I ran a bunch of errands today and it took longer then it should have. I get lost a lot here in Illinois, though I am getting better at finding my way around. I used to hit soybean or corn fields whenever I was truly lost and then I knew I need to go back the other way. I swear that pretty much sums of my entire driving life. Somehow living somewhere flat “on a gird” is way more confusing to me than living in a place with hills and wacky streets. Never the less, it is home for the next few years- than onto something new.
where can i found all of marisole monday collection in black and white….My daughter adores these paper dolls and prefer to color them ,she is 6 years old and starting her first paper doll project…..THANKS.
I’m so glad your daughter like Marisole. All of the black and white paper dolls can be found here– there is no specific way to narrow down the selection to just black and white Marisole paper dolls.
I may be adding a black and white Marisole category since I have had a few requests for it, but it won’t be for a while yet. Hope this helps.