Starting off 2015 with a Marcus 2.0 paper doll as my first Marisole Monday & Friends set. I wanted to do a Marisole doll for 2015, but I didn’t have done finished and this was finished, so up it goes. In total, there were 23 new Marisole Monday & Friends designs posted last year which I think is fairly close to a personal best. I haven’t checked my previous years to find out.
Today, we have Marcus 2.0 as a warrior. I wanted to do something fairly generic fantasy which would set Marcus up for when he might need to slay dragons or something. It’s not real armor, but closer in style to my Lord of the North set for Marcus 1.0 or he could be a companion for my Spirit of the North (though he won’t have blue skin) or my Anglo-Saxon paper doll, though there’s nothing historical about him. I’m sure there are other fantasy paper doll sets he would fit in with.
He does have a statement necklace and some useful swords.

Right now, there’s a little drawing/contest so enter that if you wanna.
he’s awesome, can’t wait to see how you color him.
well done ~ you should be proud!
: D
Thanks, Boots. That means a lot to me coming from you. 🙂
First off: LOVE the fantasy. I like fantasy SO much better than modern clothes for many reasons. Second, I’ve been going over old Marisoles and I think that it would be really cool to see the ninja Marisole in black and white. Or just a new ninja (with suits in elemental colours)!
I’m with you on the new ninja!
Why thank you!
I’ll add your suggestion to my list of requests, but I’m just not that into Ninjas.
RLC, Marcus 2.0 looks wonderful! I can never draw boys, and have never really been a fan of boy’s clothes either. I have a suggestion – maybe one you wouldn’t want to do, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to suggest it – for a mini-series. I thought you could make an elemental fairies set, with 4 fairies: a water-themed one, an air-themed one, an earth-themed one, and a fire-themed one. I will not be offended in the slightest if you don’t take the offer, I just thought I would suggest it.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will add it to my list of requests which is ever growing.
oooh, I like the Elemental Fairy idea.