Archives Dive: Pirate Paper Dolls! Sailing the High Seas

My favorite novel as a kid was Treasure Island. I loved that book (and I still do). I also adore a good pirate movie full of ship and swashbuckling. It’s just so much fun! Historical inaccuracies abound and I enjoy them very much. That’s part of why I love creating pirate paper dolls.

I do not, I want to make this clear, draw historically accurate pirate paper dolls. And these are all pretty traditional pirates, I omitted some of what I call pseudo-pirates (like Tuesday’s paper doll outfit) and stuck with pirate traditionalists.

17 Free Pirate Paper Dolls to Print

All right, y’all I’m not sure what next week will look like, but this week was fun! I wanted to make sure folks know that if they join on Patreon (by clicking that big banner below) there’s an extra Friday paper doll outfit! And this time it’s Qi Lolita themed. Check it out by joining at the 2 dollar or up level.

By the way, if you do the math, at 2 dollars a month that’s 50 cents a paper doll outfit, plus you get a behind the scenes blog, polls and generally get to listen to me ramble. Who doesn’t enjoy random Rachel rambling? (I hope you kinda enjoy it or one has to wonder how you’ve ever enjoyed PTP.)

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