One of the things I really love to do is hold drawings where the winner gets a custom paper doll. Part of the fun of these contests is that I never know what people are going to ask for and sometimes I am really surprised.
Over the years, I have done everything from a 10th-century Anglo-Saxon paper doll to a pair of Puck paper dolls ready for a date. I’m always fascinated at what people ask for, though usually it’s a Marisole Monday & Friends paper doll set.
As always when I create one of these paper doll print outs, a part of me is very nervous. I always worry that I am not going to “get it right” for the person who asked for the paper doll set.
Morgan asked “For the clothes something comfy but still sort of dressy, tomboyish but still girly, if that makes any sense. For the hair color and style, curly long orangish red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. But if possible I would love to have the color theme be turquoise.” And she was kind enough to send me some great reference images.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for More Marisole Monday & Friends Printable Paper Dolls}
As I usually do with drawing winners, I wanted to post both of these sets at once, as I don’t think it is nice to make my winners wait when they have been so kind to wait a few weeks anyway.
Color scheme wise, I was asked for turquoise which is one of my favorite colors (well, teal really). Beyond being really hard to spell, it’s also a color with lots of variation. Since it can be a fairly green color or a fairly blue color, I wanted to use several shades. Now, I tend to stay away from monochromatic schemes, so I also used a bright yellow and a bright green as accent colors.
{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for More Marisole Monday & Friends Printable Paper Dolls}
Anyway, I hope you like your paper doll set Morgan and if the color scheme isn’t quite what you imagined, let me know. I can recolor her. I always worry about color schemes. Meanwhile, to my other winner, I promise your paper doll will be up in a few weeks.
By the way, I think this is the first contemporary paper doll I’ve ever done with just pants and no skirts or dresses. I haven’t been through all the archives to confirm that, but I think it’s true.
Weekend Denim, I love it! I agree, the outfits look comfortable, contemporary and dressy. Keep up the great work, I really love your colorful, artistic talent. I look forward to see what you will think of next. I love it. Thank you! Cisco
P.S. I just ordered a paper doll book of costumes from the PBS show, Downton Abbey, from artist, Eileen Rudisill Miller. I like that you also have a MM&F doll of that era. Maybe you could make a Pixie and Puck of something of the 1910’s.
I think the color scheme is really awesome!! Teal/turquoise is my favorite color, so I’m debating whether or not to print it out (I usually print out black and white ones,not color) Do you think I should?
Wow i love it!! Thank you!!
OMG those clothes look sooooooo comfy………. XD I love it!!!
BTW, I had an idea for a really cool paper doll:Roller Derby/Roller Rink doll. I know you probably won’t make it, but it’s just a suggestion if you are ever stuck and need a Marisole Monday/other paper doll idea. I love all the work you do and I wish I could meet you in real life. You are amazing!!!!!!!!