All the Jewels and Gemstones 2.0 Paper Dolls of 2021

Normally, I have a few paper dolls that I have finished at the end of the year and they over lap into January. As usual, I did this year as well and because of various life events, I decided the best thing to do would be to wait on my round up until I’d posted all of them. I knew I would be away from the site for a while and it seemed the easiest thing for the pre-scheduling I knew I would have to do. As I did with my 2020 round up, I decided to break down the paper dolls into categories.

Contemporary Fashion Paper Dolls

Historical Fashion Paper Dolls

In Chronological Order By Era

Fantasy, Steampunk, Sci-Fi and Fairy Tale Paper Dolls

This was not my most productive year on the blog (though this doesn’t count my Newslettter or my Patreon content), so there were 27 different Jewels and Gemstones paper dolls shared on the blog today, taking the total Jewels and Gemstones 2.0 count to 77, I think? I might be adding that wrong- it would not be the first time. There are, of course, the Patreon exclusive Jewels and Gemstones as well for my 2 dollar and up patrons, so there’s a few more, if I wanted to add them all together.

I always look at my stats at the end of the year and while this is a little early, I think I can still do it. The numbers are always odd, because my most popular post of all time, according to my Google Analytics is this Marisole Monday Black and White Modern Girl post from 2010. Why? Not sure, but I think it has something to do with how Google values “age” of pages and that image is all over Google image search and Pinterest.

To my own surprise, it wasn’t a Jewels and Gemstones paper doll that was my most popular post in 2021, but rather my retro space foray with the Dolls Du Jour (who have been a bit neglected this year… I should draw more for them). Second place goes to my 1860s historical paper doll and another DDJ post gets third place- my foray into fantasy renaissance gowns. The rest of my top 5 slots are taken up by non-paper doll posts (like this book review and my book announcement). I don’t really know if any of this means anything (especially because most people just go to the main page and don’t click into the specific posts, so really… who knows?) But I do find the numbers always interesting.

Since I am in recovery mode from some medical stuff, I am taking a break for a few weeks. I hope to be back for Valentine’s Day in February (because I love Valentines Day paper dolls) and until then I hope everyone has a lovely few quiet weeks.

I’m opening up comments, because I am super curious: What was your favorite paper doll of 2021 as we settle into 2022?

4 thoughts on “All the Jewels and Gemstones 2.0 Paper Dolls of 2021”

  1. I think I like the newsletter paper dolls more than the jewels and gemstones dolls, is that okay? But of these, I think I like tropics one best. Those patterns were fun to color.

  2. I am also very much in love with the littler mermaid, but I always like the fantasy ones best. But the others are fun to look at too. I love the variety of things you post

  3. My favorite is always the historical fashion as i am in love with it as well. I also like the fantasy, cyber/space/futuristic and steampunk/gothic.

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