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It’s the fourth night of Hanukkah, so that seems an appropriate time to finally talk about latkes. I’ll openly confess that drawing latkes is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. But I couldn’t imagine drawing paper dolls and not including a frying pan with latkes in it, plus aprons because they do splatter a lot when cooking.
A latke is a potato fritter from Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine that is traditionally prepared to celebrate Hanukkah. I grew up eating latkes. Jewish traditions are not monolithic, so there are lots of different foods. The one thing that is similar to almost all Hanukkah foods is that they are usually cooked in oil, because the original miracle involved oil.
I don’t know or have enough experience with Sephardim or Mizrahim foods to speak about them at all (or attempt to draw them), but I do like latkes. Some people eat them with apple sauce, but I’ve always been more of a sour cream person.
Here’s a recipe for latkes which is super close to my recipe, especially the part about adding the potato starch back into the mixture to help it crisp.
And that’s all for night four of our Hanukkah paper doll.