Marisole Monday: Coastal Princess

Today, we have Margot rocking a fantasy look. I know the title seems of today’s paper doll seems a little odd. There’s nothing obviously seafaring about this paper doll, but I already knew that I wanted an ocean color scheme for her before I posted today’s Margot. On Saturday, I went to my favorite game shop to pick up some new dice and met a nice art student with whom I chatted for a while. He spoke so vividly about the colors of the entertainment sea that I knew I wanted to use them in my next paper doll set. You’ll have to wait to next week to see her colored, but I think she’s going to look wonderful.


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Spring has come to Alabama and with it pollen. I never used to have allergies and now I am sniffling and sneezing up a storm. No one warned me about this problem when I moved here… It’s beautiful. The trees are blooming. The birds are singing. And I have forgotten what it feels like to have both nostrils working. People keep saying it will be over soon, but I wonder what “soon” actually means.

Back on the paper doll front, I always have trouble coming up with accessory items for the paper dolls. Does anyone have ideas for medieval fantasy-ish sets like this one? I seem to draw a lot of books and boxes and scrolls and swords. I suppose more jewelry would be an option… I need to think on it. Though this might be the last fantasy paper doll set for a while. I’m feeling a little restless with the style.

4 thoughts on “Marisole Monday: Coastal Princess”

  1. Gorgeous as usual! As for accessories, you could consider musical instruments – a lyre or harp, maybe? Or a basket with either food or flowers like she’s going to market. A big square embroidery frame would be appropriate – you could even design a little tapestry on it. What about a falcon for her arm? That might be fun.

    I looked everywhere for paper dolls that I could use to teach professional wardrobe coordination. I am SO GLAD to have found your site. The pieces in the modern Marisoles and Pixies are great for mixing and matching. Thanks so much for all your hard work!

  2. i agree musical instrements would be really coll acessoreis to have mabey a quill pen or other old fashioned acessories…

    • Drawing a musical instrument sounds scary… but it’s a pretty good idea. I shall think on it.

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