Cut Out This Super Cute Superhero Paper Doll with Pearl!

Superheroes seem to be in style right now and therefore make a good paper doll topic. I think I read last year that superhero costumes outsold princess costumes for Halloween. That surprised me, but it’s sort of neat to see the change in culture that’s taking place around superheroes. I have no idea the Halloween costume sales in 2020, given the whole- there’s a pandemic thing.

We did get tricker-treaters, but it was WAY fewer than we get normally. Our neighborhood is a prime tricker-treater location and usually gets swarms of kids.

I digress as none of this has to do with today’s superhero paper doll.

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When it came to colors, I wanted to make sure this set felt like the pieces came from the same world, even though jumpsuits are not a high mix and matchable thing. My partner helped me brainstorm ideas for the paper dolls superhero names, but feel free to rename them as you desire.

Today’s paper doll was created from some old old content, a new doll and some Patreon only pieces. I like the idea of themed superheroes, but I confess I don’t really know what other then natural forces to use as icon symbols. I figure people will decide for themselves what powers the superhero has.

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I confess openly I am both not a huge superhero comics fan, nor do I really enjoy shows or comics commenting on superheroes with the possible exception of Deadpool. After being introduced to Deadpool in college, I think I read everything that existed at the time. Truthfully, I haven’t kept up with my comic’s reading.

I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season and staying safe. Hopefully the end is in sight for this pandemic based year, but I have no idea what the future holds. Stay safe everyone out there.

For 2021, I’ll be creating a newsletter of paper doll content! I’m super excited! Sign up here if you’d like to or read more about it, if you’re unsure.

Topaz & Her Workout Clothing

Athleisure has grown as a fashion phenomena in the last few years and so today’s paper doll is a celebration of all things athleisure. If I’m going to draw some paper fashion dolls, I figure they deserve the latest fashion looks. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been really needing to make sure I exercise these days. Winter and the pandemic have made me very much in need of breaking into a sweat pretty regularly.

Paper fashion doll coloring page with workout clothing. She has a fantastic 12 piece wardrobe of cute gym mix and match clothing.

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Of course, my workout clothing isn’t nearly this cute. Maybe I should invest in something much cuter to exercise in. If I am going to draw paper fashion dolls, it seems like at minimum they should get cute work out clothing.

Super cute paper doll and she has a fantastic 12 piece wardrobe of cute gym mix and match clothing.

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This version of Topaz was first created way back in 2019. I am recycling her here, but all the clothing is totally new. I still super love her hair. It’s like a 1930s glamour look, but for the gym. Hmm…. maybe not the most practical option.

By the way, have you seen Lane Bryant’s workout line? I haven’t gotten any yet, but their leggings are super cute. I love this floral one and this color blocked option. Living in Alaska means I pretty much 100% shop online, unless I’m in the lower 48 and then I can actually buy things at real stores.

As the year begins to wrap up, I am nearly done with my 366 Day paper doll Project over on Patreon! Now would be a great time to jump in and see the last few weeks of paper doll creations. Then I am taking off January (no charges for anyone on Patreon) for a little vacation and to get my Newsletter up and running smoothly (I hope.)

By the way, you can sign up for the Newsletter here and there will be more information about it in coming weeks.

A Pair of Halloween Paper Dolls! One Bee & One Fairy

I’m not super into scary Halloween stuff. I like the occasional well written ghost story and will watch horror movies if my best friend watches them first, provides me a summary, and warns me if I can handle it. Then I watch them at noon with the lights on and quickly watch something like the Great British Baking Show afterwards to keep myself from feeling to scared.

Yes, I am pathetic in this regard.

A pair of Halloween paper dolls on this fun coloring page! Super cute bumble bee costume and a fairy for these fun printable paper dolls.

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So, to do with the Ghost and Frankenstein’s monster of last week I wanted to end October with another set of Halloween inspired paper dolls. Sometimes, when I draw Halloween paper dolls they are clearly a person with costumes and other times they are meant to be the actual creatures.

This set I think falls somewhere in the middle. Ruby could be fairy or she could be a person in a wig with an ear prosthetic. Sapphire is probably not a bee (clearly), but she could be somehow. I’ll need to think more on that one. I paid the bee with the fair, because I knew I could draw one set of wings for them to share.

A pair of Halloween paper dolls! A bumble bee costume and a fairy costume for these fun printable paper dolls.

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For this set, I stuck with a pretty narrow color scheme, as I wanted the wings and other pieces to be somewhat interchangeable between the two dolls. I’ve always felt like paper dolls are best when they have more options.

I hope everyone has an amazing Halloween, but, most of all a safe one.

If you want even more paper dolls with costumes, I just finished doing a bunch of Masquerade dresses for my 5 dollar patrons. Join us over on Patreon to see those and get more paper dolls each week.

Happy Halloween: Ghost and Frankenstein’s Monster Paper Dolls

Like I did last year, this year I wanted to celebrate Halloween with some super cute paper dolls. I created these two paper dolls last year, so you can grab them in the new size and the new format. So, settle in for a nice evening with this super cute Halloween paper dolls printable. Also, I am never sure if the word “printable” should be a noun or an adjective. The questions pondered by English majors.

Pearl is a ghost whose gown is based on the chemise a la reine of the 18th century. Diamond is Frankenstein’s monster with a lab-coat mini-dress.

A black and white halloween paper dolls printable to color and play with featuring a ghost and a frankenstein's monster.

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I am still super proud of how Pearl’s hair came out! I really wanted that whole “blowing in a wind that isn’t there thing.”

Diamond’s hair still kinda reminds me of a skunk, but hopefully in a good way. 🙂

A halloween paper dolls printable to play with for indoor halloween fun featuring a ghost and a frankenstein's monster. Super cute, not at all scary!

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Honestly, I have no idea how halloween is going to go this year. Normally, we get a lot of kids. My plan is (if lockdown isn’t happening) is to pass out candy wearing a mask and with kitchen tongs so I don’t touch the candy packaging. But who knows? Things are so strange.

Even if we get no kids, we’ve decorated our porch with lights and a pumpkin and a skeleton on the door. My big rule for Halloween decor is nothing too scary. I was an easily scared kid and I don’t want to ever scare anyone.

Meanwhile, there will another Halloween paper dolls printable later this month with totally new designs- a fairy and a bumble bee. Additionally, if you want even more paper dolls, check out Patreon. My 5 dollar folks have been getting masquerade gowns based on ocean creatures for the last few days.

As Winter Comes, Here’s a Viking Fantasy Paper Doll

Occasionally, I create a paper doll outfit and I know I want to continue for another outfit in another style. For this paper doll set, I wanted to take this Viking Woman Warrior inspired outfit from last January and create a whole Viking fantasy paper doll collection around it. The original design was inspired by this drawing, but I didn’t look at it until I was finished with these new designs.

Today’s paper doll outfits were based on Viking clothing, such as apron-dresses, but I also just had fun with the motifs on the first tunic inspiring motifs on the other pieces.

A printable black and white paper doll coloring page of a Viking fantasy woman with outfits, weapons and accessories.

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The paper doll’s hair was pretty much inspired by stereotypes of Viking hair. I wanted it to feel fantasy, but not be overly elaborate. Actual Vikings were very into personal grooming and took care of their appearance. We know this from the number of combs, tweezers and other tools found in the graves of Vikings. This is Viking fantasy, but I object to the whole idea that they were scruffy.

Printable Viking fantasy paper doll page with a mix and match wardrobe and some fun accessories.

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I did a lot of research on Vikings a few years ago back in 2015 and wrote up a quick over view if you want to read about actual Viking dress. I really enjoyed learning when I did that research. Though I openly confess that I don’t really go with historical Vikings very often. I know enough to know I don’t know enough.

But since I love playing around with different historical periods and creating fantasy paper dolls based on them, I don’t feel too worried about the historical accuracy here.

Meanwhile, if you’re a fan of the blog, than consider joining us over on Patreon. There’s ever more paper doll content. And who doesn’t want more paper dolls?

Retro-Beach Summer Paper Doll with Ruby

One of the interesting things about switching over to Jewels and Gemstones 2.0 has been getting to gather up related pieces from other sets and make them into new sets. I had fun collecting some of the summery clothing I’d drawn over the last year and transforming it into a new set for Ruby, though any of the dolls can wear the clothing. To my patrons, I’m sure these pieces look familiar, but I don’t think most of them have shown up on the blog before.

So, that’s kinda fun.

Paper doll coloring sheet with mix and match wardrobe from

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I went through several color schemes with this set. Before I finally settled on one that I reminded me of a retro 1960s surf movie poster color scheme. Of course, I didn’t actually look at any retro surf movies for inspiration, but that was my concept. Ruby basically has my hair color here, because I don’t see that color in paper dolls much.

Brunette printable fashion paper doll dress up page with 8 mix and match clothing options.

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In other fun news, I’ve got a published magazine paper doll. If you go grab the current issue of Doll Castle News, you’ll find my paper doll dedicated to “Doll-O-Ween” (shout out to my partner Adam for the title) in there. She was inspired by both BJDs and vintage Ginny dolls. Drawing dolls and not having them come out creepy is super hard. My respect for Diana Vining’s art grew immensely in that project. You can also see some pics on my Instagram.

Anyway, I keep meaning to do a longer post with photos of my sketches and such. However, in case that doesn’t happen (and who knows if it will) I wanted to share.

As always, if you love the blog, want to support it, and want more paper dolls every week- join us on Patreon. This is a one woman show, so any level of support is super helpful to keeping things rolling around here.

Among the Waves: Amethyst is a Mermaid

I didn’t really love mermaids as a child. I was never really a mermaid person, so to speak. The Little Mermaid movie scared me. However, I really have found there’s a lot of fun to be had drawing mermaid tails and that’s where today’s mermaid doll came from.

She’s made up from some of the different mermaids I drew last year and this year. Along with her tails, I thought one dress for land based adventures would be useful and a trident for defense. After all, there are predators in the ocean. I chose Amethyst to show off these tails.

A beautiful mermaid doll coloring page with interchangeable tails. Printable paper fun for all ages.

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One of the wild things about tropical fish is that even though I think of them as being blue, they are actually super not blue. Anyway, I had a lot of fun looking at tropical fish photos and then picking out colors for the mermaid doll’s tails. This is certainly a tropical mermaid.

A beautiful mermaid doll with interchangeable tails. Printable paper fun for all ages.

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I had so much fun with these mermaid tails. I think mermaids are always fun, don’t you? I’ve done a few other mermaids like these.

Remember, if you enjoy the blog and would like to get even more paper dolls, check out Patreon. I’ve got fun things from 2 dollars and up including two other paper doll collections and more Jewels and Gemstones content.

1890s Dress Up Time with Pearl

I couldn’t be more excited to share my second Jewels and Gemstones paper doll to have some 1890s dress up fun. A few weeks ago, I share Lapis with her At Home and bicycle outfits. Today, we have Pearl with her walking suit and tea gown. These paper dolls can, of course, share outfits.

While I was researching this era, I kept seeing floral patterned corsets. So, those inspired me. This pale blue one from the Chicago History Museum and this black one from Augusta Auctions. Drawers that inspired the paper doll’s underwear include this set, this set, and this combination set. All shoes come from Harpers Bazaar, but not from an online source. I used one of my fashion plate reprint books.

An 1890s dress up paper doll coloring page with two historical dresses, period underwear, hats and shoes. Fun way to learn about clothing history!

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Promenade or Walking costume from the Delineator from 1894. The actual illustration is here. One thing you see a lot of in the 1890s are tailored suits for women and I am a sucker for a good looking cut away coat. So, that was clearly my favorite.

The tea gown is also from 1894. The dress comes, again, from this plate in the Delineator. Teagowns might look super soft and comfortable, but that’s a lie! They were heavily boned, meaning they weren’t as relaxed as they appear.

An 1890s dress up paper doll in color. She has two historical dresses, period underwear, hats and shoes. Fun way to learn about clothing history!

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The color scheme is more pastel than I used for my Lapis 1890s dress up doll. At first, I was going more sedate with the colors. Then, to my surprise, something about the pale blue corset inspired the spring colors. Now that the paper doll is all colored, I keep thinking of Easter cards. Wrong time of the year, but I’ve never let that stop me before.

I really do recommend looking through Delineator Magazine if you have any fondness for historical fashion. It is a fun read.

Huge shout out to my Patrons, because they chose this era! And because I had a lot more fun illustrating the huge sleeve madness of the mid-1890s than I thought I would. Almost makes me want to draw the 1830s, another era of big-sleeve madness (also hair madness- 1830s hair was bananas.)

Evening Gowns for Paper Dolls with Diamond

There’s something super relaxing for me in drawing evening gowns for paper dolls. I don’t know if I like it so much because it’s one piece garments or if I just like drawing clothing I am never going to need to wear.

I do not live a lifestyle that makes sense to wear evening gowns very much.

A printable paper doll coloring page with three gowns and two pairs of shoes.

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I really went back and forth about color schemes. I actually did two different color schemes. You can see the other one on my Patreon page. It’s open to everyone, so you don’t need to be a patron to download it. It’s a more light pastel color scheme.

However, maybe because my Spring Evening Gowns set, I thought some more rich colors would be fun. This set feels winter to me, though I don’t really know why. It’s not like these gowns look very warm.

A colorful paper doll page with an elegant Asian lady and her three fantastic evening gowns.

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The dress on the far left comes from Gabriela Hearst Spring/Summer 2019 Ready-To-Wear collection and the dress on the far right is from Christian Siriano Spring 2019 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show. However the dress in the middle is my own design. You can see a lot more of my evening gown inspiration on my Pinterst Board.

Remember you can hop over to my Patreon to grab the other color scheme. And if you want, consider becoming a patron.

1890s Paper Doll to Print with Lapis

My favorite thing about the decade of the 1890s is that short period in the middle of the decade when sleeves become truly absurdly huge. I mean, like sleeves the size of your head. It’s utterly charming and impractical and I love it. So, if I am going to draw an 1890s fashion paper doll, she is going to be the middle of the era.

By the 1890s, there’s a bunch of fashion magazines being published by home sewing pattern companies. The sewing machine has made this a super lucrative field. So, most of these pieces come from the Delineator Magazine which was published by the Butterick Company. One of the reasons I like the Delineator is that their fashion plates were all available for sale as patterns. So they aren’t a dress someone imagines, but one you know people could have actually made.

A printable paper doll coloring page celebrating the 19890s with two historical outfits, shoes, underwear and hats. Super great way to show fashion history to kids.

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The 1890s underwear is a combination with a corset over it. Combinations were a “combination” of pantaloons and a chemise. They went under corsets while on top of them a woman might wear a corset cover and slip or a slip that combined those two garments. V&A has a nice photo.

Lapis, our 1890s fashion paper doll, has two outfits. The first is an At Home Costume based on an illustration from 1896. You can see it on this page of the Delineator. In the 1800s, there’s also a lot of interesting things going on with women’s sporting clothing. Bicycles were super popular in the 1890s thanks to the new “safety bicycle”. There’s many different styles of women’s bicycle clothing from this period, but I chose a Turkish trousers ensemble which comes from the Delineator Magazine in 1894.

A printable paper doll celebrating the 19890s with two historical outfits, shoes, underwear and hats. Super great way to show fashion history to kids.

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Colors are actually pretty vivid in the 1890s. Thanks to chemical dyes, there’s a lot of richness. I was really struck as I poured through museum collections at the number of dark colored corsets I saw. While bright purple seems sort of scandalous, jewel tone corsets really do seem to be a thing from the decade like this purple one and this pink one.

Her At Home Costume I did in pinks and corals. The bicycle outfit I thought would be more practical in blues and browns. After all, it wouldn’t make sense in a world where laundry isn’t easy to be biking around in white or pale blue. I’m sure people did, but I mostly saw brown and blue in my examples.

Anyway, I had fun with this paper doll and I hope others enjoy her as well. If you have a few hours to kill, pouring through Delineator Magazine really is neat. I also want to thank my Patrons, because I don’t think I would have drawn this era if it hadn’t won a poll. I had a lot of fun doing it.

A Foray into Medieval Fantasy with Lapis

Okay, so way back in May of last year, I created this version of Lapis. I knew I wanted to expand that set into something more robust, so I drew a few more dresses. This fantasy paper doll with dresses was a fun foray into medieval styles without having to worry about actual history.

When designing this set, I wanted to think about fantasy clothing that maybe wasn’t too fancy. Don’t get me wrong, I will always love my over the top gowns with huge skirts, but for these I wanted to draw something more simple. I inspired by kirtles from the 1300s, but mostly just by what I remember from reading too many fantasy novels in my life. The long underdress sleeves shoved up around the wrists are a nod to the style of the Anglo-Saxons and the girdles are a nod to the 12th century Norman dress.

Fantasy medieval maiden paper doll coloring page with three dresses and three pairs of shoes.

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A few things I decided early on were that I really didn’t want to use cream as a neutral as I often do in these sort of medieval sets. Instead I challenged myself to focus on the soft blue as the primary neutral color. I wanted the colors to feel like they could have come from natural dyes, but also be vivid. Natural dyes can be super bright and fun!

Her shoes were inspired from actual 13th and 14th century footwear.

A colorful medieval inspired fantasy paper doll with blond hair and three dresses. Great indoor activity for kids.

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Personally, I think my favorite is her bright yellow dress, but that’s just me.

Normally, I would link to other paper dolls I’ve made with similar style to mix and match with this set. These dresses would fit in with my 12th Century and 13th Century sets though they are not historical. However, if you want fantasy things like this, you’ll need to wait a few more months as I get those done.

And Lapis can wear any of the other dresses for the Jewels and Gemstones. Maybe she wants to get super fancy ballgowns or go to the 1970s.

Meanwhile, if you love paper dolls and want more of them, head over to Patreon! I share extra paper dolls for my patrons.

Fashionable Lady Of The Regency: Paper Doll To Print

Some of you may recall that in 2019, I posted a Regency Fashion Week. I’ve taken some of those pieces and reformatted them into a paper doll with Regency dresses. I specifically chose pieces from the 1810s as a starting place. I am always conflicted about calling this era Regency. The styles we think of as “Regency” stretch from about 1805 through about 1825 when the waist line begins to drop. It lowers steadily through the 1820s before settling at the natural waist around 1828 or so. The actual period is 1811 to 1820, only about 19 years.

 A Quick Primer on Regency Fashion is a nice overview of the era, I think.

A beautiful paper doll with regency dresses to print and play with. This fun coloring page has one doll and six different clothing pieces.

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Now let’s talk clothing! There’s a myth that in the early 19th century women didn’t wear corsets/stays. This is not true. Women totally wore corsets/stays, but since the styles were changing rapidly, there wasn’t a single silhouette. No woman with actual curves wants to not wear some sort of bust support. It is true corsets weren’t boned as heavily as they would be in later decades. This pair from the Met 1811 and this fashion plate from 1813 are the sources for her stays/corset/whatever you call it. Under that, she wears a shift like this Shift from the MFA.

Shoes at the Met like this pair and this pair inspired her shoes. These boots from the London Museum inspired her walking boots. Her two dress come from the late 1810s. This Dress from 1818 inspired the evening gown and the walking dress is based on this Dress from an 1817 fashion plate at the London Museum. The bonnet is from the same fashion plate.

A beautiful colorful paper doll with regency dresses to print and play with.

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The original color scheme came from specific items that inspired the paper doll outfit. Turkey red was a very popular color in this early era. Another popular color was cerulean blue, which was a very unstable color that tinted towards green. More about regency colors on this website.

Anyway, one of my personal missions has always been to draw historical clothing for paper dolls (because I love it) and especially for models that aren’t white (because it bothers me that history tends to be depicted as all white people until 1950). I think we’re getting better about this, but there’s still a long way to go.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy today’s paper doll with Regency dresses. There’s more where this came from, but I haven’t yet decided how to put those outfits together into a set.