Marisole Monday: Feeling Blue

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As a paper doll, Marisole provides a few options which the other paper dolls on the site don’t. One of those is to play around with mix and match clothing options which is what I tried to do with this set of paper doll clothes. I wanted to show a variety of options which were available with one dress and several vests, cloaks, jackets which could be placed over it. I stuck to a blue based color scheme when my red based color scheme just didn’t work out very well.

So, my original idea was that Marisole here was some sort of exotic noble lady in a world where fabric (being handmade) was extremely expensive. The resulting society would rely on accessory pieces to turn a simple gown into a lovely dress for a variety of occasions. And since fabric was at a premium, absurd hairstyles could be the status part of a ladies attire. (It is also entirely possible, I just like drawing absurd hairstyles. I would not rule this out.)

Though Marisole’s family has some money, they are not absurdly wealthy. Perhaps some bad investments many years ago have dwindled the family fortunes. So, she must make-do with one dress and a few other pieces to shine in. Her elaborate hairstyle is a sign of her noble status, but she relies on her beautifully made outer garments to keep herself up to date.

Cyberpunk Princess: Printable Paper Doll

So, I have a love of sci-fi which I blame on my mother’s love of sci-fi which might have passed on gentically or simply because of watching to much Star Trek as a child. I only began to recently read cyberpunk with William Gibson’s Neuromancer last year, but I do enjoy the genre.


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I also have a soft spot for unique looking clothing and the cyberpunk/futuristic clothing look is totally unique.

On a completely unrelated note, I love interlibrary loan. I really really do. I think it’s just so fantastically cool. All you have to do is ask for a book and then, like magic, it arrives. Okay, not magic. I know there are a lot of hardworking people who make these things happen. I’m just happy because on of my requests came in recently. It’s a collection of fashion plates from the sixties and seventies. Expect something totally mod soon.

I don’t know how soon… but it will happen soon.

(Soon being a relative term.)