Skypirate: Curvy Steampunk Paper Doll

So, I was talking to my friend and I said, “I think I want to draw pirates, but I’m not sure…”

And he said, “You should draw Skypirates.”

And I said, “Sure.”

Curves: Skypirate

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here For the Rest of the Series}

And I thought, but I don’t know what a skypirate is, except perhaps a pirate who rides around the sky. I decided that skypirates would need flying ships, obviously, and so I turned to an old Russian folkstory called The Fool and The Flying Ship where in a fool gains a ship which will fly and proceeds to win the hand of a princess. I really loved the book of it we had when I was a kid.

The result is a little less pirate-ish and a little more Eastern European nobleman-esque. The outfit on the left is based on a vest from the Serbiadating about second half of the 19th century which lives in the Victoria and Albert Museum. The pants are from traditional Cassock uniforms and the boots are based on those worn by hot air ballooners in the Victorian era. How’s that for an eleclectic collection of sources?

The outfit on the right’s jacket comes from Albania, also thanks to the V&A Museum. The trousers are based on those worn by sailors and young boys in VIctorian England and the shoes are just a pair of riding boots.

5 thoughts on “Skypirate: Curvy Steampunk Paper Doll”

  1. I love both of these outfits and I think the way you combined the different pieces gives each one a very nice feel of balance and being able to wear them comfortably. I wish more fashion designers could or would use that in their work.

    p.s. I think the PDF link is broken,but it might just be me.

  2. A very cool idea. While I love the outfit closest to the doll, I’m not crazy for her hair. The other outfit is pretty cool too, the boots are really great.

  3. I love the far outfit, but I don’t really like her hair much, but her earrings are really neat. And I like her underwear. Is the pattern supposed to look like clouds?

  4. Lindsey, I’m glad to see that Skypirates are not as random as I feared. (Though I still think they are kinda random.)

    The PDF link seems to be working for me, but I reloaded everything and double checked. If you still have trouble drop me an email (paperthinpersonas (at)

    I’m glad you like the outfits, Corissa. I knew some people wouldn’t like the hair, but you can always dress up a different paper doll in her clothing. All the Curves paper dolls can share clothing.

    And yes, Lizzy, the pattern on her underwear is supposed to be clouds. I’m glad someone could tell. 🙂

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