Still, it doesn’t bother me much when I design things that may or may not be practical (this armor comes to mind), so I guess I shouldn’t worry about it too much.
If you’re interested in seeing how a paper doll outfit kinda “comes together” I did post progress pictures of the “bottom” part of this armor being drawn in my Instagram stories. That was a while ago, but as I’ve said many times. There is a long turn around from idea to finished product.
Literally weeks in most cases. Sometimes even longer.
Part of the reason things take a while to get from sketchbook to blog is that I like to work in batches. Today’s C Pose paper doll outfit is one of six I recently finished. Since I’m posting three times a week and interspersing my C Pose content with outfits for the A & B Pose ladies, it will be a long time before I get all of that material posted.
Frankly, I couldn’t function any other way. I’m constantly impressed by people who can do things once a day for a prolonged period. The only way I survived my recent #100dressproject on Instagram was by drawing two to five dresses at a time. I tried to do the whole “one a day” thing, but that’s just not how I work best. This used to bother me, because you read so many things about how you should just have a “daily art practice”. I do work on my art everyday, but once I feel like I have to do it than somehow my motivation disappears like a ghost at dawn.
Isn’t human motivation odd?
Anyhow, if you like the blog and want to support it consider donating through Patreon. A dollar a month really does help off set my costs.
And if you’d like to give me some non-financial support, comments are always lovely.
Plus, Happy Labor Day to anyone whose celebrating.
Need a paper doll to wear today’s clothing? All the C Pose Dolls & Clothing
The armor looks awesome. I’ve never been able to do the every day thing either. You honestly impress me how often you are able to post.
Well, it’s a matter of working in batches. I’ve always worked well that way. And it’s also a lot of practice.