I showed off this printable paper doll in my sketch book back in October along with Southwest Boho and a few future paper doll sets. She was inspired by September’s wonderful fashion magazines.
Florals are in this season (or so the fashion magazines inform me). This suits me just fine, as generally, I like a good floral pattern and I have been having fun drawing them. Plus I think complex patterns make for more fun when coloring.
I usually do my patterns as one motif, or parts of a motif, and then place them using photoshop. I used to think this was cheating, but have decided it saves time and actually creates a better finished product.
All of these florals were created this way and the bird pattern on the sweater which I keep forgetting isn’t a floral. Birds are not flowers, after all.
I digress.

Until then, I will keep erratically drawing afros on paper dolls for practice.
Not much else to say, except that I successfully finished my 50,000 word novel Sunday as part of National Novel Writing Month. This is the sixth or seventh year I have attempted the challenge of writing 50,000 words in 30 days and only the second time I’ve won.
Did anyone else do National Novel Writing Month this year?
Also, if you have been getting emails from the email notification system, could you please let me know in a comment? I’m not getting them, but I can’t tell if it is the code or it is my email settings. Thanks.
Yes, I’m getting notifications by e-mail 🙂
Thank you for letting me know. Now I need to go check my email settings.
Congratulations on winning NaNo! I’m getting the emails. I think your afros are getting better. This one definitely has the right texture.
Yeah, I’ve done nano six or seven times. This is the second time I have actually completed my novel. It’s bad and has plot holes you can drive a truck through, but it is done.
My husband agrees that this afro is better, and suggested that the hairline should be similar to Caucasian hairline, and to “imagine drawing clouds as hair”. He also suggested looking at how they did the hair in The Boondocks. (He knows ‘fros; he wore one most of his life until he went with dreads.)
Yeah one of the challenges with the Marisole Monday & Friends paper dolls is how low their foreheads all are. It’s a pet peeve of mine, but that’s neither here nor there.
The ‘fro is awesome. A disco girl paper doll would be pretty cool. Ya know, a massive ‘fro, big hoops, lots of bell bottom pants with wacky patterns… I have LOADS of ideas. 😀
I shall add that suggestion to my list of ideas. 🙂
Congrats on winning! I did Nano this year. It was my first year, and I won! This set is nice set. I used some of your dolls as inspiration. Have you ever gotten a book published?