I get asked fairly often for various old paper dolls to be produced in black and white. Considering the number of paper dolls on the blog and the fact that files are not always saved in formats that makes extracting the line work simple. In fact, this might be one of the last sets of these I do for a long time, because I am running out of files that are simple to convert and ending up with sets for which I only have the full merged final PDF. Pulling the black and white out of those files and not ending up with a black and white paper doll of very dubious quality is a challenge.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the Full Color Version}
Nautical Girl was first posted in 2010. Despite being four years old, I still really like her hair and her dress, though I could take or leave her shoes.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the Full Color Version}
Sweater Style was originally conceived as one of four sets which were going to each be a seasonal set. I think this was the fall or winter set (I truly do not recall…). I never did get the series finished and so I just have posted a few of them. At the time, I was living in Illinois where it was very cold in the winters. I rather miss winters when it would actually freeze.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print}{Click Here for the Full Color Version}
Draw because I thought I really needed more jeans in my paper doll sets, Stylish in Denim was a lot of fun. It is one of the rare paper doll sets where I owned at the time a fair number of the actual clothing pieces. It was also an early experiment in purses.
Two quick things I mentioned on Friday, but I wanted to repeat. Email updates aren’t working at the moment. I’m looking for a new WordPress plugin. Also, you can follow me on Twitter @paperpersonas which will let you know when the blog updates, what I am working on and other rather inane details of my life.
You should do a Shakespeare Marisole.Viola from Twelfth Night would be cool. Or a mix of costumes from A Midsummer Nights Dream would be cool too.
Hmmm… I think Shakespeare is rather over done. I mean… there are a lot of other interesting playwrights. I suppose I could do a paper doll of someone really esoteric like Zenocrate from Marlow’s Tamburlaine.
Despite being four years old, I still really like her hair and her dress, though I could take or leave her shoes.
Four years old?
The paper doll was originally drawn about four years ago in 2010.
I love these dolls and I love that you are doing them in black and white. I don’t have a color printer so I used to use photoshop to make them black and white. My younger sisters also enjoy these dolls
Just discovered your paperdolls yesterday and am impressed! Thank you SO much for sharing them! I used to make paperdolls out of old catalogs when I was a little girl. Then when I had my own little girls, I drew some very simple ones for them. Then it was for my granddaughters. My 37 year old daughter asked me to print out some paperdolls she could color with my granddaughters which is how I found yours. We are in love with your paperdolls! I might even customize a paperdoll to use on the handmade cards I do.
I am so happy you enjoy the paper dolls!