Brass & Brocade: A Steampunk Paper Doll Design

Download Black and White PDF | Download Color PDF | More Paper Dolls from the Ensemble Eclectica Series

This paper dolls color scheme comes from a card in the Color Cubes by Sarah Renee Clarke. I ended up picking color scheme 229 for this set. It was beautiful soft pink, black, sand and a dark coffee color. I loved the idea of the black, brown, and sand with the pink. Keeping some pink in the color scheme was important to me, because a 2011 steampunk paper doll called Neapolitan Ice Cream inspired this paper doll’s wardrobe and that paper doll’s scheme is cream, brown, and pink. I had planned to stick to that color scheme, but darn it, I couldn’t make it work.

Actually, if you look closely, you’ll see a that my paper doll Neapolitan Ice Cream inspired pieces on both Victorian Whims and Straps and Lace. So, all three of these Victorian steampunk paper doll printables took some inspiration from that earlier paper doll. As my art has improved over the years, I sometimes find going back to things I really like and trying to draw them again is a chance to revisit favorite ideas and see what they might look like now.

I teach a class on research and I while I know “self-plagiarism” is sort of a thing, I also sort of feel like it is silly. I mean, I don’t think you can steal your own ideas, but you can not give proper credit to your own earlier work.

This is the last of these steampunk ladies for the moment, but who knows, I might draw a few more. They were a lot of fun.

1 thought on “Brass & Brocade: A Steampunk Paper Doll Design”

  1. Yeah, I don’t get the “self-plagiarism” thing. You obviously gave yourself permission to use it. 🙂 I always enjoy these steampunk collections, and this set really had adorable hairstyles. Thank you!


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