A Curvy Fairy Printable Paper Doll for Today

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Sorceresses and Flowers

A curvy blue skinned fairy paper doll with afro-puffs, two pairs of shoes and a lavender dress. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

A curvy fairy paper doll with afro-puffs, two pairs of shoes and a lavender dress. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com..

So, I’ve been drawing Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls since 2013 (which sorta surprised me when I did the math) and I’ve never done a fairy version.

I didn’t even realize that until I was writing today’s post and I thought, “I’ll link to any other fairy B&B content I have.”

And then I was like, oh, I don’t have any. Opps.

Anyway, I’m not sure what that has to do with anything except that I was struck by this while I was writing this post and I wanted to share.

Obviously, today’s fairy printable paper doll is a long time coming. You don’t see a lot of curvy fairies in this world and I think that’s a little sad. Curvy girls can be fairies, too.

Afro-puffs inspired the fairy printable paper doll’s hair. My love of afro-puffs is well documented on this blog and continues apace. Along with not seeing a lot of curvy fairies, you don’t see a lot of fairies with natural hairstyles either.

I almost gave her more natural brown skin as well, but then I was like, she’s still a fantasy creature. Plus I have an odd fondness for blue skin.

(Not unlike my odd fondness for afro-puffs.)

If you’re not sure about the blue skin, than there’s a lilac version over on my Patreon page. It’s open the public so anyone can view it. My patrons got to see it on Saturday.

Meanwhile, let me know. Do the B&B girls need more fairies in 2018? And if not, what else would you like to see?

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A new paper doll for the B&B Sorceress Gowns Project!

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Sorceresses and Flowers

A fantasy paper doll with a gown from paperthinpersonas.com.

A paper doll adventuring outfit with a belted tunic over a shirt, leggings and boots. She also has a sword.

Back in April I asked my Patrons what I could do for an ongoing series and they voted on sorceress gowns. So, my goal with the with the Sorceress Gowns Project was to create a series of gowns for a sorceress. That’s probably obvious.

I also thought I should make a few dolls to wear the gowns. So, I designed this one to go with my last one from April. There are plenty of B&B dolls that fit with the theme from before April of this year. I think this doll, this doll, and this doll both have a sorceress feel to them.

I thought about doing another over the top hair style as I did with last doll to go with the gowns. But I decided that the simple long hair was a nice counter-balance to the complex gown.

I had a lot of fun coloring the gown in these muted spring time colors. There’s something very spring feeling to me to this gown. I think it’s the light colors combined with the floral motif that gets me feeling that way.

Of course, she needs gowns to be a sorceress. There are four gowns so far, one for each elements. You can see them all here under the Sorceress Gowns Project tag. I do try to organize these things somewhat. It’s my natural librarian tendencies.

As always, I hope you’ve enjoyed the paper dolls this week and I always love to hear what you think, so leave a comment if you like.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A New Modern Curvy Paper Doll and Her Summery Chambray Dress

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:Chambray Summer Dresses and Sandals

A redheaded paper doll with a chambray dress and two pairs of sandals from paperthinpersonas.com. Free to print in color or black and white.

A curvy printable paper doll with a chambray dress and two pairs of sandals from paperthinpersonas.com. Free to print in color or black and white.

Sometimes, I draw paper dolls and I have wonderful detailed ideas of what I want to say about them. Sometimes, I draw paper dolls and I have really nothing to say about them. Today’s paper doll falls into the later category. I just don’t really have much meaningful to say about her.

I like her, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not as full of complex inspiration as some of my other work.

She was a case of drawing the dress and then drawing a doll to go with the dress. I wanted to draw a short chambray dress. One of the big trends this summer is chambray dresses. I mostly use chambray for sewing doll jeans. It’s super useful for that, but it also works really well as a sundress material.

My plan was to make two sundresses and use them as a clothing post. I hated the other sundress so much that I scribbled it out of my sketchbook, so that didn’t work out.

To salvage the dress that I had, I decided to draw a doll do go with it. Drawing her hair gave me a chance to practice short hair. I need to practice short hair more. Also, I am sort of in love with her eyebrows and I can’t explain why.

I designed her shoes to be basics. I wanted them to go with pretty much anything else she might decide to wear.

So, what do you think? Cute? Looking slightly pissed off? Let me know in a comment. I always love to hear from you all.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

B&B Curvy Paper Dolls Visit the Groovy 1970s

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: 1970s and Platform Shoes and Afros and People Whose Blogs I Admire
A black paper doll with an afro and 1970s fashion with shoes and a dress. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

A paper doll Princess Lolita outfit with thigh high socks from paperthinpersonas.com. Available in color or black and white for coloring.

Years ago, Debbie of Black Doll Collecting asked for a 1970s fashion inspired black paper doll with a huge afro. It’s one of those ideas that has been percolating for a long long time.

But I super respect Debbie as the authority on black dolls that she is. She has opened my eyes to examples of early black dolls that are super rare like Cynthia from the 1950s and these early Effanbee dolls.

So, I decided that my ignorance was no excuse to not give it a go. I did some research on 1970s black culture and set to work on creating today’s paper doll.

The 1970s were an interesting era for black culture. The Black is Beautiful movement was in full force bringing with it respect for traditional hairstyles like the afro and dutch wax print fabrics. There were even Black is Beautiful paper dolls produced in 1969, another thing I learned from Debbie’s blog. Black owned toy companies, like Shindana, were bringing out black dolls for children. Meanwhile, blaxploitation films began flourishing in Hollywood when Shaft came out in 1971.

Now, that we’ve all learned about the 1970s, let’s talk today’s paper doll.

Her hair is the first afro I have drawn that I am actually pretty proud of. It’s a little big perhaps for the 1970s, but maybe not? There is that famous scene in Foxy Brown where Pam Grier pulls a gun from her afro.

Her dress is from McCall’s 2316 sewing pattern from 1970 and her shoes are both from the early 1970s as well. Both shoe designs were taken from 20th Century Fashion by John Peacock.

Normally, I steer clear of brown shoes on brown skin, but I actually really liked how the shoes colors (from Peacock’s book) coordinated with the paper doll’s ebony skin-tone.

In my research, I watched Chris Rock’s documentary, Good Hair, which wasn’t very helpful about historical black fashion, but it was a fascinating window into a world I know nearly nothing about. It also made me feel super cheap for complaining at how much my hair cuts cost. If you haven’t seen it and you’re interested in fashion or culture, I strongly recommend it.

Meanwhile, I’d love to hear what you think of today’s paper doll in a comment. I love to hear from y’all.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here.

A Curvy Retro Inspired Space Alien Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Retro Space Aliens and Pink Boots
A blue skinned curvy retro alien paper doll printable with pink boots and a pink dress. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

A curvy retro alien paper doll to print with pink boots and a pink dress. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

I like retro sci-fi. I like all sci-fi really. I’m loving Dark Matter at the moment and I have a deep spot place in my heart for Star Trek and Star Wars. Still, as much as I enjoy Dark Matter, I don’t really enjoy drawing the “gritty” sci-fi aesthetic.

There’s only so many pairs of black pants you can draw for a paper doll.

So, today’s sci-fi paper doll is very retro inspired. She’s blue skinned and her dress is very much of the 1960s retro feel. She’s got pink boots and shaggy hair. Now, my only major regret about her is that to make her hair “work”, you really need to print two, cut one’s head off and paste the head over the first head, because the drape of the hair would cover the high neckline of the dress.

Almost makes me wish I used Boot’s separate head method of paper doll creation.

Anyway, the pink dress is designed to wrap around the dolls legs and be visible from behind. There’s something kinda Jane Jetson going on with the dress. Maybe a bit to sexy for Jane, but you know what I mean.

If you think she needs some more sci-fi inspired clothing here’s another foray I made into retro sci-fi or some candy colored cyberpunk looks might be more your style. Also, if she needs a friend, here’s my other retro inspired alien girl from earlier this year.

So, what do you think? Fun? Do we need more fashions from space! Space fashions. Spashions, you might say.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

A Sorceress Paper Doll & Her Gown in Muted Colors, Plus the Beginning of a New Project

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Sorceresses, really. Just Sorceresses.
A tanned paper doll with a fancy blond updo decorated with braids and a gown with boots. Free printable in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com.

A curvy paper doll with an elaborate updo decorated with braids and a gown with boots. Free printable coloring page in black and white from paperthinpersonas.com.

So, a few months ago I posted this outfit which I had originally drawn to be part of the Greta’s Trousseau project and I realized how much I missed doing longer term themed projects.

I polled my Patrons asking what they would like to see and while I secretly hoped the Space Princess idea would win, the Sorceress ended up winning. I’ve opened the post up, so you can see the options that I offered.

Frankly, all the ideas would have been fun.

Anyway, I didn’t draw this first, I started with some dresses based on elements- fire, water, air, earth. But I really wanted to post a doll to go with the dresses and I thought she should go up first.

She is the Sorceress doll. She has two books for recording her magical experiments, a hair style to keep it out of her face and a layered gown.

The colors of the gown were inspired by moss and wild flowers. Muted colors and soft shades, I settled on.

I was playing around with my camera when I sketched this doll’s face, so you can watch me draw it in time-lapse (though not great timelapse, let’s be clear). I posted it on the blog’s Facebook page back in February.

I hope to do more of these time-lapse things, but I need to get a better set up and use my tripod. Otherwise, the camera will shake as it does in the facebook version.

By the way, what do people think? Do you like the idea of a series of sorceress gowns? Is there something I should draw after I finish the four elements? Other theme ideas?

Let me know in a comment. I love hearing from you all.

And if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron. The support helps a great deal.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

The New B&b Girl: A Vintage Styled Brunette Curvy Paper Doll

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations:The Pattern on a Mechanical Pencil from Target
A retro inspired curvy brunette paper doll and her vintage styled dress, plus shoes. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print for personal use.

A retro inspired curvy brunette paper doll and her vintage styled dress, plus shoes. Part of the Bodacious and Buxom paper doll series, she can wear any of their clothing. Free to print anc color for personal use.

The pattern on today’s printable paper doll dress was inspired by the pattern on a mechanical pencil I got from my boss as a Christmas present. I thought it was super cute.

I don’t judge where your art ideas come from. That’s all I’m saying.

Actually, that pattern was really the inspiration for the entire paper doll. Once I knew I wanted to draw the pattern, then the style of dress, something vintage looking, naturally followed. The black and white version, she just seemed brunette to me and I also couldn’t help but notice I hadn’t done a fair skinned B&B paper doll in a long while.

So, all these forces combined to bring you today’s vintage inspired brunette B&B printable paper doll.

Now I’m curious, what is the strangest thing you have ever based art off of? Anyone else gotten inspiration from the pattern off a mechanical pencil? Let me know in a comment.

And if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron or following the facebook page.

Plus, still my Reader2017 coupon running in the Etsy store if you want to pick up some paper dolls.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

B&B: An Asian-American Paper Doll with a Modern Dress

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Shoes! Mostly. 

A curvy Asian paper doll from the B&B paper doll series. Free to print in color or black and white from paperthinpersonas.com.

Once in a while, it is all about the shoes and this is one of those once in a while moments, I gotta admit. I just had so much fun designing shoes, plus I wanted to make sure my new member of the B&B paper doll family had at least two options when she went out into the world.

There are other things going on here than shoes, of course, and one of them is that paper doll diversity is super important to me. I realized a few months ago that I hadn’t drawn an Asian paper doll for the B&B series since I made Chic Chick back in 2015.

So, I wanted to add another Asian or Asian-American paper doll girl to the B&B paper doll family. Plus, I just noticed she is in a very similar color scheme to Chic Chick, so she can totally share clothing, no problem. I did not do that on purpose.

I sometimes worry people think I am WAY more organized about that kinda stuff than I actually am.

Tomorrow, there will be a fantasy gown for the Mini-Maiden series. So, that should be super fun.

And if you love the blog, think about becoming a patron.

So, what do you think of today’s B&B paper doll? Do you love her shoes as much as I do? Leave me a comment and let me know. I love hearing from you guys.

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here

B&B: A Curvy Black Princess & Her Amazing Boots

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Today’s Printable Paper Doll Inspirations: Pageant Hair, The Toddler Paper Dolls of Paper Doll School, A Pixie Set Called Dionsia, and Boots Made for Walkin’.

A brown skinned fantasy paper doll to print with some dark rockin' boots and an elegant gown. Free from paperthinpersonas.com.

Can I confess that my favorite part of today’s curvy paper doll to print are those amazing boots? I want them. I don’t know where I would ever wear them, but I would find a way.

For a while, Julie of Paper Doll School was making Toddler Paper Dolls inspired by some of her older paper doll sets. Like this toddler paper doll set named Riley is based on an older set named Ruby.  I thought this was a really cool idea, but wasn’t sure how to develop it my way.

On occasion readers have asked if I could redraw something from one paper doll series for a different series. I’ve always said no. Drawing the exact same outfit again sounded boring. But watching Julie’s process, I was inspired to look back at my own work and see what ideas were sparked.

So, today’s curvy paper doll to print from the B&B series is based on a Pixie paper doll named Dionsia.  The paper dolls share a color scheme and Dionsia’s clothing inspired both today’s gown and tomorrow’s gown- both for my curvy B&B paper doll series.

If you love the blog, than think about supporting it by becoming a Patron. There’s perks like a unique paper doll series and behind the scenes images. If you’re not up for that, consider following the blog on Twitter and/or telling a friend about it.

Tomorrow, there will be another fantasy gown inspired by the Dionsia paper doll set and owls.

Love the paper doll? Hate the paper doll? Just wanna tell me something? Leave a comment!

Need to get some more clothing for this Bodacious & Buxom paper doll to wear? Pick out some clothing here.

Buxom and Bodacious at the End of the World

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All right, we are going head out to the end of the world. This paper doll was created as the partner paper doll to World’s End.

This is an old set. I say that, but I hadn’t realized how old until I remembered that I drew it, because I watched Mad Max: Fury Road. That movie came out May 2015 which means I drew this set over a year ago.

Not that it is that uncommon for me to wait that long, but I was a little surprised when I did the math.

This was a set with a LOT of accessories. So many that I have both enough for an Accessory Thursday post and enough to scatter around the sets each day.

I am a little worried about today’s paper doll, because she doesn’t have any weapons for protection. She might need some, but I bet my unnamed Asian paper doll from World’s End would share.

I wonder if I should start naming the Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls… What do you all think? It would make it easier to refer to them.

Meanwhile, please think about supporting the blog through Patreon or following it on Twitter.

Plus let me know if you think I should start naming the Bodacious & Buxom paper dolls.

Bodacious & Buxom: A Curvy Fantasy Paper Doll & Her Nightgown

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Our theme this week is fantasy gowns and this is the first Bodacious & Buxom set of paper dolls to be posted in the new format! Exciting, no? (Okay, maybe just for me.)

A few things, every dress this week was colored based on the color scheme of an older paper doll set which I thought was kinda a cool idea. Plus it saved me from having to come up with color schemes all my own. See? Saved by my own laziness.

That’ll start tomorrow.

Meanwhile, our curvy fantasy paper doll has a nightgown, because every girl needs a nightgown. My only big regret with this paper doll is her hair. I had planned on a big, over the top, fantasy hair style, but then I thought it didn’t go with the dresses and I think I redrew her hair about six times before finally saying, “Good Riddance!”

And just making it long and simple.

If you’re thinking, her hair is boring, I want a different model… I’ve set up a Dolls category and a Clothing category for the Bodacious and Buxom paper dolls and I am currently working on populating those categories for the other paper doll series. So, you can find all the dolls and all the clothing.

Meanwhile, please feel free to follow the blog on Twitter @paperpersonas. And if you love it, support it through Patreon. Patrons get early previews, extra outfits and to listen to me ramble about process.

And who doesn’t want to listen to me ramble about that?

Patron or not, I hope you enjoy today’s paper doll and her dresses this week.


Happy 4th of July… Here is a Paper Doll!

4th-of-july-logo Happy 4th of July! There are a lot of 4th of July printables out there, but I don’t see a lot of 4th of July printable paper dolls and is there anything better than a paper doll activity for the small ones coming to your bbq?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the 4th of July, also known as Independence Day lately. Politics in the United States this year have gotten horribly vicious, I think everyone can agree. It’s a strange thing to see. But the 4th of July should be a day when people in the United States can celebrate the fact that even when our politics get nasty, we’re still living in a pretty fantastic place.

So, I’m pretty proud to be American, even though right now I’d like to get to stop hearing about our Presidential elections. Actually, I was sick of hearing about the Presidential elections about four months ago and we’ve got a long way to go it feels like.

And that is all the politics you’re going to get from me today.

Meanwhile, here’s a 4th of July printable paper doll!

A 4th of July printable paper doll with short dark hair and brown skin. She has a 8 piece wardrobe. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

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In a change of pace from my other 4th of July paper dolls, I went with short hair. I had fun with cookout accessories including a burger and a drink. I was going to draw a hotdog, but did you know?

Hot dogs are actually really very hard to draw. Huh.

I don’t think anyone will be shocked that I went with a red, white, and blue color scheme.

A 4th of July printable paper doll with short dark hair and brown skin. She has a 8 piece wardrobe. Free to print from paperthinpersonas.com.

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So, I was originally going to color the drink like it was lemonade, but it looks kinda unpleasant once it was colored, so I went with a sorta coca-cola color.

May everyone have a great 4th of July if you’re celebrating or a delightful Monday if you’re not.