A Tea Gown and an Afternoon Dress for Her Ladyship’s Wardrobe

ladyship-wig-6Tea pots are one of those things which I hate drawing. Somehow, they are a lot harder to draw than one would think. Anyway, I managed to draw one for this paper doll set. I avoid teapots in general.

I also avoid drawing animals, cars and anything involving mechanical parts, particularly gears.

I think accessories are a really fun part of paper doll play. When I was a kid, I had a set called Victorian Cat Paper Dolls and the number of accessories were astonishing. There was even a bed for the youngest daughter of the cat family. I remember painstakingly cutting out every accessory. When I think of that amazing set, I am regretful that I think my own drawing skills limit what sorts of wonderful accessory items I can include. I also think my own imagination limits it. I have trouble coming up with accessory ideas.


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for More Gowns}{Click Here for Base Doll}
Since we have a tea set, there is obviously a tea gown here to go with it. On the right, there is an afternoon dress. I have never felt like I really know what an ‘afternoon’ dress is for. It’s always been my impression that afternoon dresses were dresses one wore when receiving guests, rather than when one was going visiting. Maybe I’m wrong?

What I really need is like an “idiot’s guide to Victorian wardrobes”, so if someone knows of one, totally let me know.

I’m also trying to decide what to do for Hanukkah. Should I do a post a day, like I did last year or should I do a little mini-series? Thoughts?

3 thoughts on “A Tea Gown and an Afternoon Dress for Her Ladyship’s Wardrobe”

  1. I think your teapot looks pretty good. I find it harder to draw things I haven’t seen in real life (teapots like the one you’ve drawn are one of those things).

    Personally, I think a mini-series would be fun.

  2. The hairstyles in this set are the real strength. I think they’re both very interesting and unusual.

    As for a Hanukkah doll, I would love to see one a day that, in some way, educates about the holiday. I am woefully under-informed about this and many other winter holidays & would love to know more.

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