Sweet Cream: Printable Paper Doll in Black and White

Today’s paper doll is new and in black and white. Next week, she’ll be in color. I just don’t have the colored version done yet and I thought I would post a black and white version first. These are all pieces of clothing I found while looking through magazines in the airport. I really love the full skirted dress with the buttons. I would wear it, but then I love those full skirted vintage looking dresses.


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the rest of this series}

So, I disappeared there for a few days. I got busy and then I got overwhelmed and then I got lazy. But life has settled down a little, though I must confess not very much, and I am able to get some time in to work on feeding the blog. The truth is that while classes are over I have a few things to finish before I graduate and then, only then, can I consider myself done. Plus I am moving soon, so that’s another series of problems to worry about.

I saw the James Bond film Quantum of Solace tonight with friends and I had no idea what was going on for most of the film. I was rather disappointed. I really like James Bond, but…. I dunno. It was an odd film.

4 thoughts on “Sweet Cream: Printable Paper Doll in Black and White”

  1. I have to apologize because I am reading your last 8 posts way out of order, but in one you mentioned continuing the black and white doll, then the colored version later way of posting (I know there’s a word I could use for that, but I am drawing a blank). I think that’s a fantastic idea and you really should. It should free you up a bit and then your readers have the option to play with the colors as much as you do yourself. I generally love the colors you choose, but every so often I wonder what something would look like in a different color. Plus it’s fun to look at the B&W and try to figure out how you’re going to color it. (So far I have been drastically off everytime).

    I’d like to put in a request, if possible, if you would like to do it even, for some superheros. Maybe Pixie & Puck, my little boy has been wishing for some cool paper dolls for boys and I think he’d like your style. If you feel inspired to, of course.

    • Well, two votes for Puck Superheros means I probably should…. 🙂 Plus I like making small children happy. I’ll see what I can do.

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