All My Alien Paper Dolls So Far…

There’s a lot of serious stuff going on right now. I wrote about some of it recently from my own super limited POV and I hope that everyone is staying safe. These are tough times and stressful times.

And so I thought it would be fun today to celebrate alien paper dolls! Not just scifi, but specifically aliens. That means lots of blue skin, colorful hair and impractical space suits!

15 Alien Paper Dolls to Print

I haven’t done an alien paper doll in a while, I realized after I put this collection together. Maybe I need a “meteorite” member of the Jewels and Gemstones family. Until then, I hope you enjoy these paper dolls from my archives.

Any themes you’d like to see me gather up? I’d love to know in a comment.

1 thought on “All My Alien Paper Dolls So Far…”

  1. Yes! Definitely Meteorite! I tend to favor blue skin myself, along with “red-headed greenies”.

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