Two Bridget Dress Up Dolls

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The first two Bridget paper dolls were both red heads. I do love red headed paper dolls. I blame it on reading Anne of Green Gables as a young child.

Anyway, I felt like poor Bridget deserved a non-redhead version, so I designed these two dolls to a a blond and a brunette.

Also, the other two Bridget paper dolls both have fairly straight hair. Therefore, these two have curls. I am trying to increase paper doll diversity after all and I can’t exactly do that if I just draw the same style Bridget paper dolls every time.

What I don’t have yet is an “unusual hair color” Bridget, so I guess that’s next up for her someday. Maybe blue or green hair… I’m not sure. I haven’t crossed that bridge yet.

What hair color would you like to see for Bridget? Let me know in a comment! I love to hear from you.

And also, if you like the blog, consider supporting it through Patreon. It really does help keep my costs down, because the internet is not free and I won’t put ads on the site. Even a dollar a month helps. Join here if you want too

Oh, and if you aren’t aware, I’m doing a curvy paper doll for Inktober. My goal is ten drawings for the month of October. and I’m sharing her to Instagram as I get her done. You can follow me there or follow the tag #ptptinktober to see my drawings. Two other people are doing paper dolls too on Instagram- @enolablue_ooakdolls and @elizabethjoymcdonald. Miss Missy is posting her Inktober paper doll on her website

Need clothing for today’s paper doll? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing.

A 1920s Paper Doll Dress With Hats Based on Designs from Catalog Pages

1920s paper doll dress and hats based on the catalogs of B. Altman and Company and Sears from Available to print in color or in black and white.

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And once more into the 1920s my friends. Once more.

Today’s dress, hat and purse are both based on a design from B. Altman and Company. B. Altman and Company was a luxury department store, so the clothing tends to be very fashionable and on the more expensive side. 1920s Fashions from B. Altman & Company is a collection of reprints from their catalogs from Dover Publishers that I used.

The other hat was adapted from a design from Sears, another major department store of the era. Also from a Dover book, but that time I used Everyday Fashions of the Twenties: As Pictured in Sears and Other Catalogs also from Dover. Both of these books are pretty easy to find on the secondary market for reasonable prices.

In case you’ve missed any of my 1920s paper doll series, here’s what I’ve created so far.

The 1920’s Doll & Her Dresses

In the works is some 1960s clothing for the paper dolls (as voted on by my Patrons), but I have no idea when those dolls will be done. I also really want to do some more older historical styles like the 13th century, but I haven’t really tried to tackle that yet. Soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, enjoy my foray into the 1920s.

And if you’d like to help support the blog (I very much run PTP through the NPR model- no ads and maybe people will be nice enough to help me offset costs) consider becoming a Patron.

Need a doll to wear today’s paper doll clothing? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing

Cameron: The Elven Prince Paper Doll Version

A black elven fantasy prince paper doll with dreadlocks to print and play with from

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Today’s paper doll is the first C Pose Dandies to get a what I think of as a “Themed” set. It’s Cameron and he’s an elven prince with his crown and everything.

I knew from the beginning of the Dames and Dandies series that having a consistent guy paper doll series was important. First off, I get a lot of requests for guy paper dolls from parents and I also know that I’m not the best artist, so I don’t like trying to draw poses to scale of each other if I haven’t started with that goal.

Figure drawing and I… Well, I won’t say we’re enemies, but we are not friends.

But guy paper dolls were never my favorites as a kid. I struggle even today to sort out what to draw for them, because my ideas tend default to ladies. This is nothing against guy paper dolls, but I’ve been drawing lady paper dolls since I was… like ten?

And I’ve been drawing guy paper dolls for… four years? Maybe?

Moral of the story, I just like drawing girls more.

Anyway, I wanted to do an elven prince and I thought it wold be fun to feature Cameron. There was going to be a Viking version of Cyrus and… I had plans.

But the Viking hair/wig I created for Cyrus totally didn’t fit (oops) and so there’s no Viking to go with our elf. So, this won’t be the “week of C Pose” that I had originally planned it to be.

But this is the first day of October and that means Inktober has begun! For those of you who are Patrons, this is old news. For those of you who aren’t, Inktober is a project where people (mostly on Instagram) draw pen and ink drawings for the month of October and post them. Some folks do one a day. Some folks do one a week. My goal is ten over the course of October. Follow me on Instagram if you want to see the drawings.

And, of course, I always love to hear from you, so leave me a comment and let me know what you think of Cameron, elven prince.

Need a clothing for today’s paper doll? All the C Pose Dolls & Clothing

The September 2018 Collaborative Paper Doll Post: Golfing in the 1920s

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Let me be clear here- if I am going to sprint, it is probably because I am being chased by a wild boar or something. When I do exercise, it’s entirely because it helps my anxiety and not because I particularly enjoy the activity.

So, when someone else (I know it was NOT me) suggested we pick our favorite sport for September I was struck by two things-

1. I don’t have a favorite sport.
2. I really don’t care about sports.

Listen, I know I live in Alabama were football is basically the state religion, but despite the urging of people I know, I just don’t care. Really I don’t. I can only watch football when I tell myself that it is ritualized tribal warfare. Otherwise, I just think it is dumb. (Okay, I still think it is dumb, but the anthropologist in me can respect the need for the ritual.)

Meanwhile, I had to draw something for the month of September and making a paper doll t-shirt that said- “Ugh… Sports” on it felt a little dismissive of the whole point.

So, I settled on my Dad’s favorite sport- golf.

And while I still think golf is dumb, I can at least respect the fact that women have been playing golf for a really long time and there have been some super cute outfits designed for golf.

Today’s paper doll dress is vaguely inspired by the 1920s. She has two hats with different styled bobs and a golf club which is probably totally inaccurate.

If you want to see more “favorite sports” hop over to Paper Doll School and Miss Missy Paper Dolls. They are my partners in crime and I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with this theme.

Need a paper doll to wear these clothes? Grab her and more clothing here.

A Fantasy Viking Paper Doll Costume

A printable paper doll dress with boots, a comb and knife inspired by Viking apron dresses and Norse mythology. It's free to print in black and white or in color, but it's not very historical.

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So, I first got into viking clothing back when I did a ton of research and created my Viking paper doll and wrote a little article about 10th century Viking dress. It was fun, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of work.

The truth is that while I enjoy drawing historical paper doll clothing, there’s always some pressure there. I want things to be accurate (to the best of my ability) and well cited.

So, sometimes I just want to draw something that is inspired by a period of time without feeling like I need to do track down a source to justify my decision. This was one of those times. I just wanted to drawn an apron-dress.

I didn’t want to mess around with trying to decide of dwarf brooches were worn by unmarried women and how long the dress was based on fragments of braid found in graves.

I mean, that’s all fascinating stuff, but… sometimes I just want to draw a worm ouroboros and be done with it. That’s the symbol on her apron. It’s a serpent biting its own tail and it shows up all over the world.

In Norse mythology (for those of you who weren’t obsessed with the ouroboros in high school), the serpent Jörmungandr encircles the earth, biting its own tail forming an ouroboros. Ragnarok (the end of the world) will begin when Jörmungandr lets go of its tail. Thor, the God of Thunder, will fight Jörmungandr, slay it and then die from the poison of the serpent.

Anyway, along with her apron-dress, she has a pair of fur wrapped boots, a knife, cup and comb.

This dress went through several different color schemes. This color scheme was my second one. My first attempt was yellow, reds and greens and I just didn’t like it as much as this blue and yellow version. I did toss up on my Patreon page. Head over there to download and print it, if you want a second color scheme for today’s dress or to build more of a fantasy viking wardrobe. While you’re there, think about joining to help keep the blog on the internets. It really does help offset my costs. 

Need a Doll to wear today’s outfit? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing

A Pair of Akiko Dress Up Dolls

A pair of Asian dress up dolls in black and white or color with shoes. They can wear any of the over two dozen different clothing pieces from

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Today, there are two new versions of Akiko, my Asian A pose lady paper doll, to be dressed up. A pair of dress up dolls, if you will.

For me, a paper doll you can’t dress up has no interest. Don’t get me wrong, there are some beautiful jointed dolls made from paper out there. I’m in awe of the engineering that goes into these creations, but for me the whole point of paper dolls is that you can dress them up. It’s the ease at which a doll goes from being a princess to a ninja to a post-apocalyptic warrior that engages me.

I mention this, because I regularly sacrifice variety for versatility. I chose, when I began the Dames and Dandies, that I would focus on four skin tones for each pose and three poses to begin with. That’s not the end, of course, but I made that choice knowing I was limiting the whole glorious spectrum of human beings to 12 skintones, two genders and three bodies.

Sounds pretty limited when I put it that way, doesn’t it?

But within those limitations (chosen in part for my own sanity as much as anything else) I wanted to create as much versatility as I could. By choosing just three bodies, I thought I would be able to create a variety of roles for those bodies to take on from steampunk to goth to flapper.

And within the limitations of those three bodies, I wanted variety as well. So Akiko has gotten to visit the 1920s and wear Lolita street fashion. And here are two more versions of her to be dressed up. There’s a blond version and a glasses wearing brunette. My second paper doll recently with glasses.

If I have one major regret about my three bodies, it is that none of them are plus-sized. As a curvy woman, I regret that I didn’t start with a curvy figure as well. However, I’ve been on a curvy figure drawing kick lately and I have three curvy paper dolls in the works. One will be my model for Inktober. The other two… I’m not sure yet. None of them are to scale with the Dames and Dandies, so they won’t be part of that series. What will happen to them, I don’t yet know.

My patrons are usually the first to know about my activities, but I have been posting some to Instagram Stories when I’m sketching and inking. So, join Patreon or follow me on Instagram if you want the latest.

Meanwhile, let me know what you think of today’s Akiko paper dolls in a comment if you have a moment. Love to hear from you.

Need a clothing for today’s paper dolls? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing

Some 1980s Sci-Fi Inspired Paper Doll Clothing for the Guy Paper Dolls

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Currently, there are 18 diferent outfits for the C Pose guy paper dolls, but only one sci-fi outfit. So, here’s a second futuristic look. I confess openly that I’ve been watching a fair bit of absurd 1980s science fiction lately (Escape From New York is on Netflix, y’all) so I can pretend, at least, that the source of today’s paper doll outfit was those old movies.

In actuality, when I sit down to draw I usually have a list of themes I want to try to work on and sometimes even thumbnail sketches. If today’s paper doll outfit came form anywhere I think it came from my awareness that I’d done contemporary paper doll clothing and fantasy paper dolls clothing, but not much sci-fi paper doll clothing. I haven’t done much sci-fi stuff for the ladies either, come to think of it.

While I deeply admire people who can stick to one theme for a prolonged period, I know myself well enough to know that would never be me. I like too many things and I’m interested in too many things. I can’t imagine only drawing one type of thing.

So, along with a super 1980s shirt, today’s paper doll has some fancy platform boots and a “hand computer” which- in good 1980s sci-fi fashion- is probably way clunkier than a cellphone or ipad would be today. It occasionally occurs to me that we are living in the future already and that’s fascinating.

If you like the blog and want to keep it up and running than consider donating through Patreon. I’m also adding new things to the Etsy store at the moment, so go check that out if you haven’t.

Need a doll to wear today’s clothing? All the C Pose Dolls & Clothing

A Pair of Pastel Cocktail Dresses for the A Pose Lady Paper Dolls

A pair of paper doll dresses for printing with matching purses. They can fit any of the A Pose paper dolls.

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Last year, there was a real influx of pastel colors into fall and winter looks. It’s been going on for a while. I’m not sure this is still on trend (my September fashion magazines were pretty slim this year, sadly), but I drew these paper doll cocktail dresses a while ago. I wanted to contrast the black with the pale colors.

I also wanted to play around with shape.

Plus the A Pose Dames don’t have any cocktail dresses and that seemed just criminal. Poor paper dolls. They need something to wear to evening parties, after all.

There’s a second color scheme for these over on my Patreon page, but it’s Patron only- so you’ll need to join if you want to see it.

Meanwhile, follow the blog on Instagram for more pictures of my sketchbook and bread-making adventures.

And, of course, I’d like to wish anyone fasting today for Yom Kippur  an easy fast. 

Need a doll to wear today’s paper doll clothing? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing

And Now For 2 Benedita Paper Dolls

A pair of printable paper dolls with brown skin from The paper dolls are part of the Dames and Dandies Series and can share clothing with other paper dolls. These cute Latinx paper dolls have dozens of outfit options on

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Today’s paper dolls are a double set of Benedita paper dolls, part of the series of sets I created with two dolls each.

I struggle with setting limits. I am the kind of person who doesn’t bake one cookie recipe when I feel like baking cookies. I make two or three. And while my coworkers appreciate my baking spasms, it occasionally creates problems in my creative life.

So, when I started the Dames and Dandies I knew from the start that I needed to set a few limits or would I end up completely overwhelmed. One of those limits was to start with four dolls of four different skin-tones in each pose. Another limit was to start with just three poses.

I regret the second one occasionally, because I think- what if I had a curvy set of poses or a taller or shorter set of poses or a pose in a wheel chair or…

You see how these things spiral for me very quickly. Paper doll diversity is super important to me in both theme, skin-tone and body shape, but I am a one woman show.

Anyway, the Double-Sets like today’s two Benedita paper dolls were a way of tackling a problem I knew existed. I wanted there to be more versions of each paper doll and I wanted them quickly. So, by fitting two dolls onto each page I could get to a more robust collection of options a bit quicker than if I did one doll per page. Plus, I didn’t have to come up with themes beyond different hair styles.

With Benedita, I wanted to do hair styles and colors I hadn’t used for her before. So, I did a lighter brown bob and blond waves. She also has two different eye colors, but it’s so subtle that I don’t think anyone can tell.

I have more double set to share, so fear not the rest of the dames will get their versions.

I’ve always preferred clothing to dolls. So, I would rather have a smaller number of dolls and lots of clothing options. It occurs to me that you all might not feel the same, so let me know in a comment. Do you prefer lots of dolls or lots of clothing?

And, of course, if you like the blog than follow it on Instagram or Facebook and consider becoming a Patron.

Need a clothing for today’s paper doll? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing.

It’s a Ninja Costume for the Paper Dolls!

A printable paper doll ninja costume design from

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True thing- I was asked if I had plans for a male ninja back on my lady ninja costume design by Victoria on behalf of her six year old son. And you know, when parents tell me their kids have asked for things, I am a total sucker. It’s like, “AWWW… of course I’ll draw that for the child I’ve never met/seen/may not be real.”

And now you all know how to get past my defenses.

Now, I don’t know anything about ninjas, but I do have a fear friend who is a talented marshal artist. So, I hope she will forgive my badly drawn katana. One of these days, I’m going to get better at drawing katanas, but that isn’t going to be today.

I wanted a ninja costume design that was interesting and also felt layered- the sort of thing you could imagine someone adding to as they had lived in the outfit. When I work in all black, I worry about the paper doll ending up looking “dull” and sort of lifeless. I love how flat color looks, but it can also look… well.. flat. I don’t know if that makes any sense. So, I try to add depth by using several shades of the same color. In the case of largely black sets, I try to use several shades of dark grey and then another color if I can.

In this case, I added in some dark navy blue to accent the black. I thought about using red, which you see a lot in ninja Halloween costumes, but I thought it was too bright against the black.

I did use a bright purple base though, because I do love color.

Of course, if you want a more colorful ninja there is the black and white version and you can color that one anyway you want. If you follow me on social media or are a Patron, you may recall seeing this set along with my knight armor when I posted a sketchbook picture at the beginning of the month.

Need a paper doll to wear today’s clothing? All the C Pose Dolls & Clothing

A Sexy Retro Space Astronaut Option for the B Pose Ladies

A retro astronaut paper doll inspired by the space age fashions of the late 1960s. High heeled boots can be spacewear, right?

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If you’re going to be an astronaut, why not be a sexy retro scifi astronaut?

The correct answer to that question is probably- Because it’s utterly impractical.

But practicality pretty much never been a consideration in my paper doll universe, because it gets in the way of me getting to draw insane armor and retro space astronauts.

See, one has to have proper priorities.

So, let’s talk inspiration. I have always been fascinated by retro futuristic fashions. I keep a Pinterest board to collect inspiring images of the genre. The classic being the late 1960s work of Pierre Cardin, but the period was full of strange and delightful sci-fi creations like Barbarella. It’s one of the oddest films… I digress.

The point is, I suppose, that I like messing around with different genres. I think I’d get frightfully bored if I stuck to just one thing all the time. So, today we have a foray into retro space and yesterday there was a medieval fantasy gown and tomorrow there’s a ninja. That’s all okay.

I’ve love to hear what you think of today’s retro sci-fi outfit? Impractical, sure, but fun maybe? 

Meanwhile, you can see the sketchbook page this came from on my Instagram feed. If you want more sketchbook pictures, I tend to post them to Patreon first for my patrons before I share them with anyone else. 

Need a Doll to wear today’s outfit? All the B Pose Dolls & Clothing

A Medieval Fantasy Wedding Gown for the A Pose Ladies

A medieval wedding dress design trimmed in pink roses and pale blue with matching shoes for the paper dolls. Available to print for free in color or black and white.

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Whenever I post a wedding gown I seem to start by saying that I don’t often draw wedding gowns. Yet, since I seem to have posted several wedding gowns this year, maybe I should stop saying that. I guess what I would say is that I was never one of those people who was obsessed with weddings or wedding gowns. I like pretty dresses, of course. I draw a paper doll blog for goodness sake.

But there’s a ton of baggage wrapped up in wedding dresses.

I think that’s part of why I have such mixed feelings about the genre.

The medieval wedding gown here is part of the Fantasy Maiden Series. Fundamentally, there’s no reason I couldn’t have recolored it in bright purple or something and not called it a wedding gown. However, the source gown was described as a fantasy medieval wedding gown and who am I to argue?

As long time readers will know, I am a wee bit obsessed with bridal trousseaux and I kinda found myself thinking of the Fantasy Maiden Series in that context. Once I did that, I knew I had to draw a wedding gown.

While this certainly isn’t the last of the Fantasy Maiden Series, I thought it might be neat to see all the gowns together.

The Fantasy Maiden Paper Doll Gowns Thus Far…

It’s very easy for me to lose track of what I’ve done and feel like there is never enough. So, for me, putting together these little galleries reminds me that I have achieved something. That there are a few different gown options. It’s helpful for me to see things as a collection and not just a series of posts. I hope it is helpful for you all as well.

What do you think? Should I keep going with the series? Comment if you like and let me know.

I’d like to add a Happy New Year to everyone who (like me) is celebrating today. Shana Tova! Happy 5779! May you all have a sweet wonderful year.

Need a doll to wear today’s paper doll clothing? All the A Pose Dolls & Clothing