Coridel Paper Doll from Paper Closet

Thumbnail of Coridel Paper Doll from Paper Closet

{Click Here for a PDF to Print }{Click Here for the Original Paper Doll in Black and White from Paper Closet }

Thumbnail of Coridel Paper Doll from Paper Closet

{Click Here for a PDF to Print }{Click Here for the Original Paper Doll in Black and White from Paper Closet }

So, I have been wanting to play with digital painting, not something I have much experience with nor something I think I’m very good at. As I was working on playing with these techniques, I decided I need to stop working with my own art. Don’t get me wrong, I love my art, but I also felt like I was too close to it to really feel comfortable playing with it. There was a little too much pressure. So, with the permission of Toria from A Paper Closet, I set to work.

I kept thinking I would do her ballgown, but somehow it never happened. Toria described Cordiel as “a rare beauty of dark brunette hair, smooth pale skin, and clear blue eyes”, but I ended up making her a fire redhead. I hope Toria doesn’t mind some creative liberties taken.

Also, I sort of hope posting this will inspire her to return to updating her blog, because I sorely miss getting to check A Paper Closet for new work. Not to, you know, heap on any guilt or anything… 🙂 (Who am I kidding? I am totally willing to heap on guilt.)

8 thoughts on “Coridel Paper Doll from Paper Closet”

  1. She’s so pretty and well colored. I like that she’s shaded. Have you ever thought about shading your regular dolls? I think they would be really wonderful that way. Thanks for all the great neat paper dolls you do.

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