Like I did last year, this year I wanted to celebrate Halloween with some super cute paper dolls. I created these two paper dolls last year, so you can grab them in the new size and the new format. So, settle in for a nice evening with this super cute Halloween paper dolls printable. Also, I am never sure if the word “printable” should be a noun or an adjective. The questions pondered by English majors.
Pearl is a ghost whose gown is based on the chemise a la reine of the 18th century. Diamond is Frankenstein’s monster with a lab-coat mini-dress.

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I am still super proud of how Pearl’s hair came out! I really wanted that whole “blowing in a wind that isn’t there thing.”
Diamond’s hair still kinda reminds me of a skunk, but hopefully in a good way. 🙂

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Honestly, I have no idea how halloween is going to go this year. Normally, we get a lot of kids. My plan is (if lockdown isn’t happening) is to pass out candy wearing a mask and with kitchen tongs so I don’t touch the candy packaging. But who knows? Things are so strange.
Even if we get no kids, we’ve decorated our porch with lights and a pumpkin and a skeleton on the door. My big rule for Halloween decor is nothing too scary. I was an easily scared kid and I don’t want to ever scare anyone.
Meanwhile, there will another Halloween paper dolls printable later this month with totally new designs- a fairy and a bumble bee. Additionally, if you want even more paper dolls, check out Patreon. My 5 dollar folks have been getting masquerade gowns based on ocean creatures for the last few days.
Not an English major, but a bored HS student.
“So, settle in for a nice evening with this super cute Halloween paper dolls printable.” In this usage, I’m pretty sure it would be a noun. “With… printable” is a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases have a preposition and an object, which is a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause. Process of elimination means printable would be the object, and the rest (besides possibly paper dolls but I didn’t google that part) would be modifiers. So it has to either be a noun or functioning like it. If nothing else, I can change this to these and slap an “s” on printable and it still works. English doesn’t have plural adjectives to my knowledge. Something like “this is printable” would be an adjective, since “printable” would modify the pronoun “this”. Predicate adj, I think. It’s been a while.
Nice dolls. I like Diamond’s skin and the different colors. Pearl’s hair is really pretty too.
printable in this context is a noun.
signed, a writing MFA-holder.
i have been away so long! these are lovely! : D