Why the 1930s? Well… this project started as a 1920s project, but I was already doing too much 1920s stuff for the Paper Doll Convention in August and I needed a break. So, 1930s caught my eye.
Anyway, I’ve ended up with three dolls- one set for around 1932, another for 1936, and another for 1938. The 1932 collection is very sporty/beach focused with a swimsuit, split skirt sport dress, and beach pajamas. The 1936 collection is more autumn focused and the 1938 collection is a spring/summer collection. Anyway, once they’re done I’ll write more about each set. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this little preview of what paper doll related things I’ve been working on.
My next big task is to get some prints ready for the convention… so I have been thinking about what to do about that planning this month and next month. Since I now own the sort of printer that can print beautiful prints, I have a lot more flexibility and ability to print smaller runs of things. That’s really exciting. Ink is super expensive though, so I need to think a lot about ink usage and that’ll impact design decisions.