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Today’s paper doll really feels like a children’s paper doll to me. Don’t get me wrong, I would give any of my paper dolls to my niece (or nephew, if he showed any interest.) However, occasionally, I have a paper doll that I make that I think… this is super kid friendly. Today’s paper doll is one of those very kid friendly designs.
When I think about what makes a children’s paper doll different from one I’ve drawn for adults, it mostly boils down to how easy it is to play with. I believe this paper doll is very easy to play with, which makes it a lot of fun. All of her clothing is in colors that go well together. You can mix and match her outfits in many different ways. She has either 14 outfits or 28 outfits, depending on how much you like shoes. That’s like having a whole closet full of clothes for this little paper fashionista. Also, she’s pretty easy to cut out. The only tricky part might be the shoulders under her hair or maybe the purses. Still, I managed those when I was a kid, so I thin other kids could too.
Like my floral retro paper doll, an earlier paper doll, Coffee, Strawberry and Cream, inspired today’s paper doll. I drew that one in 2011, over a decade ago. That’s hard to believe, but true. One thing I loved from that paper doll was the rose dress and the striped dress. Both are so fun then and I still like them, years later. I remember being so proud of Coffee, Strawberry and Cream when she came out.
There’s a similarity between this paper doll and Lillian, a paper doll from Paper Doll School.Actually, a lot of Julie’s paper dolls are super kid friendly, particularly her long running Kawaii Kids series. I digress. Enjoy the paper doll!