Polka-Dots: Celebrating a 2020 Fashion Trend

I love reading the fashion magazines in March when they publish the big spring fashion reports. It’s probably my second favorite time to buy fashion magazines. September is my other favorite time. So, one of the things I look for in those magazines are the trends for inspiration when drawing paper dolls with clothes.

One of the trends of 2020 it polka-dots. I knew I wanted to draw some! I love polka-dots. They’re whimsical and playful which is the best way to create paper dolls. There should be something playful about them, don’t you think?

Paper dolls with clothes coloring page, featuring a black paper doll and her polka-dot inspired wardrobe.

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Each of the clothing items I drew for this paper doll was a bit girly-ruffles for sleeves, pleats and such. The grey and coral is a color combination I love and there’s something feminine about polka-dots. Hence the pinks and ruffles.

I also wanted to repeat the circular shape in the dolls hair and her purse. I thought the afro would be a fun match to the polka-dots. Plus, while I have drawn a fair number of black paper dolls, not very many of them have afros.

Paper dolls with clothes printable paper toy, featuring a black paper doll and her polka-dot inspired wardrobe.

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A few of my other favorite polka-dot paper dolls over the years include this fun red dress, these gothic leggings, some sandals with this paper doll and Dot, a paper doll from back in 2010.

If you want more original paper dolls, join us if you like on Patreon.

I also used polka-dots when I was showing how I put patterns on my paper doll clothes. So, if you’re wondering how this paper doll with clothes got her polka-dots, read this tutorial. I still use this method.

What do you think of polka-dots? Are you a fan? I confess I love them, but I rarely wear them.

By the way, you might notice there’s some new layout things around here. I’m trying out a new theme to try to speed up the sites load time- which tends towards the awful. Let me know if anyone notices the change!

Dolls Du Jour: Days in Denim

Sharing a new paper doll series is always a little stressful. When I design paper dolls to dress, I think about body poses and I think a lot about how many different styles I think I can get from a single body pose. A few perks of this pose are the 3/4 view and the spread legs, which open up some design options.

She will be hard to make into a mermaid though…

Anyway, the first version of this paper doll showed up on Instagram back in 2018. I had to do some extensive redrawing, because the sketchbook was ruined while traveling to Alaska.

Fixing her right foot was also a priority.

A huge thanks you to my Patrons! Sheryl helped me name the series and had the amazing idea to name the dolls after temporal themes. I love this! Because I tend to like giving my paper dolls names that are not really names. I mean, you can find people named Dawn, but like there aren’t a lot of Dusk or Evening named folks running around.

A coloring page with paper dolls to dress with jeans and other contemporary clothing pieces.

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I like to test out new series with sets that show me how many clothing pieces I can fit on a page. After all, the whole point of paper dolls to dress is that you want to dress them. Otherwise, why have the clothing at all?

Denim is the base of most modern wardrobes. Knowing that I have denim done, so to speak, allows for more variety in later sets. Every person (or paper doll) needs a good pair of jeans after all.

Paper dolls to dress with jeans and other contemporary clothing pieces.

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Color scheme wise, I had no idea what to do with this set. Denim is mostly blue, after all, so I went with a green, purple and pink scheme.

I have done occasional random denim themed paper dolls over the years. A few of my favorites- Weekend Denim, Paper Doll Guys Need Jeans, Girl Paper Dolls Need Jeans, Hearts Denim and Bows, Jeans and Tank Tops, and my first ever- Stylish Denim. I’ve heard that denim maxi skirts are back and I am secretly super excited about this.

What do you think of this new series? Let me know in a comments! And head over to join us on Patreon if you want to someday help name a paper doll series.

Denim & A Bloom- Paper Doll Jeans!

A set of paper doll clothing with a pair of jeans, a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt with a floral design on it.

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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
So, I think of these paper doll posts in two ways. On one hand, each posts needs to be complete in and of itself. Like, I try not to just post a random pair of boots and nothing else, you know? On the flip side, I also think of them as all being part of the Jewels and Gemstones series and therefore part of a large art piece. So, they are not individual creations and bits of a bigger creation.

As a result, I was realizing I didn’t really have a lot of like basics for the Jewels and Gemstones. I’ve only done one pair of jeans so far. That seemed like a hole I should fill.

Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
I feel like someone asked for shorts and a t-shirt, but I also wanted to just draw some basics. Jeans and a shirt and shorts. They can be mixed and matched with all the other Jewels and Gemstones contemporary clothing.

Specific Source Images: This one was a big influence on my Firebird design.

Learn/See More
On the Blog: The One Other Pair of Jeans & More Jewels & Gemstones paper dolls
Around the Internet: Hmmm… I had no idea what to link here, so let’s just move on!

Last Thoughts
I’ve noticed there’s a lot of really unexpected color schemes in floral patterns these days, so I wanted to match that when I picked out colors for today’s set. I really didn’t want to make it a pink flower, though that was my first instinct.

If you’d like an extra paper doll outfit every week, join us on Patreon. It’s super fun.

Even Paper Doll Guys Need Jeans

A set of boy paper doll clothing with jeans and two shirts for the Dames and Dandies paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

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As I mentioned Wednesday, my initial plan was to start with this set for the Pose C paper doll guys, because I figured- All the guys I know wear jeans.

But then I also thought, ‘Jeans are kinda boring’

And that thought won out. So, here are the jeans and basic tops. I figure the guys of pose C (or guy of Pose C, as there is only Changrui at the moment) can wear these to hang out with friends, go to the bar or on a casual date. The shirts are all based on things I’ve seen college students wearing.

I have no idea what is fashionable for men these days, so I tend to rely on college student observation. I suspect college students tend towards the casual, so if I decide to draw some suits for the guys I’ll have to do some more research.

The fact is that most men’s clothing in the last 50 years has changed in nuance, not substance. The width of the tie worn with a suit. The shape of the trousers. The presence or lack of a hat. These are the things that define men’s clothing.

It’s all much more subtle than most changes to ladies clothing, but perhaps I only say that because I lack the practiced eye to analyze it. Something worth thinking about, I suspect.

Any way, I am pretty satisfied with these jeans and I like the t-shirts. When I think of playing with paper dolls, I am reminded that they need basics as much as they need exotic options.

Need a a Doll to wear today’s clothing? All the C Pose Dolls & Clothing

Wintertime Paper Doll Fashions: Jeans & A Warm Coat

A warm winter coat for the paper dolls with jeans and boots. Free to print in color or black and white.

Printable Black & White PDF Printable Color PDF More Paper Dolls & Clothes

One of the ironies of my working style is that I somehow end up with lots of paper doll content that ends up posting way out of season. Shorts in the winter cold are not at all uncommon in my paper doll world. However, since I drew all these outfits for the next few weeks in December, I felt wonderful about posting some honest to goodness winter clothing in January.

It’s been so chilly these last few weeks in the South. I’m not used to it threatening to freeze so much here. I’m keeping my heat on when I leave the house and a faucet dripping. I would leave my under-sink cabinets open, but my cat is very curious and I worry she’d get into the cleaning supplies I keep down there. These are the choices one makes when one has a cat, I suppose.

So far, no pipe problems. It is warmer this week than it was last week and cold weather kills off the bug population, so I am trying to be positive about the whole thing. Meanwhile, I’ve broken out my wool coat, gloves, boots, scarf and hat.

The B Pose paper dolls have done the same with today’s outfit. One fur collared coat, a pair of boots, long sleeved t-shirt and jeans. For truly cold places, you can imagine the jeans are lined in flannel. I really do enjoy drawing coats and I should do more of them, I think.

There’s an alternative version of today’s paper doll outfit over on the Patreon page for anyone to download if they like. While you’re there, consider becoming a patron. It helps pay for the blog’s server costs and such.

Need a Doll to wear today’s outfit? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing

Mini-Maiden’s Summery Tanktops and Jeggings

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Jeggings and Summery Clothing
A set of paper doll jeggings to color and print and play with. Who doesn't need that?
Confession: I drew this back in July when the weather was hot. It was so very hot, as it gets in Alabama. (Seriously, this is not a state you want to live in when it’s July.)

So, since I am working through a large batch of Mini-Maidens that I drew all those months ago, I can safely say this it the last “summery” fashion collection for them I have for the moment. I’ll need to draw some more for the Mini-Maiden paper dolls really soon. I’ve got Ms. Mannequins and Poppets in the works, but Mini-Maidens need love as well.

Anyway, summer has left Alabama, though it is still in the 60s. It does drop down at night, but I’ll openly confess that the weather is really mild compared to what I saw in Alaska. I am going home soon and am not looking forward to returning to below freezing weather. I own no clothing that works for weather that cold.

I dug my only wool sweater out of my closet earlier. I haven’t worn it in, I am not kidding, five years.

Ahh, well. I’m sure I’ll be okay. (Freezing cold, but okay.)

I digress. I wanted to design these clothing pieces to slide perfectly into the wardrobes that you can create with my other contemporary Mini-Maiden paper doll fashion sets. I was thinking this set and this set, this older set or this older set.

As always, I love to hear comments or, if you’d like to support the blog further than become a patron.

Need a Mini-Maiden paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Mini-Maiden Paper Doll Here.

B&B in Some Patriotic Clothing

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{More Bodacious and Buxom Paper Dolls}

Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Stars, Stripes and All Things 4th of July
A set of patriotic paper doll clothing to celebrate the 4th of July for the curvy B&B printable paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

A paper doll Princess Lolita outfit with thigh high socks from paperthinpersonas.com. Available in color or black and white for coloring.

Happy 4th of July!

I didn’t really design this paper doll clothing set to be 4th of July themed. I just wanted to do red jeans and a shirt with stars on it. Somehow once I was coloring the set, the patriotic theme seemed inevitable.

The truth is that I tend to forget most holidays. I think I have all the time in the world and then suddenly they are upon me and I panic. The entire Mini-Maiden series owns its existence to my holiday panic.

Despite that I want to do holiday themed sets. I just seem to forget a lot.

Maybe the thing to do is start planning for Halloween today and then I might not end up scrambling. I’ve always admired Liana’s October themed months. I need to some up with an idea for the month or maybe just something for the 31st.

I hope everyone in the United States has a great 4th of July. I plan to spend mine playing board games, eating barbecued chicken and peach pie.

Need to get a Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear these fabulous clothes? Pick one out here.

Sprites Get Some Summer Paper Doll Clothing

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Vintage Inspired Contemporary Clothing & College StudentsA set of summer paper doll clothing for boy and girl paper dolls in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com. Jeans, t-shirt, shorts and a tank top are all included.

A set of summer paper doll clothing for boy and girl paper dolls in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com. Jeans, t-shirt, shorts and a tank top are all included.

I wanted to make some summer paper doll clothing, but I confess men’s clothing isn’t my gift. Drawing contemporary men’s clothing still is something I find rather challenging, because I struggle to regularly come up with new ideas.

The guy Sprite’s t-shirt today is based off one I saw a student wearing on the campus where I work. The orange shorts are well, just a pair of orange shorts.

I mean, sometimes even guys want non-neutral pants, right? (I have no idea if this is true, actually.)

The Sprites ladies top is from a contemporary catalog. Her jeans are flares which I have been told are in fashion. I added the designs to the bottom when I decided there was something sorta vintage 1970s going on. Those designs were originally going to go on her top, but I thought that was too busy. The

Sprites, just like every series, I think think need a mix of clothing. I really enjoyed contemporary paper dolls when I was kid, usually ones from Golden Books which had punch out dolls and clothing. I preferred the cut out books, because with the punch out books the tabs often got ripped.

So, when I design contemporary stuff I’m always thinking of those old books, though today’s summer paper doll clothing owes more to what I see on the college campus where I work.

Speaking of all clothing types, tomorrow there will be a historical dress and then Friday there will be something sci-fi. I’m super busy this week and will be traveling a bit, so I will try to respond to comments and emails and such, but that might not happen.

What types of paper doll clothing do you like best? Let me know in a comment!

Looking for some Sprite paper dolls to wear these outfits? Pick out Sprite paper dolls here.

Poppet’s Paper Dolls Go A Bit Tom-Boy & There are Rocketships

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{More Poppets Paper Dolls}

Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Little Boys Clothing & Rocket Ships

A printable paper doll clothing set with two shirts and a pair of pants for the Poppet paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

A printable paper doll clothing set with two shirts and a pair of pants for the Poppet paper doll series from paperthinpersonas.com.

I will confess that I tend to like girly clothing for the Poppets. Lots of skirts and ruffles and things, but I realized not every one shares my feelings, so I wanted to do some tom-boy clothing for them as well.

I’m not sure about the rocket. I think it would not make it to space, but oh well… not every rocket is a winner, as they say.

I want to give the pants deep pockets for collecting important things, like interesting rocks and other treasures of childhood. The colors were chosen to be masculine without feeling stodgy or old. It’s a riff on a primary color scheme, really, with some orange added in for good measure.

The scheme was my original plan for the Asian Poppet paper doll that I posted earlier in the month, but I didn’t like the yellow being in both the clothing and on the doll’s stand. But, since I did like the color scheme, I used it in today’s set of paper doll clothing.

I am all about recycling and limiting the work I have to do.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s outfit? Pick a Poppet Paper Doll Here.

Occupations: An Archivist Complete with Her Own Hollinger Box

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: An Archivist, Because it is One Half of my Job Title
An Archivist paper doll outfit coloring page from paperthinpersonas.com.
So, this months theme was super hard for me. We all agreed to the themes back when we started this collab paper doll project, but I’ll confess that I really really struggled with this one. I just don’t draw a lot of occupations paper dolls.

So, my first idea was to do like a Fire Fighter, but that would have taken a lot of research. So, would have that the other ideas that I had. Finally, in the interest of not doing research, I decided to draw what I know.

Therefore, I am pleased to present a paper doll Archivist.

Why an Archivist? Because I am one. See, super simple?

But wait, you maybe thinking, I thought you were a librarian! Actually, I am both.

(I do tend to have stronger Librarian tendencies than Archivist tendencies, but that’s neither here nor there.)

After drawing an outfit, I decided that she needed a classic Archivist accessory and what could be more fitting than the ubiquitous to archives Hollinger Metal edge document case?

One thing I was NOT going to do was give her a bun, so I went with a casual long layered style. I though I always keep my hair in a ponytail at work to both keep it out of my face and out of my collections.

So, check out Popculture and Paper Dolls, Miss. Missy and Paper Doll School for three other occupation inspired paper doll outfits.

Need a doll to wear this stylish outfit? Grab the Doll here. 

Marisole’s Fresh Summer Fashions: Flamingos and Lemons

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{More Marisole Monday & Friends Paper Dolls}


Every week I seem to end up with a favorite set of printable paper doll clothes. It’s not on purpose, it just seems to happen. This week, these are totally my favorites. Hands down. No question. I mean, who doesn’t want a sundress covered in lemons or one decorated with flamingos? I want one! I totally do.

I confess I probably wouldn’t wear it though. I am much more of a maxi-dress kinda girl.

If you’re thinking, but where is a doll to wear these fantastic whimsical sundresses, than here’s Monday’s paper doll, but any of the Marisole Monday & Friend’s printable paper dolls can wear these clothes.

As usual, the black and white coloring page version is linked at the top of the post. I have gotten several emails asking where it is lately, so I am wondering, is it really that hard to find?

I wanted to do a flamingo covered dress, because I have a strange fondness for plastic lawn flamingos. When I was a kid, there was a house that faced the main road that had a flock of plastic flamingos that would be arranged in different styles. During the 4th of July, they would be marching with flags and around Christmas, they were festooned with Santa hats.

I never met the people who owned the house, but I’ve always thought I would get along with them. Anyone who arranges their lawn flamingos in thematic displays is my kinda person.

So, when I moved into a townhouse down here in Alabama which was identical to every townhouse next to it, I ended up being given a lawn flamingo by a friend as a gift. It got broken when a nasty storm knocked it over and then I moved into a place where a lawn flamingo wasn’t really viable.

Now that I am back in a place with a yard, I am looking forward to picking up a pair of flamingos. After all, if I just have one, it’ll get lonely. 🙂

Meanwhile, enjoy the paper doll dresses! I don’t have any stories about lemons to tell you, but I had fun doing the lemon dress, too.

Thoughts on lawn flamingos? Cheesy? Or fun?

Ursula & Zarchary Under the Sea: Clothes for Dry Land

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{More Sprites Paper Dolls}

A set of paper doll clothing for the beach! Designed for the Sprites paper doll series and also available in black and white for coloring.
Happy Thursday everyone! It’s just one more day until the weekend.

I know this is “mermaid week”, but it seemed to me that even mermaid’s might need to step off onto dry-land once in a while.

So, instead of Accessory Thursday, this week we have “shoes and dry land clothes” Thursday. That title just doesn’t roll off the tongue very well, does it?

But y’all know what I mean.

So, I have been traveling so much this last few weeks, I feel like I can’t keep track of where I am or what I am doing anymore. I colored this week’s paper dolls while visiting my Sister in Alaska and I am writing this post in Georgia where I am for a professional conference. I can’t wait to get a week where I don’t travel and can just have my quite at home routine of groceries, work, friends and art.

A few days ago, I posted a blog on my Patreon page about finding inspiration. You can read it here for the next few days, but I’m closing it to non-Patrons on Monday.