Interstellar Seas: A Cute Alien Fashionista

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Today’s paper doll is a super cute alien with a sort of underwater theme. I mean, if I am going to draw space creature paper dolls, I think I should at least give them a fancy wardrove of mix and match clothing, right? Right. I mean, space creatures want to look cute, too.

I’m assuming that a desire to “look cute” comes with a sentience, which might be a pretty big assumption on my part. (Unrelated, but am I the only person who learned the term sentience from watching Star Trek as a kid?)

Other thoughts about today’s paper doll: One of her outfits was inspired by this outfit for Marisole Monday, also my sci-fi Pinterest fashion board always inspires these dolls. The color scheme was supposed to be “galaxy” meets “ocean”, but like… not convinced it works. When I was a teen, I really liked the character Oasis from Sluggy Freelance and that’s probably where my thing for multiple ponytails (pigtails?) came from.

I caught some sort of post-Thanksgiving bug which turned into bacteria pneumonia. So, then I ended up on a cocktail of antibiotics and all the side effects of those were super fun. Anyway, long story short- I am at like 80% capacity at the moment. However, I am looking at a week off work for the holidays (the Uni I work at closes) and therefore I am super psyched for this week to be over.

Going to draw lots, pet my cat, and maybe sew something. Super psyched to have a whole week off!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and enjoys this second little space alien paper doll. There will be two more I think… yeah, two more.

Diamond as Frankenstein’s Monster: A Halloween Paper Doll

A fantastic printable Halloween paper doll featuring Frankestein's Monster and a stylin' lab coat.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
When I was making my list of Halloween monsters to draw as paper dolls, I really wanted to do some I’d never done before and I’ve never done a Frankenstein’s Monster paper doll before. And what says Halloween paper doll more than that?

I chose Diamond as the model for today’s paper doll. I am pretty happy with how she came out, though part of me thinks her hair looks a little too much like a skunk, but maybe that’s just me.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
The original novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, though it is set in the 18th century. I sort of abandoned that source material pretty quickly and went more to the Herman Munster direction pretty quickly. I considered for about 15 minutes the idea of drawing historical clothing for today’s paper doll, but decided I really wasn’t that excited to draw 1818 or 1700s dresses.

Her “dress” was meant to look a little like a lab coat. One thing you might notice with all of my Halloween paper doll creations is a lack of source images. The truth is that part of the fun of this time of the year, is that I don’t do research. I just sort of draw and see what happens.

Specific Source Images: Nothing specific this time I can point to.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls & More Halloween Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: More than you ever wanted to know about the Munsters!

Last Thoughts
When I was a kid, the Munsters played in Nick at Nite and it was one of my favorite shows. I don’t really recall much of the plots, but even then I had a fondness for supernatural plots. Something which later lead to my love of Buffy and continued affection for those sorts of TV shows and books.

Big thank you to all my Patreon supporters. With out you, the blog wouldn’t be around, so you’re all the best!

Also, I love this comic about Frankenstein.

Aisha Goes Cyberpunk, Because She Can

A cyberpunk paper doll to print in color or black and white for coloring with an outfit and two pairs of shoes from

Printable Black & White PDF Printable Color PDF More Paper Dolls & Clothes
Can I level with you? I like you all, so I think I can level with you.

I drew two Aisha paper dolls when I created her. I figured one contemporary sorta neutral design and one fun cyberpunk design would be handy. I did not plan to post these two one a week from the other. I really didn’t.

But somehow between classes ending and homework (so much homework) and real work and travel, I kinda got way behind on my paper doll drawing habits. So, I have four B Pose paper doll outfits, a new A Pose doll (Maybe named Abigail? Still deciding) and two A Pose outfits all in process, but none of them are done yet.

Some will probably be done tomorrow, but they aren’t done tonight. I figured I could stay up for a few more hours trying to get them done and then posted. However, that tends to lead to mistakes and sleep deprivation.

So, I am sharing cyberpunk Aisha a little sooner than I had planned to. But no harm in that, I do love my cyberpunk. The white and pink strappy top was the first thing I drew for this outfit and then the rest of the design kinda followed. For the record, I think I wouldn’t mind living in a world where one could painstakingly match your hair to your outfit.

Also for the record, I am super lazy when it comes to dressing and if this was an option, I would probably never do it.

Need some clothing for today’s paper doll? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing

A Curvy Fairy Printable Paper Doll for Today

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{More Bodacious and Buxom Paper Dolls}

Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Sorceresses and Flowers

A curvy blue skinned fairy paper doll with afro-puffs, two pairs of shoes and a lavender dress. Free to print from

A curvy fairy paper doll with afro-puffs, two pairs of shoes and a lavender dress. Free to print from

So, I’ve been drawing Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls since 2013 (which sorta surprised me when I did the math) and I’ve never done a fairy version.

I didn’t even realize that until I was writing today’s post and I thought, “I’ll link to any other fairy B&B content I have.”

And then I was like, oh, I don’t have any. Opps.

Anyway, I’m not sure what that has to do with anything except that I was struck by this while I was writing this post and I wanted to share.

Obviously, today’s fairy printable paper doll is a long time coming. You don’t see a lot of curvy fairies in this world and I think that’s a little sad. Curvy girls can be fairies, too.

Afro-puffs inspired the fairy printable paper doll’s hair. My love of afro-puffs is well documented on this blog and continues apace. Along with not seeing a lot of curvy fairies, you don’t see a lot of fairies with natural hairstyles either.

I almost gave her more natural brown skin as well, but then I was like, she’s still a fantasy creature. Plus I have an odd fondness for blue skin.

(Not unlike my odd fondness for afro-puffs.)

If you’re not sure about the blue skin, than there’s a lilac version over on my Patreon page. It’s open the public so anyone can view it. My patrons got to see it on Saturday.

Meanwhile, let me know. Do the B&B girls need more fairies in 2018? And if not, what else would you like to see?

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A new paper doll for the B&B Sorceress Gowns Project!

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Sorceresses and Flowers

A fantasy paper doll with a gown from

A paper doll adventuring outfit with a belted tunic over a shirt, leggings and boots. She also has a sword.

Back in April I asked my Patrons what I could do for an ongoing series and they voted on sorceress gowns. So, my goal with the with the Sorceress Gowns Project was to create a series of gowns for a sorceress. That’s probably obvious.

I also thought I should make a few dolls to wear the gowns. So, I designed this one to go with my last one from April. There are plenty of B&B dolls that fit with the theme from before April of this year. I think this doll, this doll, and this doll both have a sorceress feel to them.

I thought about doing another over the top hair style as I did with last doll to go with the gowns. But I decided that the simple long hair was a nice counter-balance to the complex gown.

I had a lot of fun coloring the gown in these muted spring time colors. There’s something very spring feeling to me to this gown. I think it’s the light colors combined with the floral motif that gets me feeling that way.

Of course, she needs gowns to be a sorceress. There are four gowns so far, one for each elements. You can see them all here under the Sorceress Gowns Project tag. I do try to organize these things somewhat. It’s my natural librarian tendencies.

As always, I hope you’ve enjoyed the paper dolls this week and I always love to hear what you think, so leave a comment if you like.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A Curvy Retro Inspired Space Alien Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Retro Space Aliens and Pink Boots
A blue skinned curvy retro alien paper doll printable with pink boots and a pink dress. Free to print from

A curvy retro alien paper doll to print with pink boots and a pink dress. Free to print from

I like retro sci-fi. I like all sci-fi really. I’m loving Dark Matter at the moment and I have a deep spot place in my heart for Star Trek and Star Wars. Still, as much as I enjoy Dark Matter, I don’t really enjoy drawing the “gritty” sci-fi aesthetic.

There’s only so many pairs of black pants you can draw for a paper doll.

So, today’s sci-fi paper doll is very retro inspired. She’s blue skinned and her dress is very much of the 1960s retro feel. She’s got pink boots and shaggy hair. Now, my only major regret about her is that to make her hair “work”, you really need to print two, cut one’s head off and paste the head over the first head, because the drape of the hair would cover the high neckline of the dress.

Almost makes me wish I used Boot’s separate head method of paper doll creation.

Anyway, the pink dress is designed to wrap around the dolls legs and be visible from behind. There’s something kinda Jane Jetson going on with the dress. Maybe a bit to sexy for Jane, but you know what I mean.

If you think she needs some more sci-fi inspired clothing here’s another foray I made into retro sci-fi or some candy colored cyberpunk looks might be more your style. Also, if she needs a friend, here’s my other retro inspired alien girl from earlier this year.

So, what do you think? Fun? Do we need more fashions from space! Space fashions. Spashions, you might say.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

Aishwarya: An Elven Printable Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Elves and Purple Hair

A beautiful blue haired elf paper doll with two pairs of shoes. Part of the Ms Mannequin printable paper doll series, she can share clothing with those paper dolls. Available in color or black and white.

A short haired printable paper doll coloring page who can wear any of the Ms. Mannequin paper doll clothing. Free to print from

One perk of being a Patron of the blog is that I will actually listen to requests and usually follow through, though I still owe someone a New Romantic outfit.

I swear I am working on it.

Anyway, the interest in Lord of the Rings style fantasy made me decide to draw an elf. My conclusion that pale blond elves are cliche made me create one with blue hair.

See everything makes sense if you just understand my general feelings that most depictions of elves are boring.

Plus, I think everything is better if there is blue hair.

Aishwarya, today’s elf, shares a skin-tone with Layla, so they can share shoes. Aishwarya means “prosperity, wealth” in Sanskrit. I thought it was a really beautiful name.

If you feel that the few fantasy outfits the Ms. Mannequin paper dolls have are not elven feeling, then worry not. Next week, there will be an Elven inspired outfit for Aishwarya to wear.

How did I do on my first Ms. Mannequin elf? Does she need some elf friends?

By the way, there’s now a Paper Thin Personas shop on Etsy. Use the coupon called: READER2017 and get 25% off an order of 4.00 or more until the end of March. I’ll be adding some new clothing in the next week or so.

Want me to listen to your request more? Then think about becoming a Patron.

Need some clothing for today’s Ms Mannequin paper doll? Pick Out Some Ms. Mannequin Clothing Here

A Pink Haired, Green Skinned, Butterfly Winged Fairy Poppet Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Unisex Children’s Clothing, Fig & Me Dolls, Untied Shoes, and Twig & Tale Sewing Patterns

A pink haired, pale green skinned, printable fairy paper doll. Part of the Poppet series and free to print in color or black and white.

A printable fairy paper doll. Part of the Poppet series and free to print in color or black and white.

One of my Patron requests for 2017 was more fantasy creatures like mermaids and fairies. So, today’s fairy Poppet paper doll in my response to that request from Cathy W and I thought someone else, but I couldn’t verify that. So, other person who I couldn’t verify, if you exist outside my head, this is also for you.

Who doesn’t want an excuse to draw a printable fairy paper doll?

Seriously for a moment though, I was sort of surprised by the request for more fairies. One of the oddities of my brain is that I assume everyone has the same knowledge of my archive as me. So, sometimes when someone says, “Hey, could you draw…”

I think- “But I did draw that.”

Except sometimes it turns out that paper doll was like four years ago and I’m the only person who remembers that I drew it. So my first reaction to being asked for fairies was to think, “But I’ve done fairies.”

And then I paused and looked at my Archives and I was like, “Oh. Not as much as I thought.”

Also, just because I have done something once, doesn’t mean I can’t do it again. There’s not like statute of limitations on paper doll production, you know?

Anyhow, this is all a convoluted way of saying that I plan to do more mermaids and fairies in 2017. (In fact, come back February 21st, that’s all I’m saying…)

The wings are meant to be glued to the back of the paper doll along the white section. Last time I posted a fairy with wings, there was some confusion about this.

Meanwhile, if you want to support the blog, then think about becoming a Patron or liking it on facebook.

Mostly, I am using Facebook to share stuff from the Archives, because I expect no one to really go through nearly 1,000 posts. Not quote 1,000. I should do something cool when I hit 1,000.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

B&B A Super Cute Sci-Fi Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Space, the Final Frontier…

A super cute sci-fi alien paper doll printable with orange skin, wild red hair and three pieces of clothing. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print for personal use

A super cute sci-fi alien paper doll printable with three pieces of clothing. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print for personal use.

I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. My mother used to let me stay up an extra 30 minutes to watch the show with her. I have fond memories of Captain Picard and Co. running about the galaxy. I haven’t bought it yet, but I desperately want this book that came out recently about the costuming of Star Trek.

I remember reading once, I don’t know where, that they were never supposed to show zippers on anything in the future.

Anyway, whenever I draw aliens I think of Star Trek.

This is, for those of you counting, the first Buxom and Bodacious doll of 2017 and the 44th post in their series. Not bad really. If you think she need some more sci-fi/futuristic clothing to wear (and what alien paper doll doesn’t want an expansive wardrobe) then I would recommend last week’s retro sci-fi outfit, maybe some of Dragon Queen’s Dresses or maybe the fun of the first B&B doll’s cyperpunk wardrobe.

So, I gave her two pairs of shoes, because with this orange skin tone, she ain’t sharing with anyone. Though I think the black and white shoes are pretty flexible. An old Pixie paper doll named Jai inspired her crazy updo.

I love giving aliens insane hairstyles. Actually, I love giving all my paper dolls insane hairstyles. Probably because I wear my hair in a low ponytail all the time.

I bet I’ve asked this before, but here I go again. Are there any other Star Trek fans out there? What’s your favorite series? Let me know in a comment.

I grew up on Star Trek: The Next Generation, but my heart belongs to Star Trek: Deep Space Nice.

And if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron or liking the new facebook page.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

Ursula & Zachary Under the Sea: Mermaid Paper Dolls (Tails to Come!)

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{More Sprites Paper Dolls}

A pair of black paper dolls with blue hair and multi-colored dreadlocks.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Mermaid paper dolls? Where are the tails?”

So, yeah, there are no tails. This wasn’t my original plan.

My original plan was to have Zachary with a tail on Monday and Ursula with a tail on Tuesday. Then to post joint outfits for them on the following days. I thought this was a great plan, until I realized I could not fit the tail and the Zachary paper doll on the same page together. It simply did not fit.

And to think my layout problems were a thing of the past? Sigh.

So, instead we get two paper dolls and a promise of tails tomorrow. I swear these are mermaids. They’re just tailless mermaids.

Reminder that the black and white versions are linked up at the top of the post, if anyone is looking for it.

Anyway, Zachary and Ursula are both from the Sprites series which I introduced WAY back in January. As some of you may recall, I have been naming the Sprite faces in reverse alphabetical and I had gotten to the letter U, so Ursula it was.

I realized later that making the first Ursula paper doll a mermaid does bring up connotations of Disney’s A Little Mermaid, but that wasn’t my intention. I named the paper doll LONG before I picked out a theme and I could have started with a modern set, but mermaids were more fun. Her hair was inspired by this pin of a woman with teal hair on Pinterest.

Lastly, you love the blog, consider supporting it on Patreon. If you want paper doll updates on Twitter, I’ve moved them over to @paperpersonas.

Zachary Goes Cyber: Printable Paper Doll

logo-zachary-cyberHappy 2016!

I thought it would be fun to start the new year off with my new printable paper doll series- The Sprites. So, for the whole month of January, every Friday will be a new Sprite paper doll. The Sprites are really close to being Pixie & Puck 2.0, but I wanted to give them a whole new name since they absolutely can not share clothing with Pixie and Puck..

Unlike Pixie and Puck, the Sprite printable paper dolls will feature the same faces over and over again, much like Marisole Monday & Friends and the Mini-Maidens. Unlike Marisole Monday & Friends, all Sprite paper dolls will be in paired themes. So, today we have Zachary, a male cyberpunk paper doll and the next Sprite post (which will be next week) will be a female cyberpunk paper doll.

There will not always been two Sprite paper dolls in a row, just to clear that one up. I mean, I suspect there usually will be, but I also suspect that me promising there will be will only end in a stressed out Rachel. No one wants that, right?

Meet Zachary, the first of my new paper doll series. Zachary is a black paper doll with a cyberpunk style. He's got a five piece wardrobe. Print and color from

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So, after some debate, I decided to name my Sprite base paper dolls in reverse alphabetical order. Why? Because it seemed like a good idea at the time. I’d love to claim I’m starting with a male paper doll to appease my readers who love male paper dolls, but in reality it was because there aren’t a lot of names that start with Z. I was thinking of using Zoe, but then I was reminded I already had a Zoe paper doll. Therefore, Zachary it was. Plus I have known several different Zacharies and they have all been delightful.

Meet Zachary, the first of my new paper doll series. Zachary is a black paper doll with a cyberpunk style. He's got a five piece wardrobe. Print from

{Download a PDF to Print and Color} {Download a PNG to Print and Color}{More Sprite Printable Paper Dolls}

So, I went pretty traditional with my cyberpunk color scheme- black, white, yellow and red. I knew I wanted to do a two toned hair style and so I liked the idea of a bleached/non-bleached look.

I imagine, in my head, that his neon green eyes are actually cybernetic, but hey- you can decide if they’re natural. (Though I don’t think anyone has neon green eyes naturally.)

Thoughts on the new series? Ideas for the New Year? Drop me a comment and, as always, if you like the blog, I always appreciate support through Patreon.

Space Princess: An Alien Princess Paper Doll

logo-space-princess-colorI am so excited about this week… there are going to be a Vikings on Friday and a post about historical Viking dress on Wednesday and, of course, today we have an alien paper doll in color. What could be more fun than aliens and Vikings? (Maybe pirates and aliens and vikings, but lets not be greedy.)

Anyway, I am super-pleased to be showing off this little alien. I choose blue for her skin as I have a soft place in my heart for blue skinned aliens. I don’t know why. It is always the first color that comes to mind. It does occur to me though, I have done another blue skinned alien recently.

When you are dealing with a skin-tones not in the range of human normal, than the skin-tone does not act as a neutral. Therefore, the paper dolls skin-tone becomes part of the color palette in a way that is rarely something I worry about. So, I wanted bright cheerful colors that would accent and no compete with my little alien’s blue skin.

That was why I settled on a magenta, line green, dark teal and bright yellow color palette.

I went back and forth about how to color the gowns. My first thought was that they were all one color. Later, I decided it would be more interesting to make them multicolored. You can see the results of my multicolored experimentation below.


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Both jump-suit were colored in the same color scheme as the dresses and I made sure the boots would match the jumpsuits. I do admit that while I do think of my alien was a leader in war and a diplomat, I’m not sure going to war in platform boots makes a lot of sense.

Maybe in space, your foot wear doesn’t matter. After all, gravity might not be around, so you could wear whatever shoes you want? Maybe? I really don’t know, but I do love me a good pair of platform boots.