Twenty-Five Paper Dolls Rocking in Red

Yes, I like alliteration, let’s move on… Maybe it’s that it’s winter and I always think of red in the winter time, or maybe it is that there’s lots of darkness and snow and I am craving brightness and brilliance.

I love red. It’s one of my favorite colors, but I have to lean towards the blue-red side of the red spectrum. It also occurs to me that in a different context, this entire blog post could be seen as a political creed for Communism… hmmm…

Paper Doll Printables All Wearing Red

When I do these color based collections, I really just skim through the archives and grab things that strike me as “red” which is to say there’s no real logic to the concept. I mean, I hardly plan things to begin with. One thing I do try is to have a variety of the shades of red from the softer red to the very bright racy red!

Stay warm out there in this chilly time of year and wear whatever colors bring you joy.