Why I’m Stopping the 100 Day Project

I have attempted to complete the 100 Day Project every year for the last 3 years, maybe 4? One year, I succeeded and have not finished every other year that I have attempted the activity. Most years, I enjoy the attempt, but eventually I lose interest, life gets busy, and I fall so far behind that I feel overwhelmed and give up. Inevitably, I end the year feeling like a failure for having not finished.

Not like in a horrible way, just in that nagging “I wish I’d done that” way.

Lately though, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of choosing things proactively, rather than reactively. In deciding to do X rather than Y, even when I’m sort of embarrassed about Y. So, one of the things I have decided is that I am not going to continue the 100 Day Project. This year it is going to be a choice, rather than a failure. I am deciding to stop.

Why am I not finishing the 100 day project?

Well, a few reasons.

The biggest reason is that I was dreading picking up my notebook. Just dreading it. I use a smaller sketchbook for this project. Sometimes, I can work through this feeling and come out the other side. This is the ideal. However, given the number of the times, I’ve put the sketchbook down and then ignored it for days while feeling bad about ignoring and dreading picking it up again- I don’t think that’s happening this time.

My Last piece from the 100 Day Project 2020

I’d rather focus instead on my 365 Day Patreon Project (which is humming along happily) and continuing to work on Jewels and Gemstones 2.0, along with the Doll Du Jour series. Plus, I am working on some needed backend blog stuff which should improve site performance.

Lastly, though not least, I am taking a creative writing class for the next 3 months. It’s weekly and I’m super excited about it, but I want to give it my best effort. That means taking time to really dedicate to it and between Patreon and the Blog, time is sometimes in short supply.

Right now, other things are more important to me. And I am okay with that.

After all, there’s always next year!

5 thoughts on “Why I’m Stopping the 100 Day Project”

  1. The 100 Days is a challenge and you shouldn’t have to do something you ‘dread’ work on other things. I’m on day 41 and getting exhausted but I don’t have too many other projects going on and I don’t really worry about doing ‘every day’. We all love to see what you are doing! Best of luck

    • I think there are periods during the 100 day project with you inevitable dread it a little, but pushing through those is part of the process. However, this time it just wasn’t clicking for me. I’ve been enjoying watching your progress.

  2. I think it’s great that you know your own mind. If you don’t love it, don’t do it. You may find yourself going back to it at some point. I’ve enjoyed seeing the progress nonetheless! I knew I couldn’t do it this year so you get my admiration for just trying it this year….

  3. 100 of anything is a lot! Doing something every day for a hundred days sounds so daunting to me! I admire the hell out of anyone who attempts it, no matter how far they get with it! I’d still buy this set if you ever decide to put it on etsy, she’s just so cute!

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