Download Black and White PDF | More July Project Paper Dolls
I can’t say that buying a new i-pad after I’d already started this wild project was a particularly smart idea, because it is so much more sensitive than my old one. This means I am having to retrain my hands to know how to get the lines to look like I like and I am having to learn about stabilization in Procreate brushes faster than I thought I would. So, as part of my mission to make things that would make me practice, I decided to do a totally over the top fantasy gown.
It wasn’t until I’d drawn the gown that I realized that the tabs would all need to be floating, because there was no way to make tabs on this gown that would actually be functional.
The source image is a color dress from Japan that has always felt a little steampunk to me.
As I understand it (and I am not expert) in Japan women often rent their wedding attire (smart) and change into a dress for the reception that is known as a “color dress” which is often in color (not white) and super fancy. Some women change several times over the course of the day. Kimono are traditionally worn for the ceremony, but not for the reception. I first learned about “color dresses” from Liana’s Paper Doll Blog and she has the actual Japanese which will get you better search results, I’ve found. (I know no Japanese and rely entirely on Google Translate to get me through these websites.)
Here’s some examples of these “color dresses” from a Japanese wedding dress company and here’s some Disney branded ones. I think they’re super fun! And I think renting wedding attire is genius and I wish it was an option in the USA (though I love my wedding dress very much.)
So, I think of this as feeling a little steampunk, but I’m curious. Do others think so? Let me know in a comment.