Today, in honor of Han Christian Andersen who was born in 1805, we have two regency pixies and their wardrobe. This is the last big Pixie set for a while, though I do have some one page Pixie paper dolls in the works that I am looking forward to sharing. I don’t think I’ll do another multipage set for a while. They are a lot of work.
Theses paper doll’s dresses are from about 1800 to about 1815, or so. The latest one being the morning dress with the neck ruff looking thing for Lydia (or Emma, either doll can wear the dresses) which was popular for a while though I find the style a little absurd, myself.

{Click Here for a PDF of Emma in Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Emma in Color} {Click Here for a PDF of Emma to Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Emma to Color}
There is a tendency to make everything in this period white, as that’s what fashion plates usually show, but women aren’t stupid and there are plenty of dark fabrics with prints that were popular for day dresses. They don’t show stains as much as white (does anything show stains as much as white?) and they could go longer between washingings. There’s also a tendency to talk about women being out of corsets. This was sort of true, but as anyone with boobs can tell you, having no support is darn painful.

{Click Here for a PDF of Lydia in Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Lydia in Color} {Click Here for a PDF of Lydia to Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Lydia to Color}
Since bonnets were going to be featured in this set (and I do confess I’m not very good at drawing bonnets), I knew I had to keep both of the paper dolls hair close to their heads. Lydia, above, has a braid and Emma, also above, just has her hair pulled back somehow. I imagine it in a neat bun, but whatever.

{Click Here for a PDF of Regency Gowns in Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Regency Gowns in Color} {Click Here for a PDF of Regency Gowns to Color} {Click Here for a 150 dpi PNG of Regency Gowns to Color}{More Paper Dolls from this Series}
It was important to me to give these dolls some clothes, so I decided to do a separate sheet for their dresses. After all, one dress hardly makes a very fun paper doll. So, here is a riding habit, a few day dresses, a ballgown and one of the cropped spencer jackets which I’ve always liked. As for other regency paper dolls, there’s always Flora of the Regency, and two Marisole Monday & Friends sets- Empire Elegance and Regency Romance.
Thoughts? Do the Pixies need more historic outfits?
You know I always love seeing historical fashion (or even semi historical – steampunk anyone?), though I honestly don’t care which of your dolls wears it as they’re all lovely.
You are not the only one who finds the neck ruff a bit odd. A small lacy collar, yes, but a multi layered ruff? Sure fashion, you don’t scare me at all sometimes…
Yeah, the neck-ruff thing… not my favorite look, but very popular. I sometimes think people always tell me how much they like Marisole, so she (and her friends) end up with all the “love”, but I rather like the Pixies, because they seem more kid friendly to me (easier to cut out and such…).
Of course, choosing a favorite paper doll is rather like choosing a favorite cheese and I love all cheese (except American cheese and I don’t think that’s real cheese anyway…), so a favorite paper just depends on my mood on any given day.
I thought of who I want to see in historical fashion: Bodacious and Boxum. Because not every woman in the past was a size 0 like miss Marisol (who I’ll admit may not be a size 0 exactly, but is pretty skinny).
Mmm… cheese.
That is totally going to happen, it is just a matter of “when”. Historical stuff always takes me longer than fantasy or modern stuff (research time, you know.)
I love anything you do that’s historical, but I would really like to see older stuff… more medieval and renaissance outfits would be a lot of fun, I think.
These are very cute and pretty!! The Regency era is one of my favorite historical costume eras. I especially like the riding habit you have here.
I love your regency gowns! (I’ve been watching a lot of Jane Austen) 🙂 The red and blue dress really draws my eye