Pixie & Puck: Thorne


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I sort of think of Thorne (named after a friend from high school who looked nothing like this, but that is not here nor there) as perhaps the boyfriend of Jay or at least that they come from the same world. It’s the same world I tend to assume my Cyborg and Vera come from. Perhaps a futuristic place with lots of neon and flying cars.

Sort of Fifth Element meets Mad Max. Of the two, I’d take the visual style of the Fifth Element over Mad Max pretty much any day.

Pixie & Puck: Jay


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Obviously, I have been watching to much of Demolition Man while practicing my shiny textures. Actually, on Friday, I did just that. A girlfriend and I got together for pizza, a cupcake each from the bakery and movies.

First we watched Demolition Man which is basically everything good about a Sylvester Stallone movies distilled down in to a thick glorious syrup. After Demolition Man (I kinda want to draw the police uniforms from the future now, but I need to make more notes before I try), we watched My Fair Lady.

Yes, a bit of a change of pace but there’s dancing and singing and Rex Harrison in tweed. How can Rex Harrison in tweed ever be a bad thing?

I might have a thing for tweed.

Moving gracefully away from my thing for tweed, I have a poll right now up about the blog schedule. People should vote. Its more for my information then for any major site changes.

Pixie & Puck: Cyborg

Obviously, I have been playing around with shiny a bit lately. I did it for the Marisole Superhero post. I have another shiny post in the early stages of work. I rather like the shiny effect, though there should be a more effective way of doing it then what I have been doing. I just don’t know what that might be at the moment.


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I am really lucky to have supportive friends. When I sit around while we watch movies or hang out and draw paper dolls their reactions are usually, “That’s neat.” Rather than making fun of me for being a mid-twenties graduate student whose drawing paper dolls.

When I was in high school and through most of college and I drew paper dolls, it was a tightly kept secret I shared with only a few people. I did say I collected, but it was always- because I have since I was a child… I never wanted to confess I really did still enjoy paper dolls.

I’ve gotten over it. Maybe it’s time or maturity or something else, but I no longer get nervous telling people about my weird hobby… most of the time. It’s still not something I advertise.

Marisole Monday: Superhero/Supervillian

So, we’re up a little late this time and I am sorry for that. This weekend has been nothing short of insane here in the land of the corn. I’ve had classes (yes, weekend classes) which were educational, but time consuming. I finished this paper doll close to midnight and decided to crawl into bed rather then finish the posting.


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But that’s okay, we now have a paper doll. Drawing a superhero paper doll was a suggestion of a friend who reads far more superhero comics then I do. The only superhero comic, I’ve ever really enjoyed was Deadpool and Cable. Mostly, because Deadpool is hilarious and extensional and everything I enjoy when reading a comic.

And also, I’ve been trying to get a good “shiny” effect on the clothes. This is the first one I’ve posted like this. I think it came out all right, but what do others think?

Pixie: Vera

I have such mixed feelings about this paper doll and I have such mixed feelings about starting a post with the words “I have such mixed feelings…” I usually try to not talk about what I dislike, but I must confess I don’t think the face of the paper doll Vera was very successful. I love her black and gray kimono-esque costume with the pink flowers though, I think that one came out beautifully.

So, I guess maybe you win some and you lose some when it comes to paper dolls.


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One of the unique features of paper doll blogging vs. standard paper doll drawing is that I find I hate going to the trouble of inking something only to decide I don’t like it. Don’t mis-understand me, there’s plenty of things in my sketchbooks that will never see the light of day, but I often feel that the goal of posting on time and regularly is more important then the goal of always being in love with what I post.

While my natural inclination is not to post anything I don’t like, the actual practical consideration is that if I never posted anything I wasn’t totally satisfied with then I would likely only update once a month at most. As it is, I’m learning to be okay with posting paper dolls even when I have mixed feelings about them.

Especially when I really adore their strange futuristic kimono costumes.

Curves: Galactic Queen

Over the course of the blog, I’ve done a few different Curves in space sort of paper dolls. There was the original Curves In Space and then another Alien paper dolls with Curves Out of This World, of them all I really like this one a lot, though I suspect that’s more symptomatic of the fact that it is the latest one I’ve done.

Also, it was kinda fun to draw a crazy alien chick.


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When I was a kid, I used to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Secretly, I still watch it) and I loved all the different Alien.

Hmmm… paper doll with a Star Trek uniform might work… though it might also be very 1990. Hard to say…

Space Babe: Sci-Fi Paper Doll to Print


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And here we are- Marisole in SPACE!. If you are going to say “in space” I think the ! is necessary. I don’t normally like ! points, but they are sometimes useful.

I had a lot of fun with the colors of this paper doll. I wanted to give Marisole dark skin and then be able to use absurdly bright colors in her costumes. These are the kinds of colors I like, but as a pale skinned person could never wear. (Seriously, me in lime green is among the most disturbing sights ever.)

CyberGirl 4: Paper Doll Clothes of the Future!


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It has been one of those weekends in which nothing seems to get done. I ran errands yesterday, payed some bills and did my dishes, but I don’t feel as though I’ve accomplished anything. And I didn’t get as many dishes done as I should have.

This is the last of the “Cybergirl” series which has taken me a while to get through. Probably cause I flaked off for a while there… Never the less, it’s done and next Saturday there will be a new Shortrun paper doll. I need to dig through my sketchbooks and see what I have done or at least close to done to scan in.

As long as you’re here and reading this post, consider voting in my poll about what I should do for my new Fashion Doll Friday series. More information can be found on the last Florence post I did. The poll will be open until November 1st. I’ll have it on the posts for the rest of the week and then it’ll live in the sidebar.


Cybergirl 3:Black and White Paper Doll to Print

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I try not to have favorites among my paper dolls, but I do have favorites. And these are two of my favorite of Cybergirl’s costumes. They feature all the things I sort of love- straps, tweed, crazy hair, a little bit Victorian, wacky jewelry, absurdly impossible to wear…

The joys of fantasy dressing through paper dolls.

So, I got a couple good responses about Fashion Doll Friday and what I should do about my apathy towards Florence. Since I have a few dresses already penciled, scanned or ready to post for her, things won’t be changing for a while, I assure you. I spent last night drawing and inking and working away on paper doll things, so Marisole will get some cute Ancient Greek inspired duds tomorrow. I also put some time in on a new paper doll, possibly a serial one. I wish I knew where my digital camera was so I could preview her. Maybe another time.

Until then, enjoy the future of fashion in this set of paper doll dresses.

CyberGirl 1: Black and White Paper Doll to Print

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I hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I have had one. I did a lot of drawing, a lot of homework and hung out with some friends. I’m hoping to spend Monday working on the site and getting some stuff posted and scheduled and generally better organized. We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, enjoy this little pause in to the world of cyberpunk.

Out of this World: Sci-Fi Paper Doll to Print

Alien paper doll

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It is late, but technically before midnight, so technically this post is not late. Go me.

However, it is too late for me to have anything intelligent to say about it. I think, somehow, my adoring fans with survive.

Curves In Space! Sci-Fi Paper Doll to Print

Some weeks, it’s not worth crawling out of bed on Monday.

Curves as a space princess!

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Anyway, here is Curves in SPACE. I have honestly been wanting to use that title for a post since I came up with it which was…. well, a while ago. I’m still enjoying the Curves paper dolls. They get crazy things to wear in places like SPACE.

In my brain, the outfit on the left is the good space princess outfit worn by the heroine. It has a very 1980’s vibe, but I blame this on my Star Trek: The Next Generation watching childhood. The outfit on the right is the evil space princess outfit. You can tell it’s evil because of the thigh high boots and the slight dominatrix vibe.

Yes, I just used the word dominatrix on a post about paper dolls…

I think I better go to bed.