Maybe it’s because I’m a cardigan wearing librarian in the real world (seriously, I wear a cardigan to work nearly very day), but people are always shocked to find me listening to the Sex Pistols and the Ramones in my car.
I don’t know why. I love 1970s classic punk music and so today I thought I’d feature the paper dolls I’ve drawn embracing punk fashion. I think this is all of them, but this collection wasn’t was easy to put together as some of my other archives dives might be.
Most of the Punk Paper Dolls of Paper Thin Personas
I know it might have been more apropos to do a cybergoth round up today, since that was this week’s theme, but as I’ve only ever drawn one cybergoth paper doll- Circuits and Fishnet– before this week I didn’t feel like that was really enough for an archives dive when a simple link would do.