It’s been such a weird year. A dear friend of mine recently told me she felt like she was wandering through the year. I found myself nodding in agreement. Somehow we’ve gotten into August and I’ll be darned if I can remember what happened in July. I feel so dislocated.
Anyway, my day was made a few weeks ago when Julie Matthews (of Paper Doll School, many books from Paper Doll Review and all around enchanting member of the human species) sent me a wonderful surprise of a few paper doll books and color prints of these.

Download a Printable PDF of these Paper Dolls
What are these, you ask? Well, if you’ve been on my newsletter list, you know I have been sending on a black and white paper doll with each newsletter. (Okay, so I am way behind on that project, but that’s okay.) Julie colored a bunch of them in and made these fantastic full color versions.
There are so many things I love about these! I love the painterly quality of the color and the patterns she chose for the summer dresses. I love the variety of skin-tones. Most of all, I love getting to see my own art through someone else’s eyes. There’s something really inspiring about that for me.
If you want the black and white versions of these paper dolls (and you don’t have them) check out the Newsletter Archives. If you want to print the color versions, you can download a PDF of them here. If you want to get the new newsletter paper dolls as I share them (and there will be more!) sign up for my super occasional newsletter that I am trying to make less occasional.
Thank you, Julie! Both for your wonderful coloring talents and your generosity in letting me share these with everyone.
Oh, and if you haven’t checked it out yet, Julie has a new book out from Paper Doll Review called Nora and Nellie which features more of her wonderful skills with color and pattern with some very fun 1920s styles.