Sprites Summery Paper Doll Clothing

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Stuff I See Kids Wearing These Days

Contemporary paper doll clothing set which includes a pair of pants and shirt for a boy paper doll and two dresses for a girl paper doll. The clothing can be worn by any of the Sprites paper doll series.

Contemporary paper doll clothing set which includes a pair of pants and shirt for a boy paper doll and two dresses for a girl paper doll. The clothing can be worn by any of the Sprites paper doll series.

One of the classic problems I face is that I tend to draw and then ink and then scan and then post. Sometimes, this means I am posting weeks or months after I drew the paper doll content. While I actually like this schedule, because it keeps me from going nuts, there is a downside.

The downside is that sometimes I really don’t remember why I drew a set of paper doll clothing or what inspired me.

Take today’s summery Sprite clothing, for example. I have no idea why I drew these. I have the vague recollection that I felt like the Sprites had gotten so much fantasy stuff, that I should create something that was not fantasy.

“Something not fantasy” is not the most revolutionary reason to create a paper doll set, but that doesn’t make it less true.

I do remember in the coloring process that I struggled to find a color scheme that could be both masculine and feminine. It is no doubt a sign that I have stereotypical views of color, but I struggle with putting male paper dolls in pink.

If you do feel comfortable putting male paper dolls in pink, there is always the black and white version of today’s paper doll clothing.

In a side note, I really like the butterflies on the green dress and am super proud at how they turned out. Drawing tiny butterflies is hard and I am pleased with those.

A few other bookkeeping sorts of thing, I am starting a graduate program in the Fall. I don’t know how it will impact the blog, yet. I hope to continue posting regularly and with a minimum of disruption. However, I can not confidently promise that will be the case. So, I am just trying to let people know ahead of time.

Meanwhile, if you want to support the blogs continued “life on the web” than consider becoming a patron and making a small monthly (or one time) donation.

Looking for some Sprite paper dolls to wear these outfits? Pick out Sprite paper dolls here.

Sprites Get Some Summer Paper Doll Clothing

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Vintage Inspired Contemporary Clothing & College StudentsA set of summer paper doll clothing for boy and girl paper dolls in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com. Jeans, t-shirt, shorts and a tank top are all included.

A set of summer paper doll clothing for boy and girl paper dolls in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com. Jeans, t-shirt, shorts and a tank top are all included.

I wanted to make some summer paper doll clothing, but I confess men’s clothing isn’t my gift. Drawing contemporary men’s clothing still is something I find rather challenging, because I struggle to regularly come up with new ideas.

The guy Sprite’s t-shirt today is based off one I saw a student wearing on the campus where I work. The orange shorts are well, just a pair of orange shorts.

I mean, sometimes even guys want non-neutral pants, right? (I have no idea if this is true, actually.)

The Sprites ladies top is from a contemporary catalog. Her jeans are flares which I have been told are in fashion. I added the designs to the bottom when I decided there was something sorta vintage 1970s going on. Those designs were originally going to go on her top, but I thought that was too busy. The

Sprites, just like every series, I think think need a mix of clothing. I really enjoyed contemporary paper dolls when I was kid, usually ones from Golden Books which had punch out dolls and clothing. I preferred the cut out books, because with the punch out books the tabs often got ripped.

So, when I design contemporary stuff I’m always thinking of those old books, though today’s summer paper doll clothing owes more to what I see on the college campus where I work.

Speaking of all clothing types, tomorrow there will be a historical dress and then Friday there will be something sci-fi. I’m super busy this week and will be traveling a bit, so I will try to respond to comments and emails and such, but that might not happen.

What types of paper doll clothing do you like best? Let me know in a comment!

Looking for some Sprite paper dolls to wear these outfits? Pick out Sprite paper dolls here.

Ms. Mannequinn’s Paper Doll Dresses for Spring or Summer

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Summer Dresses
Two summer dresses for paper dolls, free to print and play with from paperthinpersonas.com.

A paper doll prom dress with a cropped top and full floral skirt. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

A pair of super cute summer dresses for the Ms. Mannequin series paper dolls. I really wish I could sit here and wax philosophical about this set. I could talk about inspiration and such…

However, the truth is that I just decided that I wanted to draw a pair of spring/summer dresses. The blue dress is sorta meant to be chambray which is a fabric that looks like denim, but is really light weight. (It’s great for sewing doll jeans, FYI.)

Along with the dresses, this set has two purses. I sorta thought the blue purse could go with the yellow dress and the pink purse with the blue dress, but I encourage you to pick your own favorite.

Being that I live in the Deep South, the weather has been already very hot and very humid, even though it is just May. So, I think I maybe breaking out my maxi dresses early this year. I’m not much of a short dress person, but part of the fun of paper dolls is that they get to have wardrobes that maybe I wouldn’t want to have.

I mean, I’m not exactly in the business of wearing dresses like this work every day. Unless, of course, my work was being an evil sorceress in which case… I would totally wear that dress.

I digress.

What do you think of these two dresses? Your style? I personally love the yellow one best, but what do you think?

Also, there’s a new set of paper doll clothing in the Etsy store. Super cute summery outfits in color or in black and white for coloring. Check them out here.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick out a Ms. Mannequin Paper Doll Here

A Mia Paper Doll and Her Printable Summer Clothing

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Pantone 2017  Color Report
A printable paper doll in color of an Asian girl with some summer clothing based on the Pantone 2017 color report. She's one of hundreds of paper dolls from paperthinpersonas.com.

A printable paper doll with some summer clothing based on the Pantone 2017 color report. She's one of hundreds of paper dolls to color from paperthinpersonas.com.

I had the realization that the last time I had posted a Mia paper doll was back in November of 2016 when I was doing my Bird Masquerade series. She got a masquerade gown based on a Loon. I loved that gown.

Anyway, I felt pretty strongly that I wanted to create a new Mia, since it has been six months. I went back and forth about a style for her. I thought about doing a fantasy set or a cyberpunk set, but I ended up settling on a casual summer set.

Color scheme wise, I based these colors Pantone’s 2017 Spring color report. I set a personal rule for myself that I couldn’t use any warm colors- no pinks, yellows or reds. Those are some of my favorite colors, so saying no to them was hard.

However, limitations sometimes create better stuff and I really love the peaceful feeling that this Mia clothing set has without the warm colors.

To give credit where credit is due, the blouse on the left was inspired by one I saw a student wearing at the college where I work. Hers was in reds and yellows, but since I was on a “no warm colors” kick, I ended up doing with blues and greens.

Well, what do you think of Mia’s outfit? Love those colors? Wish I’d gone with my tendency towards pink? Let me know in a comment. I always love to hear from you.

Need a more outfits for today’s Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Doll? Find More Ladies Clothing Here

The Poppet Printable Paper Dolls Finally Get Some Blue Jeans

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:The Realization that the Poppets Have Very Few Pairs of Jeans
Two pairs of paper doll jeans and a t-shirt for the Poppet printable paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

Two pairs of paper doll jeans and a t-shirt for the Poppet printable paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

Most of us have jeans in our closets. I certainly do. In fact, since I am pretty picky about jean fit, I have three pairs of nearly identical jeans in my closet. Levi stopped making my favorite 514 curvy fit jeans and I have yet to forgive them for this, but I can still get them in talls from Amazon. Once they run out of stock, I really don’t know what I’ll do about jeans.

Anyway, my point is that jeans are central to most people’s wardrobes and I’ve always thought that every paper doll should have a few items that fall into the “basics” category- stuff you really need to mix and match with some of the more exciting clothing. Jeans fall into the “basics” category.

So, imagine my surprise when I realized there had literally only been one pair of traditional full length jeans for the Poppet paper dolls back in 2013 with literally the first Poppet paper doll ever Petunia. The second pair jeans are a pair of rolled shorts that I drew January and posted in February.

Well, all that changes today. Today’s Poppet paper doll clothing set includes a t-shirt with a pink elephant on it and two pairs of jeans. One is a light colored wash with a rolled hem and the other is a dark blue flared pair.

The way I see it, jeans go with pretty much any top I have ever drawn though this one might be a stretch. Ain’t gonna lie.

I also drew a stuffed teddy bear, because I like stuffed teddy bears. Not every choice is well justified in my world.

So, do you have jeans on your closet? Are they a favorite or a least favorite clothing item? (Also is there anything worse to shop for than jeans?) Let me know in a comment or just let me know what you think of today’s paper doll.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

The Poppets Visit 1908 and Get Some Edwardian Children’s Clothes

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Macy’s 1908 Catalog
Today the Popper paper dolls are visiting 1908 and get some Edwardian children's clothes and shoes. The paper doll dress can be printed in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com.

So, back in June, I posted a preview of this Edwardian Poppet dress from 1908. Today, I am posting it finished. So, you can print and dress up the Poppets in it. My source was this Macy’s 1908 catalog. You can find the dress on page 97. It’s described as being made from chambray and trimmed in white. It came in rose or blue and cost 97 cents in sizes 4 to 14. I imagine the Poppet paper dolls as about 10, so it is right in their age range.

The Edwardian period is only one decade, 1900 to 1910 during the reign of King Edward. A lot of people extend the fashion period to 1914 since World War 1 really changed clothing. That makes sense, but then what do you call the era from 1914 until 1920? Anyway, I haven’t decided if I am willing to extend my era beyond 1910.

I find Edwardian children’s clothing interesting, because it is so different from Victorian outfits. The popularity of Rousseau’s beliefs that children should be allowed to do play actively meant that the styles tend to be simpler. And unlike earlier periods, you can’t immediately ID the age of a child by the length of the skirt. Most skirts are just below knee length, no matter what the age.

Though simpler than Victorian outfits, Edwardian children’s clothing still feels stuffy compared to today. Several more Edwardian paper doll pieces planned, so eventually the Poppets will have a whole wardrobe of Edwardian outfits for all sorts of occasions.

Until then, enjoy today’s summery 1908 dress even if it is December and outside it might not be so warm.

So, Edwardian children’s clothes? Love them? Hate them? Personally, I have mixed feelings. I think it is the pigeon breasted thing. Other’s thoughts?

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: Watermelons & Crop Tops

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A watermelon skirt with two matching tops for a printable paper doll. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

We are closing the week with watermelons, because I really don’t think there’s anything more summery than watermelon. I have fond memories of spitting the seeds off the back deck to see who could get it the furthest into the woods.

Of course, the watermelons in question are on a paper doll skirt rather than an actual melon, but that’s what you get when you come to a paper doll blog, right?

It would be kinda off if I was offering actual watermelons.

When I was designing pattern motifs for this series of paper dolls, I really got to thinking about summer symbols- watermelon, citrus fruits, flamingos, suns. All things I associate with sand and summer.

I made this skirt more of a middie length so it could be worn a little more formal if you paired with the right top. I was thinking of the pink one for that look. That pink top would also be very cute with the white cropped pants from Tuesday or the denim top with the white shorts from Monday.

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: A Paper Doll & Her Clothes

As usual, I tried to make sure all the pieces could mix and match together for this week. I am considering abandoning weekly themes though and just posting random stuff. Thoughts about that idea from my readers?

A friendly reminder, that you can follow the blog on Twitter and support it by becoming a Patron.

I hope everyone has a delightful weekend.

Marisole’s Summer Clothes: Accessory Thursday!

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Happy Accessory Thursday! The day when I get to do what I like a lot which is show off paper doll shoes! (Everything is better with paper doll shoes. There’s been a study.)

I designed these shoes to go with Monday’s paper doll, but since I use the same set of seven skin-tones for most of my paper dolls, these shoes should also work with A Little Retro, Beautiful Boho, Sweet and Saucy, Secret Agent, Prima Ballerina, my Divergent Paper Doll and Hearts, Denim and Bows since they all share the same skin-tone as Monday’s Marisole paper doll.

I designed these shorts and I added them in with these two sandals. I colored them and I like their pattern of suns, but I couldn’t decide what they went with. So, I decided to post them with these shoes and bags. I think they could go with the yellow crop top from Tuesday.

The back strap on the cross-body purse is designed to tuck behind the paper doll’s body. That’s how that works incase anyone is wondering what that white tab is for- it’s just to hold the purse against the doll. Nuances of printable paper doll design you never knew you never knew.

Now, if you’re thinking… I’d really like to support PTP than consider joining Patreon if you want.

Meanwhile, I always love to hear from my readers.

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: Flamingos and Lemons

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Every week I seem to end up with a favorite set of printable paper doll clothes. It’s not on purpose, it just seems to happen. This week, these are totally my favorites. Hands down. No question. I mean, who doesn’t want a sundress covered in lemons or one decorated with flamingos? I want one! I totally do.

I confess I probably wouldn’t wear it though. I am much more of a maxi-dress kinda girl.

If you’re thinking, but where is a doll to wear these fantastic whimsical sundresses, than here’s Monday’s paper doll, but any of the Marisole Monday & Friend’s printable paper dolls can wear these clothes.

As usual, the black and white coloring page version is linked at the top of the post. I have gotten several emails asking where it is lately, so I am wondering, is it really that hard to find?

I wanted to do a flamingo covered dress, because I have a strange fondness for plastic lawn flamingos. When I was a kid, there was a house that faced the main road that had a flock of plastic flamingos that would be arranged in different styles. During the 4th of July, they would be marching with flags and around Christmas, they were festooned with Santa hats.

I never met the people who owned the house, but I’ve always thought I would get along with them. Anyone who arranges their lawn flamingos in thematic displays is my kinda person.

So, when I moved into a townhouse down here in Alabama which was identical to every townhouse next to it, I ended up being given a lawn flamingo by a friend as a gift. It got broken when a nasty storm knocked it over and then I moved into a place where a lawn flamingo wasn’t really viable.

Now that I am back in a place with a yard, I am looking forward to picking up a pair of flamingos. After all, if I just have one, it’ll get lonely. 🙂

Meanwhile, enjoy the paper doll dresses! I don’t have any stories about lemons to tell you, but I had fun doing the lemon dress, too.

Thoughts on lawn flamingos? Cheesy? Or fun?

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: Yellows & Whites

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Summery clothing fashions with capris, a crop top and a tunic. Free to print and dress up some paper dolls with!

Before I moved to the south, I just didn’t get white pants. Now I have discovered them from living down here, I totally love them. Nothing looks quite so crisp as white pants and I know it’s after labor day and there are rules I think about white and Labor day, but I don’t remember what they are.

Anyway, today we have a crop top, a tunic top and a pair of white capri pants for the printable paper dolls. I have a “no frump” rule for my paper dolls. I think they should get to be stylish and fashionable to the best of my ability. Of course, either of these tops could be paired with yesterday’s white shorts.

Now, I did design these to go with Monday’s paper doll set, but if you feel like you want some more wardrobe options, than might I recommend Denim and Bows or Seagulls and Seaside as other options.

Of course, the clothes can be worn by any of the Marisole Monday & Friend’s paper dolls. That is, after all, the point of having a paper doll series.

And if you’re interested in the black and white versions, they are linked at the top of the page, so you can color them yourself. One of the nice things about these pieces is that they are versatile

Now, if you want to support the blog, please think about joining the Patreon page. It really is helpful to defray the costs of keeping PTP on the web.

Meanwhile, tomorrow there will be some fun sundresses (my favorites this week, I confess) and then Accessory Thursday, of course, and then we’ll wrap this week. So, things should putter along here.

As always, leave a comment if you like! I always like to know what y’all think.

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: Jumpsuit & White Shorts

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A young fashionable black woman with some summer clothes- a jumpsuit and shorts. She can wear any of the clothing from the Marisole Monday & Friend's paper doll series.

Originally, back when I was making plans, I hadn’t planned on doing two contemporary fashion sets in a row. I thought I would do something else between, but then I ended up needing to move and life has away of laughing at our best laid plans.

So, here I am posting two contemporary fashion printable paper doll sets in a row, but they couldn’t be more different. Last week, I forayed into Hip-Hop paper doll fashion. This week we are sticking with what I am far more comfortable with, summer fashions from the fashion magazines like In-Style and Vogue.

This week, our paper doll model is Marisole. As some of you probably remember, Marisole is the first of the Marisole Monday & Friend’s paper dolls and she leads our charge. Today, she has a strapless jumpsuit and a pair of white shorts. I swear later on there will be top options to go with her shorts.

This week’s theme is fresh summer fashions- expect a lot of whimsical prints including lemons and flamingos, plus sundresses and cropped tops.

And of course, there’s Patreon if you want to help support the blog, plus PTP is on twitter- @paperpersonas. Twitter is a great way to ask me questions, because I tend to answer them faster than comments.

Ursula & Zarchary Under the Sea: Clothes for Dry Land

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A set of paper doll clothing for the beach! Designed for the Sprites paper doll series and also available in black and white for coloring.
Happy Thursday everyone! It’s just one more day until the weekend.

I know this is “mermaid week”, but it seemed to me that even mermaid’s might need to step off onto dry-land once in a while.

So, instead of Accessory Thursday, this week we have “shoes and dry land clothes” Thursday. That title just doesn’t roll off the tongue very well, does it?

But y’all know what I mean.

So, I have been traveling so much this last few weeks, I feel like I can’t keep track of where I am or what I am doing anymore. I colored this week’s paper dolls while visiting my Sister in Alaska and I am writing this post in Georgia where I am for a professional conference. I can’t wait to get a week where I don’t travel and can just have my quite at home routine of groceries, work, friends and art.

A few days ago, I posted a blog on my Patreon page about finding inspiration. You can read it here for the next few days, but I’m closing it to non-Patrons on Monday.