Athleisure has grown as a fashion phenomena in the last few years and so today’s paper doll is a celebration of all things athleisure. If I’m going to draw some paper fashion dolls, I figure they deserve the latest fashion looks. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been really needing to make sure I exercise these days. Winter and the pandemic have made me very much in need of breaking into a sweat pretty regularly.

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Of course, my workout clothing isn’t nearly this cute. Maybe I should invest in something much cuter to exercise in. If I am going to draw paper fashion dolls, it seems like at minimum they should get cute work out clothing.

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This version of Topaz was first created way back in 2019. I am recycling her here, but all the clothing is totally new. I still super love her hair. It’s like a 1930s glamour look, but for the gym. Hmm…. maybe not the most practical option.
By the way, have you seen Lane Bryant’s workout line? I haven’t gotten any yet, but their leggings are super cute. I love this floral one and this color blocked option. Living in Alaska means I pretty much 100% shop online, unless I’m in the lower 48 and then I can actually buy things at real stores.
As the year begins to wrap up, I am nearly done with my 366 Day paper doll Project over on Patreon! Now would be a great time to jump in and see the last few weeks of paper doll creations. Then I am taking off January (no charges for anyone on Patreon) for a little vacation and to get my Newsletter up and running smoothly (I hope.)
By the way, you can sign up for the Newsletter here and there will be more information about it in coming weeks.