Let me talk about my childhood for a moment. My family had a commercial fishing boat, lovingly known as Lady B. We fished halibut by long line and salmon with trolling gear. It’s hard work, but Southeast Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth. At least the view was always worth it. Also, I did learn to gut a fish in 6 cuts, so that’s something.
When I decided I wanted to do another fisher paper doll, after all my last one was many years ago, I knew I wanted to stick to the same basic clothing options. There are a lot of printable career paper dolls out there, but a definite lack of commercial fishers in the paper doll world.

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This was the sort of fishing gear I remembered wearing as a teenager. It may not be what people are still wearing, but I don’t think fishing gear has changed much. There’s a set of bright orange heavy duty rain gear, a knit cap, long underwear top and skinny jeans. There are rain boots, deck shoes, gaff hook, gutting knife, halibut and gloves.
Halibut exude a slime when pulled from the water. It’s a defensive mechanism for them. While I adore the way halibut tastes, I personally do not miss the slime. Halibut slime is a uniquely gross substance.
Also, whenever I hear someone singing the praises of how amazing halibut tastes, I want to say, “Yes, but have you ever experienced the slime?”

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A few things- all the colors I chose were based on colors from actual garments, except for the t-shirt with the boat on it. I made that one up.
About the boat- after some debate, I chose to draw a gill-netter which is not the type of boat I grew up on. However, my parents first boat was a gill-netter. I do think the rigging is a bit much for the gill-netter and closer to what you see on a toller, but I digress. I don’t think anyone is peering at paper doll clothing going, “Hey, that fishing boat’s rigging looks weird.”
And if they are, well… I think that might point to a deeper issue with them.
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