So, I’ve been coloring paper dolls like a mad woman all week, super enjoying myself.
Here is the first set of girl paper dolls.

The top two dolls are in the A pose. The doll on the left is Alice and the doll on the right is Akiko.
The bottom two dolls are in the B pose. The doll on the left is Benedita and the doll on the right is Beatrix. These girls are still in progress, obviously. I need to color Beatrix and finish coloring Benedita.
Each doll’s face will be used regularly and I’ll note each new style of doll with the term “version” so these are all version 1. The dolls won’t always come with just shoes, but these first ones will in order to establish and certain number of shoes seemed logical. I want to later do themed dolls with at themed outfit, like this Min-Seo punk doll, for example.
There will be guys as well, of course. They will be in the C pose and will all have C names. I am still working on them. Like often happens, the ladies took priority.
So, what do you think? Do you have a favorite already?
I like Akiko, and the A pose. Can’t wait for the clothes!
I hope to post about clothing next week. Assuming things go the way I hope they will. I’ll be traveling, so we’ll see what happens.
Ack so I came back here after about a month and OMG THE LAYOUT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!
Also love the dolls o.o
Thank you! I’ve been wanting to change the layout for almost a year and I decided to give myself the gift of paying for a theme rather than using a free one and doing the edits by hand. I’m glad you like it.