

Plus, an my first formal art class in almost 20 years sounds like fun.

Which one of these are you excited for?

1 thought on “WIP: Newsletter, 1950s & Dolly in the 1900s”

  1. I love all of these, but I’ll admit the newsletter doll is one of my favorites! She’s just so cute, and she reminds me of Betsy McCall dolls for some reason. Like a grown-up Betsy. 🙂

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