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Thoughts on Today’s Paper Doll
So, there’s something a little mass production about how I think about paper dolls sometimes. It’s like, if one is hard than two isn’t that much harder. This isn’t always the best trait in the world and I blame my father for it. He’s a man who always thinks in terms of manufacturing. I love him, but once in a while, I just want to make one batch of cookies (not three), you know?
Anyway, back when I was planning the Jewels and Gemstones debut I decided it would be just was easy to draw two of every doll (because really what’s one extra hairstyle?) as it would be to draw one and then I would have some built in backlog.
But wait, you say, I don’t recognize Amethyst from the first week.
And that is because she was a Patron exclusive when she debuted.
But this version is not, so now everyone gets to see Amethyst.
Inspiration for Today’s Paper Doll
Her skin tone is based on Karen David whose in the show Galavant. Galavant hasn’t been on for a while, but I love that show with a passion that is no totally rational. Seriously, guys, it’s a sitcom with singing set in a medieval fantasy world. How could that possibly be bad?
Specific Source Images: Nothing super specific this time. I probably looked up sandals in Pinterest. I usually do.
Learn/See More
On the Blog: More Jewels & Gemstones Paper Dolls
Around the Internet: Amethyst Snow Princess on Patreon (Patrons Only)
Last Thoughts
So, if you haven’t seen Galavant, just watch this youtube video of the song “Lords of the Sea” about pirates on land and I hope it makes you giggle. It makes me giggle every time.
Tomorrow, there will be a fantasy outfit with a sword and then we’ll see where the week takes us. Probably to coats, but I’m not sure yet.
As always, I love to hear about what you think of today’s paper doll, so please feel free to leave me a comment. (Right now, because my spam filter is acting up a bit, I am having to manually approve comments that go through the filter, so just be aware there might be delay between commenting and me seeing the comment and approving.)