Download Black and White PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series
Happy second night of Hanukkah!
My niece is getting really into coloring, so I made these paper dolls a Hanukkah coloring page style thing. (Very precise language there.) I also wanted them to be easy to cut out and not too detailed, but still have enough detail to be fun to color. I hope I got that balance right.
Today, our paper dolls each get a dress and have a dreidel to play with. The dreidel is a four sided top which you use to play a gambling game that is entirely luck and which inevitably ends up with someone crying. I was always told that the Seleucid King outlawed studying the torah, so Jewish scholars would pretend to be playing a gambling game to cover for the fact that they were gathered to read and study torah.
I’m pretty darn certain this is not true, but dreidels were an important part of Hanukkah for my family. Besides, what fun are the holidays if there isn’t some drama about something minor? And the game of dreidel always seems to bring that.
Need some dolls to wear these dresses? Get them from the first post.