Commercial Fisher: Printable Paper Doll

Technically, it’s just past midnight here in Illinois, but its still Monday in Alaska, so I think she still counts as on time.

When I was a child, the we’d go out for a few weeks each summer and commercially fish for salmon and halibut, so I wanted it to be accurate beyond my own memories. Commercial fishing is some of the most back breaking labor I have ever done. It’s hard work, but you can’t beat the views. When I was 16, I was offered the choice of working for the summer fishing or finding a job.

I found a job.


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My mom actually requested this paper doll a few months ago and it took me a while to decide what exactly to include on the sheet (Hi mom!). So, we have Marisole, with coloring as close to a self portrait of me as you’ll ever get on this blog, and she has a wardrobe of proper fishing clothing from her heavy duty dark green rain gear (overalls and a jacket) to her bright orange rubber gloves for baiting hooks and cutting fish. She comes with a small Pacific Halibut (slime not included) and a King Salmon, though neither looks as good as I wanted it too. She also has a gaffhook, a gutting knife and a little green tin of bag balm to wear under her gloves.

The cold storage we sold our fish too was in Hoonah, Alaska and it gave away baseball caps. I still remember my father walking around in his jeans with his bright pink Hoonah Cold Storage cap on his head. I had one for years, but I don’t know what happened to it. So, Marisole has one of those too along with some t-shirts, jeans and long underwear. Most importantly, Marisole has her Xtratuff boots which are a required part of any fisherperson’s wardrobe.

Personally, I think she’s prepared for her adventure.

Edit 3/28/2016: There is now a black and white version of this paper doll. Find it here.

13 thoughts on “Commercial Fisher: Printable Paper Doll”

  1. Great outfit! Marisole looks really ready to go to sea. I’ll send you a fresh Hoonah Cold Storage baseball hat, can’t imagine life without one. Love, Dad.

  2. Wow – so stylish on the sea and clearly ready to clean and ice those fish. I really like the rain gear, long underware and baseball hat. Did you know these days troopers wear fuzzy sweat pants under their rain pants. It’s so much more comfortable. Thank you for drawing a paper doll just for me!

    Love you, Mom

    • So, Bag Balm is a salve with about the consistency of Petroleum Jelly. I think technically its purpose is for chapped cow udders (or something), but on the boat we smeared it on our hands before putting on unlined rubber gloves to gut fish or bait hooks. It does a great job of protecting your skin from the water and helps keep your hands warm. Plus it deals with any cracking or drying out of the hands from being covered in non-porous rubber. It’s wonderful stuff.

  3. Thank you for breathing life back into what I thought was a dying, if not already dead, art! These are fabulous! You are amazing and I appreciate the time and effort you have put into your creations!

    Amber K.

  4. She is SO pretty!! I only wish she was in black and white… 🙁 But, who cares! She’s pretty enough to look at. 😀

  5. This is AMAZING! I live in Southeast Alaska (south of Hoonah), and I couldn’t believe it when I saw your paper doll with Xtra Tuff boots!!! (and the orange rubber gloves, the gaff hook, and the bibs). Thanks for sharing!

    • Yeah, this one started as my mom telling me it as a joke and I was like, “Oh I could totally do that!” I’m so glad a fellow fisher enjoyed it!

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