I have actually been having more fun with my Poppets paper doll series than I ever thought I would. I am not terribly keen on paper dolls of children, but I do love paper dolls of dolls, so I have been enjoying the Poppets. Something I want to do in the future is create some historical costumes for them. I really love antique dolls with their trousseau of clothing and trunks. When I was a kid, I remember reading A Little Princess over and over again. In the book, the main character, Sarah has a doll name Emily. The part I read over and over again as a child was about Emily and her extensive wardrobe.
So perhaps when Greta’s Trousseau is finished (if it is ever finished), I will work on a similar project for the Poppets. There could be a trunk and a bunch of little dresses and then toys and… Maybe I should worry about that after I have a bit of a backlog rebuilt.
Meanwhile, today we have a historical inspired country feeling jumper and vintage inspired blouse with boots.

I really like the Poppets and I can’t wait to get more clothing for them. I am totally excited about the idea of historical stuff. I’d love to see some things from the 1930s, that’s one of my favorite periods for kids fashion. I just think everything from that era is totally cute. I was wondering why there wasn’t a Marisole this Monday. I missed her.
My goal with the blog has always been to up date it with two paper doll sets a week. Most often one of these is a Marisole Monday set, but lately I’ve been having trouble coming up with ideas that I want to draw for her, so I’ve been doing other things instead.