Back in the early days of blogs, there was a delight that came from checking on your favorite sites and seeing something new, even when unexpected. That was part of what I wanted to create when I started PTP 12 years ago.
(Wow, it really was 12 years ago, dang.)
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about what gives me that feeling now. I don’t find I enjoy social media in that same way, but I do love newsletters. I look forward to my favorites every week. So, I have decided to start the PTP newsletter!
I know nearly nothing about starting or running a newsletter, but I knew nothing about running a blog in 2008 when I started this one, so I’m not about to let that stop me.
And I bet you’re wondering… What do I get if I sign up for this newsletter?
Listen, I get it! I guard my email tightly too! But I love the surprise that I get when I get my favorite newsletters, so I am going to try to translate some of that surprise into the PTP Newsletter.
Right now, the plan is:
- A printable paper doll coloring page
- A collection of links to interesting things on the internet like fashion history resources, news about new paper doll books, news about regular dolls and whatever else I’m finding inspiring at any given moment
- A little ramble from me
- A link to whatever I’ve gotten on the blog that week
- Some highlights from the archives around a theme like fairies, pirates or high heeled shoes or holidays
If you’re not interested in subscribing, not worries! The coloring pages will be available on Etsy in a different format whenever I get around to reformatting them.