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- So many 1980s/1990s sci-fi movies… Escape from New York, RoboCop, Judge Dredd, The Running Man…
On Sunday mornings, I usually get together with some freinds from grad school on the internet in a private chat and we all play a game of Shadowrun, which is a table top roleplaying game set in a fantasy/cyberpunk future. The game was written in the 1980s and it always feels very 1980s to me.
So, in honor of the the fact that it is Sunday and the fact that I have a weird deep soft-place in my heart for the way the future was concieved in the 1980s, I offer up this 1980s/1990s scifi inspired paper doll.
I think the look works best when you can actually layer it- the cropped top over the jumpsuit look will always remind me of the 1980s. I don’t know why. Maybe because it feels like 1980s work out clothing.